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Mariclare Braunsdorf


1. Respect.
The expectation is that you will respect yourself, your teacher, your peers, as well as all
classroom and building materials/equipment.

2. Put forth your best effort at all times.

3. Be prepared for class each day.
Have all necessary classroom materials. Be seated when the bell rings.

4. Pay attention, participate, and ask questions.

5. All assignments are to be turned in on the due date.
The expectation is that assignments will be completed and submitted on time. Late work is
unacceptable and only absent work will be accepted after given due date.

Attendance will be taken daily. When the bell rings, student should be seated in their assigned seats.
Attendance will be taken when the bell rings. If student is not in assigned seat, it is assumed they are
absent and will be marked as such. Frequent absences will result in a call home, as well loss of points
from participation points.

Assignments should be have name, date, and class period written on them. Points may be docked if any
of these are missing. Assignments are to be turned in on designated due date which will be disclosed
when assignment is given. All assignments should be turned into the assigned box for your class. You
are responsible for getting assignments turned in. Do not hand any assignments to me, they go into
assigned location. If absent and it’s excused, you will have the chance to make up in-class assignments.
Absent work will be in dated folders at the homework station.

You are expected to participate in class. There will be a grade for participation. To contribute in group
discussions, raise your hand and wait to be called upon. Only when called upon may you contribute.
Speaking out of turn will result in loss of participation points. Not attempting to participate by raising
hand will loss of participation points. Frequent absences result in loss of participation points.
Required Materials
You are expected to bring paper, writing materials, laptop, and any required text each day. These will
not be supplied. If you come unprepared you will lose participation points.

Leaving room during class time

This should be limited and only done as an emergency. Do not interrupt lecture or activity to ask to use
restroom. You may go to the restroom if pass is available.

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