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Pedoman Penskoran

a. Petunjuk Penilaian Soal Pilihan Ganda

Nomor Soal Bobot Soal
1-20 5

Jumlah skor 100

Jika benar mendapatkan skor 100
Jika salah mendapatkan skor 0

Penentuan Nilai = N = Skor Perolehan x 100

Skor Maksimal

b. Petunjuk Penilaian Soal Essay

Bobot Kriteria
No. Butir Pertanyaan soal Pensekoran
0 5 10 15 20
1. What is the differences between
passport and visa and give the 20
example of it?
2. Make an example of address based 25
on business address!
3. There are many terms of “street” in 25
the united states, mention four of
them and elaborate it!

4. Give three examples of: 15

a. Positive Degree
b. Comparative Degree
c. Superlative Degree

5. Elaborate what do you know about 15

“surname” and give an example!

Jumlah skor maksimal = 100

Skor Perolehan Nilai = x100

Skor Maksimal Kriteria Nilai
A = 89 - 100 Baik sekali
B = 77 - 88 Baik
C = 65 - 76 Cukup
D = <65 kurang=

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