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Lesson Plan Format

Name ___________________________Date:_________


1. Descriptive Title of Lesson:

History of the old kingdom

2. Date of Lesson:
November 26th

3. Grade Level(s) being taught:

10th grade

4. Subject and Topic:

World history, ancient egypt/old kingdom
5. 3 Objectives of Lesson: Students will be able to (SWABAT)
1. Identify main Egyptian gods and goddesses
2. Describe gods and goddess traits
3. Understand how gods and goddesses impacted egypt

6. State Standards: Write out complete information

SS-WH.9-12.13. Describe the impact of culture and institutions on societies.

SS-WH.9-12.21. Investigate cultural advancements within societies with

attention to belief systems, ideologies, the arts, science and technology

7. Vocabulary Words: (and definitions)

Ra- the sun god, and god of creation
Amun- one of the most powerful god. “King of gods”
Anubis- Guardian and protector of the dead
Ptah- god of rebirth, could restore life to deceased
Maat- goddess of harmony, order, and truth
Thoth- god of wisdom, magic, and time
Osiris- God of the underworld
Hathor- goddess of beauty and patron of the cosmetic art
Isis- goddess of childbirth and motherhood
8. List all Materials used in Lesson: (specify what type of handouts, books, ipads,
pencil, paper, etc.)

Pencil, paper
Slides for powerpoint presentation

9. Duration: (Time; Length of Lesson; may be one session or continued for

several days with different parts)

Old kingdom in general will be a three day unit, but gods and goddesses
will be one day.

10. Anticipatory Set (Hook): Quick Introduction

Give a summary of the lesson on a slideshow

“Today we will be talking about the Old Kingdom. We will go over a powerpoint
of gods and goddesses. It will talk about who they were, what they did, etc.
Afterward we will have an activity.”

Instruction and Learning Activity

11. Instructional Input: (Teaching the lesson): Describe in list or paragraph form.
Include as many DETAILS as possible.

- We are going to set up a slideshow with information of each God and

- On the slides we will have the vocabulary (Gods and Goddesses)
- We will have interesting facts
- We will have stories about them and how they are relevant
- At the end of showing all of the information we will have a matching
activity. There will be names on a piece of paper and pictures of each of
the gods and goddesses. You will have to match which name goes with
which picture.

12. “I Do” Modeling: Teacher demonstrates how to do activity BE SPECIFIC

(List is an example – may have more steps)

1. First we will .. . . . Go through the slide show about gods and goddesses

where the teacher reads the slides and students can take notes on a sheet of


2. Then we will check for understanding by asking questions in between some

of the slides to make sure kids are listening

3. Next we will . . . . . Go over the instructions for the matching activity and

explain what you need to do. Which is match names to pictures.

4. You then will … Do the handout we will pass out matching gods and

goddesses names to their description

5. Finally, we will . . . go over the activity together verbally as a class

13. Checking for Understanding: Teacher asks if all students understand what
they are to do. Also, teacher may ask questions to see if ALL students
understand by asking a student to repeat directions, etc.

Teacher will ask students if they have any questions about the lesson we
taught about the Gods and Goddesses powers
14. “We do” Guided Practice: (Teacher and students do together) Can ask
individual student(s) to volunteer or have short all-class “rehearsal”.

We will have a discussion with the class about if they god to be a god then
who would they choose and why. Call on people with hands up or randomly
pick people. Talk to about 7 people

15. “You Do” Independent Practice: Students work on the activities by

themselves (in small groups, etc.)

The class is going to get two different things. One will be the gods and
goddesses names and their definition. Then the next thing will be pictures of
them. The students will then be put into groups by us. These groups are going
to work together to figure out what definition goes with each picture. Jared and
I will walk around if anyone has any questions.

Assessment: Formative and/or Summative

16. Describe assessment strategies BE SPECIFIC (How does teacher measure
that students’ have reached the objectives of lesson; how will work be graded
or measured?
oral feedback, group discussions, quiz, exit slip, etc…..

The assignment strategy is formative because it is a fun activity that will be

graded on completion. If you finish the assignment you will get 10 points in the
gradebooks. Graded on completion means that if the students finish the work
and turn it in on time they will get the full 10 points. We only have this
assignment because it helps us know if the kids actually understand the lesson
being taught. The activity should only take a couple minutes.We will then go
over the answers as a whole. We will help you and explain why your answers
were not correct. It would just be a variation of an exit ticket.

17. Closure: (Summary - Review and Clarify Key Points) to students

The point of this lesson is for the students to understand the powers of the
gods and goddesses and who they are. Also to show the students how these
figures could be so important if you believed in them. In the next lesson we will
talk about how these gods and goddesses affected life in ancient Egypt. At the
end of the whole lesson and activity we will ask who the students favorite god
or goddess was.
18. Differentiated Learning: (Modifications for students who learn differently)

Change pace of instruction

Preferential seating
Defined physical space
Peer tutoring
Shortened assignments
Highlighted texts
Frequent feedbacks
Oral tests
Audio-taped stories
Assistive technology
Oral responses
Reduced paper/pencil tasks
Other . . .

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