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PROJECT N*: CR-1247-91

TITLE: Flexible Manufacturing Technology For Coil And Helical Spring



PARTNERS: Siddall & Hilton (Springs) Ltd

Bevans Holdings (Leicester) Ltd
TRW United - Carr Ltd
Tempered Spring Company Ltd
TC. HP Herckelbout
Spring Steel (Productions) Ltd
Schenker Maschinen AG

IPA Fraunhofer



* * *
* * *

Flexible Manufacturing Technology

For Coil and Helical Spring Products

R I Wrigley, BSC, CEng, S W J Fawcett, BSC, CEng and T J Brown, BEng

Pera, Technology Centre, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, England, LE13 OPB


Coiled and helical springs are the most commonly used type of springs, however the manufacturing
process whereby they are coiled has not been fully investigated until now. Within this two year
collaborative research project a novel automated coiling head assembly has been developed and
demonstrated. This assembly controls all the spring machine’s coiling tip movements wiih very high
levels of accuracy and repeatability. The developed system has been demonstrated in Industry to w=rk
equally well with the machine working on and off line. A camera vision parametric measurement system
● for springs, that has also been developed within the project, which when !inked to the cmtrol system
provides for the first time closed loop control of the spring coiljng process. Within the framework of the
project the wire raw material parameters that affect wire boilability have also been investigated and
optimised by using Taguchi experimentation techniques thereby yielding a more robust industrial

INTRODUCTION The process’s finishing operations are generz!!y

well understood and controlled within the spring
Coiled and helical springs are the most commonly making industry. However the c=iling process lS
used type of springs in industry today. The not, Indeed setting a machine to nake springs of
manufacturing process has not changed a certain design can take a skill.?d Coiler a
significantly in the last fifty years or so. Coiled significant time, anywhere from a few hours to a
springs are most commonly produced from wire few days. The spring manufacture=. conside: the
of a circular cross section by the following coiling process to be the cause of the majori>’ of
continuous process. manufacturing problems. Furthermore, we
I understand that the coiling tip a:ez is the one area
The raw material wire is placed on a rotating of the production coiling machine that is not
holding reel, called a “swift”, from which the wire currently commercially available as an autormded
is unreeled by the drive roller(s) of the coiling movement in the latest CNC ceiling machines.
● machine. The wire can be cleaned or lubricated
and straightened after unreeling prior to entry into The specific industrial objective of the project was
the coiling machine’s drive roller(s). The driven to produce an innovative, highly Integrated,
wire leaves the roller(s) and is then deformed flexible manufacturing technology for coil and
against two fixed coiling tip tools which are helical spring products. The pr~ject’s industrki
positioned so to helix the deformed wire into a consortium had determined that their industry
coil. After the second coiling tip is located a pitch would not be able to meet the demands of
tool which introduces the “spring pitch” and shape customers, in terms of variety, cM, and resp~rise
into the coiled wire helix. A moving cutting tool time for their spring products with the curren:
and fixed mandrel are also located after the aging manufacturing technolo~y.
second coiling tip to “cut” the coiled wire to length
as the springs are produced, The springs then fall The key aspect of the spring manufacturing
into storage bins or onto conveyors for further process is the lengthy and specialised coiling
finishing operations, These further finishing point set-up and its maintenance during the
operations include; stress relieving, end grinding, coiling process. Other key proc~ss aspects
shotpeening, hotpressing, heat treatment and related to reducing the operatin~ ccsts of the
final inspection. process and the addition of on-line monitoring of

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 1 Issue: 1 August 19S5


product quality and machine performance. As a Automated Coiling Head

result of investigations and discussions with
indust~, the following aspects of the spring The key element of a spring coiling machine is the
making process were selected as the backbone “coiling head function”, which requires the
of the programme of work for this research incoming wire material to deform qgairtst one cr
project :- two coiling tip tools. The position of these coiling
tips is critical to the forming actiari and can require
the design and development of actuated a considerable time to set up.
coiling head prototypes to demonstrate
robustness and to gain detailed The essence of the problem is thzrt the coiling tips
information about the relationship do not have the ability to automatically move in
between the position of the coiling tips three dimensions, and this limitation means that it
and the springs produced is not possible to take account of material
variations, wear in tooling, drift in machine set%g,
parametric measurement of the spring and the provision of automatic A up.
during manufacture
Problems of tool setup and cons%tent qualik; of
control systems for the manipulation of spring production is further complicated by th=
● the parametric measurement and coiling
head positional data to provide feedback
introduction of a further variable, the pitch tool.
Pitch toolmotion is critical as slight changes i.-.
to move the coiling tips in real time pitch tool position are translated iG rmeasurahie
changes in spring specification.
analysis of spring machine operation
using Taguchi methods to achieve a The project objective was to desig~ a coiling head
more robust manufacturing process which aHowed three dirnensionzl movement of
the two coiling tips incorporating the functions!!ky
Thus the project activities were structured of the pitch tool.
as indicated by the project flowchart
below :- Movement required is typically Al 0 deg tilt in al!
axes, and *I5 deg rotation. lfthis m~tion is
available in real time whilst coilin:g a product, and
the physical characteristics of the product cou!d
Undemlandlng be measured, then the potentiai for a self
compensating machine having the ability of r+d
repeatable set up could be realised.

A number of coiling head design concept op~~=ns
were considered prior to the design and

:101 ;11;1
Coikng Point
Conko[ S&km Taguchl manufacture of the first prototype coiling
Corwpk Co flc2pk Exp@timenk
of Spmg
This coiling head was fitted as = direct
,_*_, replacement to a fixed coiling tip bolder to a
mechanical Cam Coiler host machine. The
combination was extensively tesmd during
October 1995 to prove its robustness and

Pmlotyp d
Cam Cok9r
Devebp Robust
Manuf. Prams
technical suitability, and a series of experiments
were undertaken to establish a ccmtrol algorithm
for the spring coiling process.

As a result of these tests it was needed to develop

the basic design to enable both crciling tips to be
actuated. This redesign generated the second
Figure 1- Project Activity Structure prototype coiling head which was fitted to the host
and Flowchart machine and tested during Februay 1996.
Subsequent analysis of the res~lts of these iests

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 2 Issue: 1 August f 996

has generated a control algorithm which can be most importantly, be able to work on-line.
used to provide the necessary negative feedback
control to the coiling tip control system. A CCD camera system was chosen at an early
stage as the most suitable sensor device for this
Spring coiling closed loop control systems project brief. lPA Fraunhofer utilised their
experience in this field to specify and develop a
The definition of a closed-loop control system is camera system capable of meeting the projed
one in which the control action is somehow requirements. The I PA system was bench tes%d
dependent on the actual response obtained from in Germany which generated excel”ent accura:=y
the system. Feedback is the property of a closed- of measurements but slow processing times,
Ioop system which permits the control output to Considerable time and effort was s~ent in
be compared with the input to the system so that developing a faster system whilst remaining wi%in
the appropriate control action may be formed as the required unit cost of around S1 0,000.
some function of the output and input.
The IPA development work concluded that the
In the case of the fixed coiling tip spring coiling technology to speed up the response times was
process the control system input would be the available now but a! a greater cost than the
movement of the actualcoiling tips and the output El 0,000 target price. However, =S the overall
being the size and form of the actual spring spring coiling process system is to correct age%t
produced. This current control is an example of gradual drifts rather than to correct on a spring by
an open loop control system. spring basis, it is felt that the slower processing
times are acceptable for the vast majority of likely
For the actuated spring coiling process to be a applications in the spring manufi~c;iuring industr>.
closed loop control system the control input would [f these few exceptions warrant We further
be the control voltage applied to the coiling head investment then the basic system developed
assemblies and the output would be the size and within this project can be suitably upgraded.
form of the actual spring produced. The control
feedback would be provided by the on-line Connection of the camera control system to
camera system which would supply actual spring Pera’s coiling head control system as an acti~!ty
parameter measurements to the actuated coiling does not require the development of any new
head assembly’s control system which would technology, merely that suitable software drivsr
establish and supply, with the help of a control interfaces need to be written, which is outside ;:e
algorithm, the required corrective (or othen.vise) scope of this project and a matter for
control input to the coiling head. incorporation into a final engineered solution on,ce
the eventual type of PC or industrial compute;
Within the project a closed loop control system and software language have bee.1 decided upon.
has been developed and demonstrated, This
system can now be incorporated into current CNC

Spring manufacturing process experimen*-
machine controllers or developed for use as a
dedicated retrofitable actuated coiling head kit The early part of the project dealt in consider-.%e
and PC driven control system to upgrade ageing detail with the actual state of the ati for sprin~
mechanical cam toilers. manufacture, the understanding of the
manufacturing process. Subsequently a
Parametric on-line measurement of springs by considerable amount of analysis work was
cameras undertaken to attempt to optimiss these
processes theoretically. [t was determined thzt an
During the project a number of different experimental approach was requ’led to
measurement techniques were evaluated for understand the effect of the different parts of the
possible use as the means to provide the control process on the quality of the spfing produced.
feedback signal that would be required to realise The analysis technique chosen was Taguchi,
a self-compensating spring coiling process. The which is an analysis method involving the des;gn
measurement device or technique had to be of experiments that are technological rather than
compact, robust, durable, reliable, accurate, fast, theoretical, concerned with proclulctivity and csst
cheap, have a wide measurement range and effectiveness rather than statistic=! rigour.

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 3 Issue: 1 August i 393

One of the project’s members, had already actuator [egs, servo or hydraulic drive=.
undertaken some Taguchi analysis of its own * Gimbal - where there aie two ptatfomis,
processes, and therefore provided the project with one rotating within the other.
a good input in the necessary approach to adopt. * Manual - comprising of the replacement
Together with SRAMA, the objective was to of the normal grub screw adjustment with
develop the necessary experiments based on the a precision vernier adjustment, wher~ %e
perceived most critical aspects of the spring positional readings are noted in order aid
manufacturing process. These experiments would set up.
be used to optimise the generic coiling process.
The concepts all provided a bask for develo~i:g
Within the project a number of industrial members a working design, However analysis of existing
felt that wire quality was one of the main causes coiling tip adjustments using traditiana!
of coiling related failures of spring coiling mechanical adjustment led to the f%t prototype
machines. Variations in the wire dramatically design which aimed to provide the replication of
affect bed spring coiling for example. It was this existing movement.
thought that varying wire diameter and ovality may
be one of the principal causes, and should be The design uses a pivot axis onto which is
measurable with the machine being on line. mounted the coiling tip tool holde~. This holder is
o Pera developed an experiment to measure the
able to provide in-line rotation for the tool itself,
and two further perpendicular planes of
wire diameter and ovality on-line to see if any movement. A photographic plate ( plate 1 )of iii~
correlation between varying wire parameters and first development prototype is included at the rear
machine stoppages could be established. of this report,

A laser measurement gauge was used to This solution uses three identical hydraulic
measure the wire just prior to coiling. These tests cylinders mounted in a rigid assembly capable of
were performed during September 1995. being retrofitted onto existing Cam Coi!er
machines. The purpose of using an existing
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION mechanical machine is to develop the
understanding of the actual movements requird
Development of the First prototype design of to achieve the correct coiling and sexmdly te
coiling head ( see plate 1 ) establish a basis whereby the dwdoped
technology could in part be retrofitted mto
Several concepts were theoretically evaluated to existing non-CNC machines. Only one of the
determine their suitability for providing the coiling tips was automated as this would show
necessary positional movement and accuracy and whether the design principle would work.
the force required to bend the wire into a helix.
The project had already determined that the This prototype coiling head and tip assembly was
● demonstrator should be capable of coiling wire up
to 2mm in diameter. Theoretical calculation
designed to replace the first coiiin~ tip on a
conventions! cam toiler in order to gain
showed that the approximate force required to information about the relationship between the
bend this wire would be 800N. This was coiling tip movement and the ccwesponding effect
confirmed when a simple experiment on a sample on the coiled spring that is produosd as a re@ of
of wire was made using a three point bending this motion. Once this relationship had been
arrangement, yielding a figure of between 800 defined, the closed loop control of the coiling iip
and 900N. and springs produced could be made possibie.

A number of design concepts were considered, Technical irrnoviation of the firs; ,o.mtofype cdrrg
namely :- head assemb/y
* Hexapod - comprising of six linear
actuator legs which are servo driven with The main technological advancement of the
the coiling tip sitting centrally on a design is the incorporation of miniature hydr=tilic
platform supported by these legs. cylinders and positional measu%ment contr:l via
* Tripod - comprising of three linear LVDT% ( iinear variable displac.e,nent

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93,890 4 Issue: 1 August 1995

transducers). Second prototype coiling head ( see plate 2>

Hydraulic cylinders were used to provide the It was established as a result of the first prototype
necessary high forces and stability for coiling, coiling head tests (which are disc~ssed later),
however due to the size constraint, there were no that further detailed tests and analysis would be
standard cylinders available on the market, and required with both coiling tips replaced by
therefore a specific design was developed for this actuated coiling heads of a revised design be%re
exercise by a specialist hydraulic manufacturer. the relationship between the coihng tips’ motic=
and the actual springs produced rc=n be
The design of the cylinders and associated established (ie the coiling contrcd algorithm}. This
hydraulic system proved difficult as the small requirement lead to the developr?ient of a semnd
physical size of the cylinder blocks dictated that prototype coiling head assembly.
all the associated hydraulic system components
were similarly size matched. The second prototype coiling head is very much a
development of the basic mechanism of the first
The system’s hydraulic control schematic is given prototype. It utilised the three cyiiriders and
in figure 2. The main components required being:- LVDTS that were fitted to the first prototype tc
reduce the cost to the project of ik development.
● Semo Actuator
Linear Variable Displacement Transducer
However an additional three cylinders and
associated hydraulic and electronic components
Servo Valve were needed as there are two actuated
Servo Valve Controller Card assemblies, one for Coiling Tip 1 .md the other for
Position Conditioning Card Tip 2.
Electronic Rack
Hydraulic power pack The second design had to be a rrwre compact
Distribution manifold and hoses one, in that it occupies a small ‘Ycdprint” on ~fi=
machine base plate. One of the actuators location
and mechanism had to be moved from protruding
out the side of the unit, to being “siacked” at tine
bottom of another actuator, in order for the cci!ing
heads to not “foul” the cam toiler rotating cams.
and cam follower mechanisms.

l= I I Considerable effort was required t~ ensure that

the hydraulic cylinder inlet and outlet ports wiiere

- ‘1-’
––––-–––––––– Hydraulic ‘
suitably positioned so as again, n & to “foul” with
the cam toiler’s rotating cam acd cutter. It w=:
decided in order to save space ‘the final “run” of
hydraulic hose to each oil port in tie cylinders
would be hard piped using smail be-e stainless
Fluid steel tubing and double ferrule compression
reserfoir Electrical connection
I fittings. This arrangement worked very well =Hd
} I
–––––– Hydraulic connection helped reduce the require space envelope on the
host machine.

Spring Coiling Control System

Figure 2- Hydraulic Control Schematic
The definition of a closed-loop control syster is
Fortunately the aerospace industry had a one in which the control action is somehow
specialised semovalve which was suitable to dependent on the actual response obtained frcm
control the cylinders which the system was the system. Feedback is the prspa~ of a clnsed-
developed around, all other iterns ( except the Ioop system which permits the control output to
hydraulic power pack ) were specially designed be compared with the input to the system so that
equipment, including the hydraulic fittings. the appropriate control action may be forme? as

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 5 Issue: 1 August 1993


some function of the output and input. PC (Personal Computer, IBM clorm) provided the
starting point for this.
In the case of the fixed coiling tip spring coiling
process the control system input would be the The camera system used a PC based image
movement of the actual coiling tips and the output processing system. The other aspects require+
would be the size and form of the actual spring were:-
produced. outputs to control the manipulation of the
coiling points
For the actuated coiling head assembly the units links to the existing CNC cccmtml systems
control is a closed loop system with a control input interpretation of measurement data
from the control voltage to the hydraulic user interface
servovalve (see figure 2) and the output is the
actual movement of the hydraulic cylinder and The chosen route within this project was to us= a
hence coiling tip via the coiling head mechanism. top level PC based programme called LabVi==.:+
The control feedback is provided by the LVDT from National Instruments. This is capable of
which yields the actual position the cylinder has providing the external links, graphical interfac=
moved to. and data processing.

e For the actuated spring coiling process to be a

closed loop control system the control input would
be the coiling head assemblies control voltage
and the output would be the size and form of the
actual spring produced. The control feedback
would be provided by the on-line camera system
which would supply actual spring parameter
measurements to the actuated coiling head
assemblies control system which would establish
Col[ ng
and supply, with the help of a control algorithm,
the required corrective (or otherwise) control input 1
II \
Manipulation 1


to the coiling head assemblies.

Figure 3- Control sys%am linking

Corftroi System Overview
CNC spring machine control
The control system has to fulfill the following
criteria:- The final technology demonstr=to has
implemented the technology on an existing cam
generate the machine coiling tip set up toiler machine. As the control of 7W’O of the
● positions spring coiling machines functiors are already
present in state of the art CNC machines, th~
modify the coiling tip set up in real time project has not replicated this. It is anticipated ?hat
based on feedback from the spring the CNC aspect will be mainly used as part nflhe
measurement coarse set up of the machine. The opi?rator vA! as
normal enter the parameters of the spring, E=: via
provide graphical/numerical instructions the PC interface. The appropriate links into tiw
for set up CNC control will need to addressed in the fuiiy
engineered solution by the machine builders
The project’s hard deliverable was a technology within the consortium.
demonstrator unit showing that automatic set up
and real time adjustment can be achieved. From Camera image Processing
this base, the spring industry will be able to
quickly and easily move to a fully engineered and This aspect is straight forward frwn a contro! pint
integrated solution. As is common with many of of view as the image processing is conductec! by
todays industrial control applications the use of a an embedded card within the PC. This card

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93,890 6 Issue: 1 August 19%

passes the necessary information to the main to provide adjustment to compensate for proc~=s
programme to act on. Data on the spring changes that are causing the ma ~ufactured
parameters can be input via the user interface springs to drift out of the required manufacturing
and downloaded to the image processor. It is tolerance. However, the coiling tips actually
anticipated that this data will be spring freelength, developed have enough movement to be use< to
outside diameter and pitch, or the camera system affect the shape of the spring requked. This
could record a “perfect” spring for comparison adjustment is then fulfilling two furrctions, firstiy to
against the subsequently manufactured springs. generate the spring shape, and secondly to
compensate for material or process variations.
Camera Data Manipulation
Possibly the most important benefii that the
The data received from the camera needs to be control system imparts on the entire machine is
acted upon to maintain the spring within the ability of the coiling tips to repeatedly and
tolerance. The action may simply be recording of accurately return to a given set-up position.
the data and the update of an SPC chart, but the Hence, a database of spring design set-up
main issue is for the real time control of the coiling parameters can be stored on the PC and on
tips in reaction to the spring going out of discs, This will enable the actuaied coiling tips to
tolerance. The developed control algorithm be almost instantaneously driven to the requ[--d
● enables this function to be realised. This
algorithm yields the firm control rules for the
set-up positions for a given spring design. To
facilitate this, the actual coiling tip tools used
spring coiling process. Alternatively a learning have to be modified to be positively located within
approach may be adopted in a fully engineered the tool holder by for example, bayonet fitting m
solution. dowelling against a register slot%ace etc. This
small modification does not represent any
Work has been carried out by MIT GmbH into the technical or economic disadvankge, and a fuiiy
integration of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in engineered solution could easily ~ncktde this in its
LabView ( ref 1 ). This work provided an design.
opportunity to integrate the Neural Network
approach into the developed LabView application. Parametric Measurement Of Spring and
Neural Networks are able to learn, adapt to Camera System Development
changes, and can mimic human thought process
with little human intervention, They were defined The listings below present an ovewiew of the
by Kohonen ( ref 2 ) as ‘massively parallel potential sensing techniques ava lzbie :-
interconnected networks of simple (usually
adaptive) elements and their hierarchical Sensor Parameter
organisations which are intended to interact with Principle (Resolution)
objects of the real world in the same way as
CCD Camera diameter, length, sh=~e, quality
biological nervous systems do.’ However as result
● of the prototype coiling head trials, the spring
coiling process was demonstrated to be a much
(5vm, cycle time 75ms)

Laser scanner diameter, bending of wire

more predictable process than was first
Inductive sensor diameter (0,0 - 0.6mm)
envisaged, which negated the need to use Neural
Networks for the control of the process. Light Barrier diameter {Up to 0.1 mm]

Coiling Tip Manipulation Laser displacement diameter (1 O~m, range 60- 140mni)

This is a relatively straight forward operation, as Trials were undertaken using these techniques.
the hydraulics have positional control electronics The results from the laser sensors were poor due
as part of the system. The overall control system to the following problems;
programme determines the new position that the
coiling points are required to be at, and then from fluctuations in measurerm?nt due to the
the developed control algorithm a control voltage varying position of the spring
is output to the positional controller which then difficulty of focusing on the correct p=int
moves the hydraulic cylinder accordingly via the of the “saddle” of the spring form
servovalve. difficulty differentiating between coil
surface and free space between coils
The primary purpose of the real time movement is
The results from the inductive gauging trials %:ere

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 7 issue: 1 August 1 SS6

also not satisfactory for the required use. The Contrast requirements between the spring and
inductive sensor would produce unstable readings the image background were investigated, a lighter
when the spring was rotated. This is a problem of background helping the imaging process. [t was
focusing where the sensor detects different parts realised that in practise a light background wouicd
of the spring surface. An additional problem with not easily be maintained in the generaJiy dirty
the inductive sensor is that for accurate linear coiling tip area, as debris for the ra$+ material wire
measurement the detection area must be entirely and its coatings generally blackened most
covered by the target. This would present surfaces. IPA Fraunhofer therefcre used wide=
difficulties when there is a large variation in the images from a spring CNC toiler io analyse mm;e
size of spring manufactured, and also the industrially realistic spring images.
smallest diameter sensor is 8 mm and this would
be unsuitable for wire diameters of 2mm, Another question raised by the consortium related
to debris present in the coiling process. A
The final measurement system was therefore provisional suggestion has been ta provide a
selected as the CCD Camera system. compressed air curtain across tbe lens. How=;ar
IPA Fraunhofer do not believe that this will be
CCD Camera Development necessary based on their previous experienc~,
and that simple maintenance procedures for
e The potential for the use of a CCD (Charge
Coupled Device) solid state integrated circuit
cleaning, perhaps only once per week, will prow
camera is significant in that it potentially provides
a low cost front end unit capable of recording a This system total price of f6500 was w+e!l within
large variety of shapes and therefore covering all the budget set ( <El 0,000) and ha been
I types of springs. This coupled with the ability to demonstrated by iPA to give the fo!lowing
measure at high speed provides a system performance:-
potentially small enough to be mounted near the
coiling area, and of sufficient speed to measure * Speed of Measurement: 1.8 seconds
each spring as it is being manufactured. The CCD * Accuracy on Freelength: <3.5 mm
camera system relies heavily on the processing ● Accuracy on Outside Dia: et~,~ mm
power that will interpret the image and therefore a ‘ Accuracy on Pitch: <0.5 mm
cost effective solution needed to be determined
for this part of the system. [n terms of robustness, the camera housing can
be made sufficiently strong to withstand the
The potential disadvantages of the camera normal manufacturing requirement. The
system are the influence of debris generated by protection of the Iens could be provided by tb -
the coiling process interfering with the image, and use of a toughened glass window, which could
with the limited amount of space available, the easily be replaced if damage occurred.

e ability of the camera to clearly “see” the spring.

The chosen solution, which fits the actual

If the speed of spring measuremerrt of the abcve
camera system is insufficient for a particular
situation, is where one point is fixed, and that is at application then the processing power needs %
the point where the spring is cut off, From that be upgraded.
datum point, the image can be analysed to
determine where the rest of the spring is located. The two hardware solutions are PC based
The image can then be compared against the systems capable of being instatieci in standard
stored ideal, or actual measurements made of units with the necessa~ spare expansion slots. As
diameter length and pitch and these compared part of the post project development the sofi;;=re
against the table of requirements. As the analysis would probably need to be written in C based
develops, and depending on the spring shape code, and the necessary compiler and library
being manufactured, it maybe possible to routines adds approximately E4,UQ0.
analyse only a small section of the spring as this
‘will provide sufficient information to understand Coiling Process Optimisation
whether the spring is within tolerance. For
example, by measuring the first couple of turns, Wire Measurement Experimes@
and the overall length and diameter could be
confirmed, and the pitch is inferred to be correct. The spring industry felt that wire qtiality was one
This reduces the image processing required and of the main causes of coiling related failures =f
therefore speeds up the rate at which springs can spring coiling machines. For example, variations
be measured. in the wire dramatically affect bed spring m=z?rine

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 8 Issue: 1 August 1996

production. It was felt that varying wire diameter approximately 0.01 mm on diameter.
and ovality may be one of the principal causes,
and should be measurable with the machine Pera analysed the logged laser gauge readings
being on line. using QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheets to
graphically plot the readings. A graph was
Pera developed an experiment to measure the produced for each file (15 minutes of captured
wire diameter and ovality on-line to see if any data) and the machine runningktcw~ed reading
correlation between varying wire parameters and was modified to plot a binary on;cff signal, ie =
machine stoppages could be established. “blip” indicates that the host machine had
The test equipment consisted of the following
items:- Inspection of the graphs has not yidded any
Laser gauge and height stand predictable correlation between the results and
Mounting bracket for the Laser gauge the host machine stoppages. However, there
Computer and monitor to run the data appears to be one irend that may be identifiable
capture software with machine stoppages, but confirmation woti!d
LabView data capture software be required by further tests. This trend is that
D to A and A to D cards there are a number of host machine failures that
● Light sensor assernbiy
Various leads/cables and connectors
occur after the wire diameter has been “creeping:’
up or down.

The laser gauge was located prior to the host No “creeping” up or down trends are observed
machines coiling head on the mounting bracket. during periods of satisfactory host machine
The wire to be coiled into bed springs passes operation.
freely through the centre of the gauge. The Beta
gauge was connected to a computer which The conclusions that can be made from this
provides the means of capturing the gauges experiment are that wire for the host machine
outputted X-axis and Y-axis diameter with time. should coil well if the ovality varies by about
On the PC, a LabView software programme 0.01 mm on diameter, and if the diameter varies
provided the means of controlling the data from between +/- O,Olmm based on a reference der
the gauge to be logged. The logged data was diameter of 2.20mrn.
stored on the computer’s hard disk. The logged
data was formatted and analysed by Pera at W4ire that exhibits trends of increasing or
Melton at a later date. decreasing wire diameter may present coiling
[n order to record when the host machine had
stopped, a light sensor was attached to the The wire used for the majority d these tests “was
machine’s warning light. The sensor provided a supplied to the user outside their mder
e simple O or 1 reading (O-machine running, 1- specification, which is significant as it equates to a
machine stopped) which could be logged for the loss in their production yield of about 4%. Wke is
captured readings. purchased by weig ht but prod ucticm yield is based
on the length for a given reel weight. A 40,4 lass of
The data capture programme was set to log two yield has a large effect on the rmrgins that this
sets of readings from the laser gauge every sector of the spring industry operaie under.
second. As the host machine was producing 75
springs a minute (of wire length 41 inches) or 1.3 Taguchi Experiments
metres/second, at least two readings per spring
produced were logged. The early part of the project dealt in considerable
detail with the actual state of the art for spring
The machine was coiling 2.20mm diameter, manufacture, the understanding of the
phosphate coated steel wire, tensile range 1550- manufacturing process and subsequently a
1700 N/, BS 4637:1970, with a tolerance on considerable amount of analysis work was
the diameter of +0.00 mm/-O. O3mm. undertaken to attempt to optimise these
processes theoretically. H was determined that an
On first setting the laser gauge, the x-diameter experimental approach was required to
was measured to be 2,19mm and the y-diameter understand the effect of the different parts of the
to be 2.18mm, ie the wire had an ovality of process on the quality of the spring produced.

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 9 Issue: 1 August f W6

accomplished is to determine the effect each

The analysis technique chosen was Taguchi, factor has on the overall outcome Gf each
which is an analysis method involving the design experiment. This is known as the Signal to Nciss
of experiments that are technological rather than Ratio (S/N ratio dB). As the signal strength rises
theoretical, concerned with productivity and cost compared to the noise strength the variability of
effectiveness rather than statistical rigour. The the process is reduced thus allowing greater
following list of variables were determined as quality levels to be achieved.
being the most critical, and the different values
that were used to evaluate their significance on Once the results have been analysed a predicticm
the process:- has to be made and confirmatory tests
undertaken to show that the mathematical
* Factor 1- Material Orientation - Four prediction is valid. This is importarit as this can he
levels changing every 90 degrees used to predict the best and worst cases with the
* Factor 2- Cleanliness - either as given parameters or factors.
purchased or de-greased
* Factor 3- Number of straightener rollers - The results show that the critical or major fackrs
5or7 are Number of rollers and Pay off method as they
* Factor 4- Roller height - providing either have the largest SIN ratio variations.The resuits
e guidance or deformation also show that the Orientation, Cleanliness, and
* Factor 5- Pay off - This is to be powered Roller height factors are considered to be non
or unpowered major influences in variances.

A noise factor was generated by the use of two The Taguchi mode! predicted tkzt a WN ratic ef
different material batches. 20.29 +/-7.9 dB was possible from the given
factors. The confirmation prediction tried to
Some 16 separate experiments were designed optimise the process to the optimum of 28.1 Q2S.
and performed by SRAMA instead of the 120 that
would have been required for a full factorial set of After the confirmatory tests the results were
experiments to cover the 5 factors. Furthermore analysed and yielded a value of 26,3 cB. hence
the Taguchi approach means that the effect of a the process had been optimised from 19.7 to
6th factor namely the noise factor (two wire 26.3dB a reduction in variability of 7’5%.

I batches) can also be considered.

The key to a successful Taguchi analysis is the
selection of the quality parameter that is to be a These experiments have identified several fa.ctms
measure of the output of the experiment. The that influence the robustness of the coiling
quality parameter should ideally be the property process. it is now possible to use these to reduce
that is to be optimised but it should also be easily the influence that the wire/matetiai variations %ve
e measurable. If this can not be measured in on the spring coiling process.
practise then another quality factor should be
selected. RESULTS

In the case of this Taguchi experiment the Firstprototype Coiling Head Test Results
consortium wished to optimise the boilability of the
process. A year ago it would not have been As previously stated the first prototype coiling
possible to use this as the quality measure as until head utilises hydraulic motive power and state af
now there has been no accurate means of the art hydraulic servovalve control systems to
measuring wire boilability. Fortunately for the move and control a conventional coiling tip tml[.
project SRAMA have separately developed a
coiling test which combines coil measuring and Pera, bench tested the coiling head and
CHAOS techniques to accurately identify the associated equipment during sephmrber 19Q5
material under test’s potential coiling and subsequently fitted the assembly to a
performance. This test equipment was hence mechanical Cam Coiler host machine as a direct
used as the quality measure for these tests. replacement to the first fixed coilirig tip. A se:ss of
tests were performed which were designed to
The object of the tests were to ascertain which gain suficient data to enable the “relationship or
factors influence the variability of the wire’s controlling algorithm between tk coiling tip
boilability, The manner in which this is movement and springs produced to be

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 10 Issue: 1 August 59S6

established. Setthg the Cam Coiler to produce r.%kwence

springs after the coiling head instal!atirm took
The specific objectives of these industrial trials approximately 1 hour. This was acbiewd by the
were:- Coiier giving verbal instructions to t% Control
System Operator, This demonstrated that a
To demonstrate that the hydraulic closed-loop control system was a very real
actuated coiling tip was robust enough to possibility.
withstand the forces associated with
I coiling 2mm diameter wire (ie forces up The limit of movement was established for each
I to 900N) and remain stable when in use motion in turn. The tips were then moved using
the control system within this range in plot the
To demonstrate that the coiling tip can be relationship behveen the coiling tip motion and tine
moved (and later controlled] whilst the actual spring produced free length and C3D.
host machine is coiling springs
The springs that were produced wiwe measured
the next day “cold” with respect to fr~e length and
! To gather test data which will describe
the relationship behveen the movement outside diameter. When plotted the results
of the coiling tip and its measured effect showed that the following almost [in=ar
I o on the actual spring produced by the host
relationship ( graph 1 ) existed between the
motion of the coiling ‘tip and spring’s parameter%

I To demonstrate that the coiling tip

positional control system can repeatedly
and accurately return the coiling tip to a
specified “set-up” position

The tests centred around coiling springs to a

reference design. With the Cam Coiler previously
been set up with the traditional tooiing to produce
a batch of reference springs that were used for
comparison purposes as a bench mark.

Pera’s bench testing activity had demonstrated

that the hydraulic cylinder and LVDT control
combination was capable of positioning the
cylinder rod end to within +/- O.Olmm ( 0.0005”}
and correspondingly the coiling tip very accurately
as a function of the mechanical advantage ratios Graph 1- First Prototype Coilng Head Test=
of the coiling head mechanism. Variation of “Extend’” motion plotki against
measured Spring OD
The coi[ing head hydraulic power packs initial
operating pressure was 500psi.

Initial testing of the hydraulic coiling head showed

all 3 motions to be very stable whilst coiling. The
three coiling head motions were defined as:-

Motion 1 Coiling Tip Extend

( varies spring diameter).
) I
Motion 2 Coiling Tip Tilt ;+——?——4

( varies spring pitch/shape).

CH4 Relative ConM Vol/age [w
Motion 3 Coiling Tip Rotate
(varies spring pitch). + CHI-O.2V -S CH142.lV -@- C H 1 OV -+- C+’1 O.l V + G+ 0.2Y + CH1 D.3V

The wire feed speed of the host cam toiler Graph 2- 2nd Prototype Coiling Mead Tests
machine was 22.2 metretimin (derived from the Variation of Coiling Tips l&2 “Ex3end”
spring production rate of 60/min). motions plotted against measw=d Spring KN3
CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 11 issue: f Augusi 19:5

These industrial trials showed that the coiling cylinders when under load. Under this higher
process is more predictable than was first system pressure both coiling tips proved to be
envisaged with the graphs of the control voltage very stable and rigid during coiling
against OD and Free Length showing consistent,
repeatable and linear relationships over smaller The results of the second prototype :rials she:-.-ed
distances. once more that the coiling process was
predictable, consistent, and rep==table havin; to
The first prototype coiling head had excellent all intents and purposes linear rcl =tionships CIVET
repeatability, yielding batches of reference springs smaller distances or movements ss can be s=sn
as below when ever the control voltages were set by graph 2.
to the set-up values:-
The second prototype coiling head when trialed
Spring measured parameters - mean values demonstrated excellent repeatability, yieldin~
batches of reference springs as Mow, whenever
Batch ret Free length OD (mm)
the control voltages were set to the set-up
Ref Spring 42,98 mm 22.20 values:-
(Without coil head fitted) Spring measured parameters - mean value:

● First Proto +/-0,1 2mm +/-O,O7mm Batch refi FIL OD hk.cuils Pitt>
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Ref Spring 42.97 22.16 5.80 1 OF-5
For comparison purposes the appropriate British
Standard for industrial springs BS 1726: PT 1: Second prototype coiling head generated
1987 for a spring of the reference design yields reference springs
acceptable tolerances of +/-O.9mm on spring free
Mean 44.67 22.58 5.69 1 M<
length and +/- 0.3mm on spring outside diameter. Max 45,73 22.93 580 11.5~2
Min 42,83 22.20 .560 10.32
The second fixed tip was however observed to
impart a correcting influence when moving the Conclusions from the Coiling I-kad
first coiling tip by larger amounts. Development

It was also established that to gain a better First indications were that the positional accuracy
understanding of the effect that the coiling tips and repeatability of the hydrauli; coiling head and
were having on spring production, more spring control systems were very good which will
parameters shouid be measured. Therefore, the significantly reduce set-up times and flexibility cf
following spring parameters were measured for 4 spring manufacture if an engineered coiling head
springs out of each batch:- design was to be available for retrm-fitting to
existing cam toilers and incorpcmtion into current
free length (42.97 mm) state of the art CNC coiling matchines.
● outside diameter (22.16 mm)
effective pitch (10.56mm) The spring coiling control algorithm although
no. of coils (5.80) predictable, consistent, and repeatable is complex
and it would be unwise to try ar+ predict a generic
As a result of these tests further detailed tests and control algorithm of coiling frorm :he study of cme
analysis were required with both coiling tips reference spring design and wi, e size. What these
replaced by actuated coiling heads of a revised tests have shown is that spring coiling can be
design before the relationship between the coiling predicted for a spring design by experiments-an
tip’s motion and the actual springs produced can for a given coiling tip and holder geometry.
be established ie the coiling control algorithm. Clearly though, this is of limited commercial value
This requirement led to the development and to the spring making industry.
trialing of the second prototype coiling head
assembly. What is more important is the fact that an
understanding of the effect of moving each of the
coiling tips in relation to each other has been
Second Prototype Coiling Head Test Results gained and can be used to generate a contmi
guideline algorithm which, in combination witin
The hydraulic system pressure had to be actuated coiling tips and a negative feed-back
increased again from 600 psig to 700 psig in order quality monitoring device such as an on-line
to move both coiling heads set of three hydraulic camera system, can now be used to make the

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 12 Issue: 1 August 1996


spring coiling process reactive and self system including the camera imaging to be
compensating. Furthermore, the second located on a single PC, reducing Iccst and
prototype has demonstrated that the actuation complexity.
technology to do so is now available for
commercial exploitation. The feedback measurement system was
determined as being a camera imeging system.
Much effort was expended to develop the ane!ysis
CONCLUSIONS of the images captured to determine the three
critical parameters of a spring, these being the
The project has been successful in independently free length, the outside diameter and the pitch.
analysing the spring coiling process to a point This system was developed and trialled in the
where innovative technology has been developed laborato~ environment and also by using digital
and demonstrated that will enable new machines images taken from a real coiling machine. The
to be constructed and used within Europe, that final trials of the linked system to the manipulation
give a technological advantage, and produce a of the coiling tips was due to be ccxnpleted just
better quality spring. The research has provided a after the official conclusion of the project.
variety of other outputs that have and will However the technology developed for this
influence the spring coiling process to enhance measurement process is far in advance of any
● the quality of production. existing technology and is to be taken up by one
of the machine builders in particakr.
The key elements of the technology produced
are, the automatic real-time movement of the The Taguchi analysis of the coiling process
coiling tips, the on-line measurement of the yielded the major factors that influence coilirtg
produced springs and the basis for the control variability as being the amount of straightening
I algorithm for the automated adjustment of the applied to the raw material, and the use of
process to maintain output within tolerance. powered take off decoilers/swifts, The increase in
the number of rollers indicated that straighter+g
The coiling tests using the new actuated coiling is beneficial to the coiling process whereas CCM
tips showed that this process is more predictable work due to offset guides has a limited beneficial
than was first envisaged. The graphs of the data effect.
produced showed a repeatable and linear
relationship over small distances. The trials The above factors which have been shown t~
indicated that the positional accuracy and have a beneficial effect on redut;ing coiling
repeatability of the hydraulic coiling head and variations will undoubtedly have an effect wit I
control systems were very good which would help the standard spring coiling production process,
to significantly reduce set-up times and flexibility however it has not been possible to quantify :i=
of spring manufacture. exact effect,

* On the basis of the data gathered within the The Taguchi experiments have identified several
project, there is the opportunity to develop a factors that influence the robusmess of the c+ing
simple proportional control algorithm, based on a process. It is now possible to use these to reduce
decision matrix, which would provide a degree of the influence that the wire/mate;-ai variations have
in-process control over spring free length and on the spring coiling process and as a
outside diameter. The project has determined a consequence the optimum settings have be=:
basic decision matrix where the decision about a determined.
spring is based on the average of the spring
dimensions of a pre-set number of springs. As part of the exercise of understanding the
Further work and trials would be necessary both influencing parameters on the c.:oiling process, a
to determine whether this approach can cope with series of input wire measurement experiments
a wide range of spring sizes and wire were carried out at one of the prc>ject members.
compositions. This much more simplified control The conclusions from this determined the limits of
algorithm has removed the need for the use of wire ovality that the process COU15 tolerate and the
new programming techniques involving neural rate of change of this parameter could provido an
networks. This provides a much more realistic indication to the operator of impending problems.
platform for the consortium to further exploit the An additional fact ‘that was apparent was that a
technology. The control system used was a PC significant amount of wire was su ‘@ied to the
based Windows programme enabling the whole industrial member outside of specification.

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 13 Issue: 1 August 1996


However this fact was not able to encourage wire ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

suppliers to monitor their output.
The project consortium would like to thank the
At the end of the project much work has been CEC for the funding and generoas support that
undertaken and a considerable amount of data have been given to this important research
obtained on the spring coiling process. This will project.
provide a sound basis for the industrial consortium
either as individuals or groups to take the REFERENCES
appropriate elements and enhance their own
position, and to develop a productionised system 1) Kasper,C. Lieven,K. Wek@r, Dr R .
capable of leading the world. MIT GmbH “ Integration of Fuzzy Logic
and Neural Networks in Lab~iew”,
National Instruments European User
Symposium November 10- 1~, 1994,

2) Kohonen, T “Self Organisation and

Associated Memory”, 3rd Edition,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 7989

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.89D 14 Issue: 1 August 19S%


. .

HA-r% 1- First Prototype coiling Head Assemkiy during Eknc?l -r’esm!g =$5J t%2FEi

PLATE 2- Second Prototype Coiling Head Assembly

CEC Contract: BRE2-CT93.890 15 Issue: 1 Augusi 7996

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