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Effects of climate on east and west façade

Orientation has a great influence on thermal behavior of façade and corresponding interior
temperature. The thermal behavior in these two sides varies according to different density of
sites. As east and west side exposed to sun and receive direct radiation, and therefore in these
two cases the temperature swing in indoor are higher than rooms with other orientation. The
climatic effect on east and west façade, in interior temperature depends on different variables
such as construction materials, geometry, color, site and surrounding, exposure, intensity of
radiation, duration of exposure and other variables. In this study three categories of sites are
considered. They are
Dense site- Buildings are very close to each other, the distance between them is
less then 2.5m
Medium site- Buildings are spaced apart a distance, the distance between them are
within 2.5m to 4.5m.
Open site- The site where there are no building within 4.5m a

Exposure to Radiation
As east and west façade are directly exposed to the solar radiation, it has a great influence on the
thermal behaviour of a house, which has living spaces having direct contact to east and west side.
Specifically it these sides the exposure of the facades to the solar radiation both direct and diffuse.
These exposure to radiation are varies according to the proximity of neighbouring structures, and
that influences the thermal behaviour of building interiors, and thus the thermal comfort of its
occupants. So from the point of view radiation exposure, the dense sites are the best sites and the
medium density sites are better than the open sites.
The amount of radiation received by the building (east and west faced) depends
on the duration of exposure to radiations, the intensity of radiation, and the expanse and quality
of surface sites. These three variables determine the amount of solar heat that actually reaches
the interior of a building.

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