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1) Write the numbers and names of the characters:

2) How many children were adopted? Who adopted them? What’s in common among all of them?
3) What’s different about number 7?
4) What happened to number 5 and what is he trying to stop?
5) Match the characters and their special ability.

Luther ( ) a. …is a time traveler

Diego ( ) b. …can rewrite reality by speaking the phrase, "I heard a rumor..."
Alison ( ) c. …has super-strength
Klaus ( ) d. …has the ability to commune with the dead
Number 5 ( ) e. …has ability to unleash monsters living underneath his skin.
Ben ( ) f. …can throw knives and bend their direction

6) The butler Pogo is a __________________ and the mother, a ___________________

7) What character did you like the most and the least? Why?

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