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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade/Strand/ Strand: __________________________


I. TRUE OR FALSE: Read each question carefully and identify whether it is TRUE or FALSE. Write T or F for your
answers, use the space provided before each number. (20 points)

_________ 1.
_________ 2.
_________ 3.
_________ 4.
_________ 5.
_________ 6.
_________ 7.
_________ 8.
_________ 9.
_________ 10.
_________ 11.
_________ 12.
_________ 13.
_________ 14.
_________ 15.
_________ 16.
_________ 17.
_________ 18.
_________ 19.
_________ 20.

Direction: Identify what major political ideas is described in each sentence. Choose your answer from the word pool and
write the terms in the space provided. (2 points each)

A. Liberalism B. Conservatism C. Socialism D. Marxism
E. Anarchism F. Ecologism G. fascism H. Feminism
I. Cosmopolitanism J. Social democracy

1) A classless and stateless society. ________________________

2) It is an ultranationalist ideology. ________________________
3) It rose as a revolt against industrialization. ________________________
4) A belief that tradition must be conserved. ________________________
5) Identity is therefore a product of social interaction more than innate qualities. ________________________
6) Individuals can best manage their own affairs by voluntary agreement and cooperation. ________________________
7) The structure of male power must be overturned, hence the belief in gender equality. ________________________
8) It stands for a balance between the market and the state, between the individual and community. ___________________
9) A belief in individualism underscores the importance of the human individual compared to any other group. ____________
10) A belief in the idea that all other people in the world have obligations to each other regardless of nationality, ethnicity and
the like. ________________________
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination,
dedication, self-discipline, and effort. -Jesse Owens -

Prepared by:

BRIAN S. INCOGNITO, MBA, LPT ____________________________________________

Subject Teacher Parent’s Signature Over Printed Name

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