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Colchester Royal Grammar School

Lexden Road Colchester Essex CO3 3ND Headmaster: K L Jenkinson MA

Telephone: Colchester (01206) 509100 Email:

October 2010
Dear Parent/Guardian

Year 10 GCSE Science LIVE!

Dominion Theatre, London – Friday 21st January 2011

As part of the school’s Science specialism programme I propose to take all of Year 10 to the ‘GCSE LIVE!’ event at the
Dominion Theatre, London on Friday 21st January 2011. This will be the day after the finish of any GCSE Science
module exams and should serve as a good way to relax after the pressure of the January examination session! The
day comprises a series of entertaining lectures (and demonstrations), and aims to reflect the range of careers and areas
of research in science, as well as emphasising the role of science in everyday life. The team of distinguished and
experienced speakers includes well-known figures from the media, many of whom are world leaders in their particular
fields of study.

The day is currently scheduled to include the following speakers:

Professor Lord Robert Winston Expert on human fertility, presenter of a number of television series, Labour
peer in the House of Lords

Professor Brian Cox Particle physicist and presenter of the BBC series ‘Wonders of the Solar

Professor Jim Al-Khalili Professor of Physics and presenter of the BBC series ‘Chemistry: A Volatile
History’ and ‘Atom’. He will give a lecture entitled 'Black holes, Wormholes
and Time Machines’.

Doctor Maggie Aderin Space Scientist and lecturer in Astronomy, regularly appearing on the BBC.

Doctor Ben Goldacre Exploring ‘bad science’ in the media.

Stewart Chenery/Bev Cox GCSE Examiners – on ‘How to do well in science exams.’

The students should find the day enjoyable and informative - it should widen their perspective of science.

The cost of the day, including coach transport, is £29, payable as a voluntary contribution. Whilst there is no obligation
to attend or pay, the trip may not go ahead if we are unable to meet these costs from voluntary contributions. Please
note that there is great demand nationally for places at this event and the viability of the trip is dependent on a prompt
payment and reply. If you would like a place for your son, please return the accompanying consent form and payment
directly to the letterbox outside Reception by Monday 18th October at the latest. Cheques should be made payable to
Colchester Royal Grammar School.

Pupils will be required to wear school uniform and are advised to bring a packed lunch with them as it may be difficult to
obtain refreshments in the theatre with a large attendance at the event. The trip will leave from the Creffield Road
entrance at the rear of the school at 8.00am, and we aim to return by 6.30–7.00pm, depending on traffic conditions.

If you have any questions about the proposed visit, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

R. Adams
Director of Science Specialism Ref: 101033
Year 10 GCSE SCIENCE Live!
Dominion Theatre, London – Friday 21st January 2011

Student Name: Tutor Group:

1. I would like my son / ward to take part in this trip.

2. I enclose £29 cheque (payable to Colchester Royal Grammar School).

3. I understand that the coach will return to CRGS at about 6.30-7.00pm and I take responsibility for his safe
transport home from school.

4. I authorise members of staff during the course of the trip to approve any medical treatment for my child
considered necessary in an emergency on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. I set out below
details of any medical condition from which he is suffering, together with the treatment required in case of

Signed: …………………………………….

NAME (BLOCK CAPITALS): ………………………………………………….

Emergency contact number: ………………………………………………….


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