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NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE Approved For Release 199998/17,: GU&sRDPT: i ® p ata £ y The Loneliness | Of Kwame Nkrumah | - TER two years they have now i tlmont” completed the wall found Flagstaff House, and oned all the bars are in-place. and the gates Installed tho officiel head [; quarters of the President of Ghana alt be a fortified 200-acre island in the: midate of Accra. Behind. three * separate. gates manned by armed fvards Kwame Nkrumah will be abe to ook out ‘over private. enclave that inches battery of office, an i army camp, mltery omits, a t radio station and hls own perscnal Fingstaff House tells much about the incredibly complex and indelibly f, fascinating personality of ‘Kwame Nkrumat, Ghana's unquestioned TINK SALE for repoted from Afon foal avpapen and iy fo yeor (1963-44) 8 lecturer In Witory at Be Univeity of 2 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CJA-RDP75-00149R000600010018-9 Nan aie leader for the tast 15 years and one! of Africa's most Important. figures Tt refiecta most obviously the singl ‘minded concern for security of a man ho haa every reason tobe afrald, ince the political opposition he has driven underground has burat to the face In two assassination attempts {in the last three years, He seldom eaves ‘the Flagstaft fortress, and then ether without any warming or with hundreds of police and soldiers guarding lg routes, On a trip Inst year to the port city of Tema, 20 miles away, the route through” the capital was lined by guards. sta tloned 80 fect apart and the open highway cluttered with armored ears ‘and police cruisers, ‘Niruman's home fe almost as well- guarded as his office, though "hé ‘usually spends lesq time there. It ta In 9 remodeled ith-cantury castle on, . ‘an tnolated promontory overlooking? “the Gulf of Gunes, and to the earlier | fortivieations «high protecting, wall | ‘haa been added in recent years. Last | ‘year, after an assassination attempt { within. Flagstaff teelf,”"Nruman 3 burrowed himself there and made ft { virtually unapproachable, with a? dozen policemen uarding the en- { trance toad, two small tanks: Uned up agent the wall and m gunboat of | te Ghana Navy cruising inthe | harbor. Tonco drove up as far aa the front sate while taking visiling Ameri= fan on a sightseeing tour of the ity, | but “at” the. wall a rifle-wilding soldier roughly turned us back and told us sternly that 1t was forbidden even to ook at the castle, A group vot Western ewamen who did man ‘age’td fasttalk thelr way past the ‘yaain ‘gate so pest Nkrumah that he ea ve Gontinued | Ne 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600010018-9 Telariey Whose who are ky absorbed in the We of 8 all g we botnermome, ike. @ tieian, Nkrumah had iittle op-| ‘which, incidentally, ey ronnaged to. 12, Prove, botne ila, Nirah hed MLE op | eg ik a ea eee chance ‘on - Communit found tat m many ways his Western reporters, never get 10 years ofWestern training. icxuncatrs tear nas toa hen eye frat gate la pere_separntea hm from the ema io ‘tome extreme lengths. He dla. Sonat life ia kept almost com- tlonal life around him. He, truste both thore nearest hlm-—he 18 Fietaly ehrouded: when his worked tong hours and made, said to have bot a bodyruard with Tite gave birth to thelr third it a point to withdraw for his personal revolver one jumpy @8y jcniid, the fact went unre- week or two, once “to a quiet| fast February —and those. farthest ' Sortea and publicly unknown jspot a hundred miles or 30] fiway, who are more ruspect Because |for three months. ‘out of Acera in order to medi Hee, andr watch, Fang around re ig oo ncldent Sat nog fain AE acl pet les of Andrew Tully'# sples-under- | geeuples, a central fon was secure—around 1960, cent aren a lr, | an ce tt ot nweneeae| _Btoryo" was harmless enough, but he mah tas Increasingly lolated [dent of the new Republic of « {had them clapped into 4 Depan tog CLA, machinations ev-| Gasna—te a2 sth tg tay ar CET mem (oe fom ten icrnre a ig aA, perma remem fo ae [civil servants that they should stay ce amir And ‘away from those subversive cocktail! ee'The Nkrumah foagy. behind "he wats, el ‘parties at tie American Embassy, ‘existence very: nd his puppet prem even attacked, wary! ideology over stone, | {Sehore Peace Corps srs =P *>d| peaetleality, Huston NDERSCORING Nar} eatoteurs” He deported three abso-| ity, whet | |RANS loneliness in the Inst | Ntely innocent_Americans from the over reality, w few yenrs has beon his Tock | University of Ghana on charges of resul ff male companionship, on the serie aatvites” which ne( OVO® He FemUIts.29 Ter" either trend oF mi \ever even, tred to prove, ard Fe Miner, ‘so. many one Ume CPYRGHT ‘fused to listen to anyone who pointed NTE! friends have turned agninst | (Gute abralty of mis accoations| Sim'for one reason or another ‘now seems reluctant } humsett ne nas tncreasingty| {eng ut the tntacen of | turned is attention to he friendship. to anyone. Ako fanimals around him. His me-"‘cqie, "whom he had known ‘only to protect him, but, in a deeper nagente now inchides baboons, A0T"trusted since his days In ‘nente, 0. cut him off trom the|jeopards, kangaroos, a HYeMA.|Armerion and. who fad. beeh Tauccun, vhythmienl world that is|y "hippopotamus and | Poreten Minister In severe! of ‘Kecra and the common people whose | gawky camels, sald to be | he Cabinets, was found gullty Ane ead ance his own, Outs, on the} gift from Nasser, which caf gs year of ‘plotting, to. Kill eee oan evar Independence|etten be seen graring, on tMe | NiySvah: “riwia, Adamato, aan rence of panorama. of| sparse fields "opposite the| fmer arty lender and once | Ghana. arket_ mammies” with/main gate. Those who Ave] the man closest to Nkrumatt, {Suen ‘of fried fisn Impossbly bal |sited ‘him recently TePOTt| ay sentenced, in the same Yanced on thelr heads; members of| that often ony rime dig, PO: Komla Ghedemah, who, Ui th Son na” ane ahi i pene, Mace ‘etdpping hands (the Ghanaian equlv- Enis collection. ‘Finance Minister for many! intent pf the Nurumah has always beet years, was kicked out of the! ‘alsed thumb) for rides: bikes fonely man. He was an only| Government in 1961 and later ‘uses, Volkswagens and Mer- anid, very close to his mother,| gocused as the instigator of cedes-Benzea —In_ ascending. tn oclety were Inrge famal-| gn attempted overthrow; and fonder, the transportation stat-|ijen are almost universal; he the lst could go on. i {us aybots for Ghanninn work-lonce wrote that “my happlest "Ay! of this haw made NXru ‘era ~ carelessly and” loudly hours were apent alone. used," Of thie tae ™e Then ‘weaving. past the white-jack- to wander off on my own for) "Wee aie: he allows close to: sted ‘ratte cop at the man; hours on end.” At school he! pie and’one reason that he» gate; “mammy wagons.” UN-'nated Uuie regimentation of now works up to 20 hours a! feievaniy ramabackie truce ptary ‘anil and shunned. Gay may be that he te Flue! ‘whose wooden aides bulge with team sporta in favor of soll: tant to trust nyone else with passengers and produce, clat-[tary' running (and since hls. pie ‘gurden, of work. Tt in 1X- fering to the market. inside ao Hitufash alte alone at a broad Dest, cttorts were at 370 and teresting that of those closest io yaran one Accra wag ha Se cee eat in a que, aleonditoned see efered to thn nv "the_ eta he nally today ine room. Serausseriord tietatacttaer: Sat sectsoerooe tree: ‘irumat’s_poble appear tance inet"). ‘During his, Sit me Jancesare rorefand he wally aici fe ta the’ ote) OME: GOOEY, Pn Ant chooses to communtente to his States In the thirties, cut off ; Continued people through the press and from home and family, he! . I7 1965 "-Eadlos for any” major pro- lived an almost. pathetically Tovncement ne use ‘not tne Iointed” exatence which" he avn’ patiorm but Ore redlo iter deserted an producing rare Pun hig wallx Few “a moet fmanting Feellng, of fiators et to aee hm ‘nd: Joneliness” ten” his own, ndvitertaT¥;Onoe, back. in. hand ["piagetatt House also reftects the Fisotation of aman imprisoned by’ much fear. Tts walls have served not ° 3 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600010018-9 er adical-iett columnist H, M. “After the Menolah had Brien, then Vite” Ghaneslor radioa-tert colunnist HM ached the people's program -and one of his own appointees, ae analysis, and not, conden | [Eerie Mant tuoPare toll a nota aia whe gogested that Me ation matin, And al, mons recy eth ne chance to form THE EARTH TREMBLAD was improper npect of much personallty® | fetes win no chance to form TA HE TRIAS. TOOK am acute senntioy fo ony In rch From’ wordy, ts fs sival power structure, mn ie WIND BLEW ANB Kind of crtciom. krumah narcssiet “bas to Inerease hs: from “yehone ete, Trier WAR RAIN in Accra. haa found crtclom, €0 i power hia rathycnnen, And a : rt thee ie no thent Thc had not eon a drop ot tefl athe has eminence. Namah ee t okarzomemer, women TEM ater fora tong ume: the the, peilenl oppontion. eon, done enact a i supply an outel for Jovelnas, Worm Mesnan ‘nan rived. ganized the Lerlaatureso(at ince 2061 Nkrumah nag i Eatin fr ouruma. He Bat Fs‘tnmw nok when he cometh, Sevactory, cut tel ereeed Ma pow eal ivayy eon, ated he. hat papa the bible and we say to Rend and clamped full con, relneny. He has tanta eter anid, “to become too entangled the world that Hts here” {rol Over all, domestic, noes full executive oy ento ‘of the etn womany” and oven aha in mat extragral- Media and cctsionaly, over a-pawertul Convention Fee from la caiest dave, Me COM ‘nyt iy ally fare Such {OPEN ports se wel, Me pi perky, of wh Me fem, my fear of women Sgnaoher adition” ea one He ® oll campelen Mat preniden, asmumed £0 ry eT hr er © hE LE EL F—”-_™ teen ne aanecke last year, “may unlntentional- who, were ani to, telling Jnoved all possible political rl utgrown.” Hi cloentalachs yet the President trom ines bout im, behind ME vale from his Inner coans ment wa oe ang aana the People,” than. increasing back. In March one poor Sees out aw oe ‘opposition reports that ga chil “twetd the iolation Us intended to driver wan faled, for Ce United party sre jaled its te be angry wien my fer overcome. ‘But In the. ahort 708m fo tn re eee iat legislature arm 0 deep in ou ot Son enema to prvige Mkru-W, hn ‘bactore PasengeTn” Into a rubber stamp, (nfo fold ima tat an alto Gyan a. very welcome mani. who happened to be Mehr be hag ordered MS he find married to hey and It war MY futation "that the people of AIKIME miliary Me Dutalge Jobo Because there a parently no one has been able Ghana are hia friends (not to An wunrelazing desire | £0 not enough to keep them ‘busy to take her piace. ae eames ‘mold reality to fit his pre in ‘the legislature), pureed eae an event they so often urn out .copts. Nkrumah has sought to! polls and army TAI 9 Pep: ota, acted oa fob his ehemieainatvdualy: change what le done ‘Etmnet aie. iaidents, clamped ab: yotian, Pub Rizk, but he nkerminged fens and ait of and han reamed tele authoiiy ooh way from teeing tation, the one ores tne mi “of what, power, wennans of Parag eve op rene of emveience Fath ther, form am emonal part nat change, We ‘heehee, ee Pe oer ec than love (hesrobably BAG St'Nirumeh’s permoaltye In ively wupporied,Net-wingrs Tevel usenet fot ven cen hi ble Pfs ‘Tun, they elect wat ape trout ihe continent tn taken conte oF ah they! got married) and tis jap the enna! hey tovun- hope, of proving tant Aiea edvention,| Today | Nkrumeh yee ett fitter ne ermpin ay: Fay, mci atten rene mrae cnnagh of the, Onanaas OK conanen f= cenereanen, Sd at home he allows in| He ha, alee creed Eerlence ox the poltial Pat pci -aboorpton, oti —~ papers to make up news and! ratnesass, He has pated 0 aes (sitet tn yehotogical, terme, montage” photographs that’ steady series of Narehiy” Pun: Ent be" conor arc: mateh Be reemestionn te ara swing M1 ‘em. ‘Two years ago he decided that ppponenta up. to 20 yea Ode wutstte tor tne Re evitence to voport acai devers shoud immeitey eat tra or appen, seed Tete Not personal. frlendship diagnosis of Nkrumah as nar-.switeh to the right-hand side them to jail more than 100; hay be the animalg: in his cesiatic le not, of course, con..of the road as a move of sollz (some even say 1,000) mus-- Zoe” who can be releases fot ‘elusive, but. signals such as darity with the former French pected dissident ” includ Sicing trek dares et thee ec tw foment to) Hale, arend Min And onyprofemar and aden awed share wi ose around him | be overlooked. ‘a Inst-minute burst of ra-| police interrogation and house’ See Se aeectie attachment to tonal halted the campaign nrmety to” exw ‘wth end pub of sna ans eng Shuma as ad eve the nen of Th and fon, Glos soldiers: not enougt ‘more effective [continually thrust his own sands, ‘with automatic riftes to a ‘and ‘pervasive substitute Is ideology on his country an tomate rifles to guard’ aa ee a rr Coat eeciaeton, Sits” Samus cod communications cetera] Seen — 3] reaffirmation of Ms vafue, and communications centers, ! Drticulas— in” half, a dozen. polemical Nariman has encouraged nok openly” threatened | miltary Tat ln publ adalation, on newepapern, on his Powerful only adulation from the press sctlon against ant-Govern:! that in publle adulalon 20 “Froadcanting atation—and hn but’ eyeophancy from these, ment demonstrations, "on Uarive one this even knowing ft hae] around him, and haa held a doned an uncontrofed ob, He has no hesitation im ‘alienated many of his fol- steady stream of elections and) Invasion designed | to: intimt-" nar name entate refer-iowers, gered many of his! referendums ae evidence that| date univerity students, al? having the party papers refer fellow lenders and offended he is realy popular, ii own lowed party hacks remarkable Dedication," “The Nation's Many of his creditors. words betray this need: “It is| freedom in bullying recalel~ Daaicalon” "The Nation's MAY crayume sconvkction i ereenta” he announced. in| trant judges, Mile Eastern Par of Fire and Tount of sno rightness of Ma ection Ype2, that "once. every” five| entrepreneurs and hesitant Honor or simply “Te Keto Nkrumah han always believed yeara (the people) shall have] achoolmesters, and used courts FR ces On tae uy religiously that hls way wad the opportunity to renew thelr| at all evels to enforce exect pnd as 15 minutes of tra- on om ret feature wey faith and confidence in the tive orders, o SO rnctetigr a ettecive in gaining supporters party “and couree, Neri Sioa “pale aang” | tc or inptnonce, Ray mt TMee”” UY tle red gst aro Chiefs alone. When a slight and neither bombs, betrayals \ cnena beeatuse of the threat. of > | strane aoa" Asera on 20 hse have shaken him; T, > | subversion, but his ruthle ferthquae, mook Accrs o8 For enn for example, when Avi Of much recognaed: ees prow within a vicious, Bie say Nurumah announced ving to taxe over the Uni- symptoms aa theas, then, it |eireteFeemman t@ many, a, reeat Plan he Evening News versity of Chant, he bithely 2or8 not seem too much to pee °° - _ report ran: seen Ugnored even Congr, Gritve, Y: Continued CPYRGHT. . “ UN 27 1965 Approved For Release 1999/09/17 CIA-RDP75-00149R000600010018-9

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