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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Catherine Daigle-Roy


Grade 5, Cycle 3


The objective of this lesson is to make student develop knowledge of how to grip the badminton racket

correctly: underhand, backhand, and overhand. They will also learn the basic stance while hitting a shuttle from

different shots. Lastly, they will learn how to start, hit and continue a rally between partners.


Competency 1: To perform movement skills in different physical activity settings


F. Types of grips

3. Identifies grips based on the implement used

G. Vocabulary related to the equipment used

1. Name objects

4. Names the main parts of implements

Motor Skills

C. Manipulation skills

3. Projecting objects with an implement

c. Throws or strikes an object using an implement for specialized activities


The outcome of this lesson plan is that all students are required to hit the shuttle to a partner. Most

students should be able to rally using underhand and overhand techniques. Some students will be able to use

correct grip and stance while hitting both shots.


In this lesson, an iPad could be required, or any types of screen, to show students’ experts playing

badminton and how to use the grips correctly. If the students’ parents permit, the teacher can record students

while playing to show them their errors or what they do correctly.


Firstly, students will be ask to sit down in a horseshoe formation and the teacher will give them

information on how to hold the racket correctly. By demonstrating how, it will prevent any injuries students

could possibly have. Furthermore, the teacher will explain the stance standing and while playing badminton. To

begin, have students pair up with a partner relatively their height. Demonstrate them the underarm shot,

overhand shot, and backhand shot. Have them practice a rally before starting the activities.


Pennies are needed to separate students, each student needs a racket, depending on the activity playing,

and students need shuttles, nets and any technological devices needed.


At the beginning of the class, it is important for students to set up the class before hand. They should

know how to help the teacher to put the badminton nets up. Before executing any activities, make sure students
are all on the same track. Make sure they know what a overhead shot, by calling it out while rallying. If any

students struggle or do not do the good hold, correct them until they know each hold’s name. The stance also

needs to be understood since they need to stand a specific way when hitting both underarm and overhand shots.


First Activity: Practice

The first step of this activity is the warm-up. Going into the class, students are exciting to play. You

assign them to a court, and they will begin to rally. Their goal at this point is to hit the shuttle as they think and

try to get the rally going as long as they can. After a couple of minutes and all students are in the gymnasium,

step 2.

The second step of this activity is to make students sit down. This is the moment to show them the

correct grip. Make demonstrations and ask students who are comfortable showing, to make demonstrations.

Third step is to make them practice the holds and stance the teacher asks. They can all take a separate

space in the gymnasium. On the teacher signal, they will call out different holds and stances and students need

to repeat them and show it to the teacher, to prove they understand.

Second Activity: Fast Rallying

This activity is a fun game to try to transfer knew knowledge in a play. The game is played with 4

players on each side of the net. Each player is placed in each corner. One side will start with a rally, and goes

until one player misses the shot. The player, who misses, then has to stand off the court. The team that looses a

player starts the next rally. The twist of this game, if team A looses a player, but wins the next rally, the player

comes back on the court. By addind this twist to the game, it forces player to try to maximize their knowledge

to increase their chance in winning the next rally. The goal of this activity is to win enough consecutives rallies

to force other teams’ players off the court. If team A looses all of their players they can restart this activity.

For the type of assessment for a badminton lesson like this, I would do it during the last activity. It is

important to assess during an activity of this sort since if you would just let the kids play, they could use any

techniques just to say they would hit the shuttle. By assessing, they will force themselves to apply new

knowledge. They would be assess on hitting the shuttle with an underarm shot, overhead shot and backhand

shot. They will also be assessed on the stance they use from different shots and if they are able to keep a rally.

A rubric will be distributed at the beginning of class so that students see what is asked of them and ask any

questions about the assessment.

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