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Transfemoral Prosthesis Above-Knee (AK)


General Description of a prosthesis with suction suspension must have
the arm strength and balance to be able to pull the
A Transfemoral Prosthesis is a device used for
limb into the prosthesis by way of a pull sleeve.
patients who have undergone an amputation of the
lower limb between the knee and the hip. A Trans- Silicone Suction Suspension
femoral Prosthesis is sometimes referred to as an Silicone suspension
Above-Knee (AK) prosthesis. incorporates a liner
There are many types of AK prosthetics, and you will which is rolled onto
be fitted based on the shape and length of your the residual limb,
residual limb, activity level, prognosis, preference and creating a seal. A pin
prosthetist’s recommendation. Because an AK ampu- or pull strap at the
tee is unable to bear weight on the bottom of his/her end of the sleeve
residual limb, one must support his/her weight on the locks into the bottom
ischial tuberosity (seat bone), the soft tissue of the of the socket. A pros-
limb, and the gluteal tissues. thetic sock should be
worn over the silicone
Various suspension methods can be used for a Trans- insert. The volume of
femoral Prosthesis: the residual limb and
Suction Suspension the fit of the pros-
One of the best thetic socket deter-
forms of suspension, mine the thickness of
suction suspension, the sock needed.
Figure 2
involves pulling the
residual limb into the
socket with a pull Silesian Belt (Total Elastic Suspension Belt)
sock or donning The Silesian belt holds the prosthesis on the indi-
sleeve through a vidual by wrapping around the waist from the front of
hole in the bottom of the socket to the back. This device is usually pre-
the socket (see scribed for someone who is unable to wear either the
Figure 1). A negative suction or silicone suction suspension, or if additional
pressure results suspension or rotational control is needed. This belt is
between the socket comprised of elastic or webbed material. To wear the
and the limb, and a belt, the individual applies a prosthetic sock, pushes
valve inserted into the limb into the socket, then attaches the belt around
the hole causes a the waist. The belt is secured by buckles or Velcro®
vacuum. The wearer closures.
Figure 1

If you have any questions, please contact Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics.

Your prosthetist is:

1.888.676.2276 (Toll Free) Your physician is:
Transfemoral Prosthesis Above-Knee (AK)
CARE & USE GUIDE (cont.)
Hip Joint, Pelvic Band and Waist Belt thetist. He or she can show you how to gauge when
This device is recom- your socket fits correctly.
mended for individu- • Make sure your shoe height is correct for your pros-
als who need side- thesis. A misalignment can put a strain on your
to-side stability and residual limb and surrounding joints.
rotational control – • Keep a “leg” bag handy with items you might need
for instance, some- in an emergency (prosthetic socks, pull sock or ace
one with weak hip bandage, antibiotic ointment, antihistamine oint-
abductor muscles or ment, etc.).
a short residual limb. • The fit of your prosthesis will fluctuate during the
A movable hip joint is day, you may need to add or remove socks as
attached to the pros- needed.
Figure 3
thetic socket and a • If you are having trouble with the prosthesis or liner,
metal band on a belt attaches around the waist. This do not make your own adjustments or alter the
prosthetic is easy to use but adds weight and bulk. prosthesis/liner. Call your prosthetist immediately.
Tips and Problem Solving • Do not sleep with your limb resting on a pillow, as
• Check your skin regularly for signs of pressure this promotes a hip flexion contracture (inability to
points, skin irritation or unusual redness. It could be completely straighten your hip)
a sign of a serious problem. Contact your prosthetist • Do not sleep with a pillow between your legs, as this
as soon as possible to troubleshoot the problem. lengthens the inner thigh muscle that helps you
• Wash any part of the prosthesis that makes skin keep your legs together when you walk, and short-
contact (liners, socks, the inside of the socket, etc.) ens the outer thigh muscles so that you walk and
every day with mild soap and water and allow plenty stand with your feet apart.
of time to dry. Follow manufacturers’ instructions • Do not rest your limb over the handle piece of your
for care of liners. Unless specifically instructed, do crutches.
not use anything containing alcohol or unknown • Do stretching exercises daily to make sure that you
chemicals. can straighten your knee and hip; this makes walk-
• If your socket is too big or too small, see your pros- ing, and even lying in bed, more comfortable.


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