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8 October 2010 - Featured Lessons

Basic Jazz Chords

Basic jazz guitar chords are typically 7th's. In this lesson, we will use the E, A,
and D chord forms to build the qualities of Major 7, minor 7, minor 7 flat 5, & fully
diminished 7. Go

Theory: Building Chords - EON

Chords are created by selecting a ROOT (a tone to build something from), and
then selecting Every Other Note (EON). There are 7 tones in a Major scale;
therefore, there are 7 triads (each tone becomes a root). Go

Circle of 5ths

The circle of 5ths is an organizational system for key signatures. Roughly

modeled after a clock, the circle indicates the 12 (15 including enharmonic keys)
different key signatures for the Major and relative minor keys. Go
7 Major Scale Patterns - Standard Tuning's Ultimate Map.

These 7 scales can change your worldview. Once you figure out how these
patterns work, you can decloak standard tuning in every key. The patterns follow
a cycle of forms that link up to the CAGED chord forms & the Pentatonics. These
patterns are built in C Major [all natural tones, yet can be applied to all 15 key
centers.] Go.

Blues Voicings

Blues chords have a distinct sound. That sound is the Dominant 7 chord (R 3 5
b7). Dominant 7's are Major Triads with a flat 7. For our first round of blues, we
will stick with Major keys. Go

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