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(all question mostly from past yr paper)

1. Ripple tank

-type of wave




-Lamda =ax/D

-super position, nodal, anti nodal line

-d-t graph or v-t graph (the 2graph)

-sound machine wave (?)

2. linear motion (dono what)

3.nuclear reaction

-mass defect

-calculation of E=mc2 (electric,mass defect,amu)

-gama beta alpha thing

4 temperature graph

-boiling n coling curve

-specific latent heat,specific heat capacity


-gas-mono, bouron gauge ( tak sempat salin not sure..)

-atm(?) –mercury, factm(?) ,anacoid (?) [tak sempat salin]

-calculate atmospleric presuse of.. (I think is named manometer?)

6 circuit


-ohm’s law definition

-resistance V=IR

-relationship between factor in ohm law (not sure alak anot)

7 automatic switch [from 2007]





-(function n useage all that gua)

8 (essay) concave mirror

-application –slide projection

-ray diagram

-Relation of C , F (C is centre of circle,F is half of C)

9(essay) solenoid/step up transformer

-flaming left hand rule


-thing like above

-how to increase solenoid (increase number to turn,soft iron core,increase I)

-Right hand grip rule

-determine the north pole/s of solenoid

-y need to step up (increase V,decrease I,reduce P loss=I2R,alternationg current)

11 Submarine/buoyant force (I think this is compare,suggest essay)


-balast tank…..

-FB= Vpg
12 radio isotope

-read sub topic 5.3 n 5.5

-use in (medicine,agriculture,industry, alcuole(?) )

-half life calculation

-waste management (low-lab,clinic ),(intermediate-industry,hospital ),(high-reactor )

**haha pandai pandai sendiri try ur luck on past yr questions~

**might miss something for I cant copy/understand the teacher ==

Hope this will help u all

-tranverse wave - water wave
-equilibrium forces - object hanging & tension force
-nuclear fission-mass detect & total energy
-heating graph - solid to liquid & calculate heat energy
-manometer - (pressure in liquid & relate the depth and density to pressure)
-electromagnectic - deflection copper wire (number of batteries) (relate the
amount of current to deflection or movement)
-series circuit (calculate resistance & compare the brightness)
-electronic- transistor (automatic switch circuit)
- light @ street lamp during night- LDR- transistor - calculate VBE

1) concave mirror- object before f & object far from fcompare object
distance , size of image-Draw the ray diagrams for concave mirror-slide of
projector - modification, power bulb, position, curvature,position of slide,
position screen+projector
2) induced current in solenoidcompare- no of turns-deflection-cutting the
magnectic flux-rate of cutting-magnitude induced currentrelate no of turns
-rate cuttingrelate rate cutting -magnitudestep up transfromer - modification-
core- diameter/materials- turns pri _ secondary- no of diode- position pri &
secondary coil
3) Bouyant Force-submarine able to submerge-investigate characteristic of
submarine-calculate buoyant force - height , surface area , density
4) Radioisotopes-detect leakage-definition-investigate characteristic
radioisotope beta , gamma - half life , state of matter-Determine the alpha
particles & beta particles from decay graph of Radon-Calculate no of

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