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DATE/SESSION: 4/16 Session 3 PSU STUDENT: Andi Chitwood

Review Practicum Rules AND Share Learning Goals:

Go over the goals for the day, putting review rules as your first goal.
 Goals
o Remember our group rules
o Read a book and answer questions about it
o Game
o Take sounds out of words and add new sounds to words
o Write our own story

Benchmark Reading Assessment (and All About Me + extra activity for other student):
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
The student will read a benchmark assessment text with appropriate accuracy (90-94%),
fluency (at least level 1), comprehension (at least satisfactory), and written response (at least at
level 2) on level H or higher.

Strand: Reading Foundational Skills

Box Sub heading: Fluency
Standard: R.F.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

Strand: Literature
Box Sub Heading: Key Ideas and Details
Standard: RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson

Strand: Writing
Box Sub Heading: Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: W.1.6 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or
gather information from provided sources to answer a question

3 Pencils
Socks book and recording form
The Loose Tooth book and recording form
2 Writing paper with prompt
All About Me Template
Colored Pencils
Benchmark Assessment Procedures page
Benchmark Assessment Finding Easy, Instructional, and Hard Text Levels page
Note cards of words and punctuation- however many you want to make

The Plan:
Introduce the Lesson:
 “Today I’ll have you read a story to me! You will tell me what happened in the story,
then you will write about it. But, I can only listen to one story at a time! If you’re not
working with me, you will work on your all about me book. Today, we are going to
continue to work on our family page and our best friend page. You can also work on
your Happiness page. If you finish these pages, I have notecards that have words on
them. You can put these cards in any order you want to create your own sentences.”

Instruction: (Include directions for the other student and steps for completing assessment)

 Directions for all about me book

o “You will start by finishing your family and friend pages. If you finish these pages,
you can work on your Happiness page. For this page, you will tell me about when
you are happy. If you finish these pages, make sentences with the word cards.”
 Directions for Benchmark Assessment
o I will follow the steps on the benchmark assessment procedure page which
 Read title and introduction for the book
 Take a running record while the student reads the text
 Give the comprehension prompt and take notes of the conversations
 Give the writing prompt and have the student begin writing about the

 I will score the assessment by tallying errors and SC, figuring accuracy rate, SC, and error
rate, analyze MSV for each error and SC, score the fluency, comprehension, and writing.
Use the Benchmark Assessment Finding Easy, Instructional, or Hard Text to determine if
the text is independent, instructional, or hard text.

Brain Break Activity:

Students will stand up and the teacher has them do five different movements. Start at 5
movements, then go to four, then three, so-on-so-forth.
 5 jumping jacks
 4 toe touches
 3 squats
 2 karate kicks
 1 high five

Phonemic Awareness Assessments (and All About Me + extra activity for other student):
Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard: Deleting and substituting
The student will delete a specific phoneme sound from a given word and orally pronounce the
new word correctly for at least 12 out of 15 words

Strand: Reading Foundational Skills

Box Sub Heading: Phonological awareness
Standard: RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
RF.1.2.b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including
consonant blends.

The student will substitute a specific phoneme sound in a given word and orally pronounce the
new word correctly for at least 12 out of 15.

Strand: Reading Foundational Skills

Box Sub Heading: Phonological awareness
Standard: RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
RF.1.2.b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including
consonant blends.

2 Phonemic Awareness Assessment sheets
1 Pencil
All About Me Template
Colored pencils
2 sight-word word searches

The Plan:
Introduce the Lesson:
 “To help me know more about sounds that you know inside words, and to let me be
able to help you with sounds, I will do an activity with you. In this activity, I need you to
take away and add different sounds inside the words I give you. Just like last time, I can
only listen to one person at a time. So, if you’re not working with me then you will be
working on your all about me book. You can pick up right where you left off earlier! If
you finish those pages, I have a word search you can work on as well!”

 Directions for all about me or extra activity
o “I can only work with one of you at a time, so if I am not working with you, you
will be completing another page for your all about me book! Go ahead and start
where you left off on it earlier. If you finish those pages, you can work on the
word search that is inside your folder. When you find one of the words on the
list, circle it, then cross it off the list.”
 Directions for the Phonemic Awareness Test
o I will follow the directions for the Phonemic Awareness Assessments which
 Deleting phonemes from words
 I will follow the teacher script to practice the skill
 I will give them each word for the assessment, scoring the word
correct or incorrect. For the first 6 words I will also ask the
student to identify if the sound is long or short.
 Substituting phoneme in words
 I will follow the teacher script to practice the skill
 I will give them each word for the assessment, asking the child to
repeat the word, and then giving the sound to add to the word.
 I will score each word as either correct of incorrect.

 I will count the number for each assessment that are correct and write the total on the
total line for each sheet. The student should achieve at least 12 correct for each

Extra Activity Lesson:

Objective/Evaluation/Common Core Standard:
The student will create a story board to completion with a beginning, middle, and end about
something they have experienced with 2-3 sequenced events using sequence words.

Strand: Writing
Box Sub Heading: Text types and Purposes
Standard: W.1.3. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced
events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event
order, and provide some sense of closure.

2 pencils
2 story boards
Colored pencils
Completed story board example

The Plan:
Anticipatory Set:
 “I want you guys to take a minute to think back on a time where you experienced
something fun. It could be a field trip, going on vacation, or visiting an amusement park.
Think of a fun time you have had silently to yourself. Once you have your idea, go ahead
and give me thumbs up.” Wait for students to give you thumbs up before moving on.
Allow a few minutes of thinking time. If needed, set a timer.

Introduce the Lesson:

 “Now that you have an idea about a fun day you’ve had, I want you to keep thinking
about that fun day, because you are going to write a story about it!”

 Teaching the Lesson:
o “Have you guys ever written a story before? What are a few things that we need
to make a complete story?” Look for answers such as a title, a beginning, an
ending, pictures, etc. “Great! It seems as if we know how to start our story! Do
you know what kind of words we might use in our story, so we tell it in order?”
Look for answers such as first, second, next, then, later, finally, last.

 Check for Understanding:

o Pull out your completed story board sample and have the students identify the
beginning, middle, and end of the story.
o Have the student find sequence words within your sample story board.

 Guided Practice and/or Independent Practice

o “Do you remember that fun day you thought about a little bit ago? It’s your turn
to make your story board! Remember that your story needs to have a beginning,
middle, and end. You also need to use words like first, next, then, and finally so
we know that your story is in order!”
o If time allows, they can color their story board as well.

 Closure
o Have students share their complete story board with the group.

 Did the student complete a story board about a personal experience with a beginning,
middle, and end using sequence words?

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