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Step 1 : write exactly what u want with details it could be anything a life style a

car ...
Step 2 :begin to visualize yourself already have it and play mental movies that is
like already a reality
Step 3: stop watching television shows that contradicts your beliefs
Step 4: have a sweet affirmations that you already have what you want
Step 5: create an alarm on your phone that will remind you of affirmations
Step6 : listen to affirmations or create your own that compliments your desired
Step 7 : begin to talk about your desire as is already affect
Step 8 : repeat repeat repeat?

so really can be condensed to:

1) define your desires
2) visualise manifestation of desires
3) indulge only in activities that complement your desires
4) repeat a mantra to confirm the presence of your desire?

For the ones who need notes on this:

How the subconscient works:
1. Your subconscient mind is always on and recording what you are hearing and
saying, is even picking up with what you are not consciently aware of, even when
you sleep - this is how subliminal messages work
2. It is a giant tape recorder, it records all of your life's memories and
experiences, it stores all events as mental movies and images in your mind
3. It does not here NO or NOT
4. It can not comprehend the future, it only knows NOW, that's why if you have
goals you should see them already accomplished
5. Our subconscient controlls 95% of our lives, forms our habits
6. The subcoscient mind cannot tell the difference between our imagination and an
actual event (that's why you get scarry when you watch a horror movie)
7. Repetition creates new believes in the subconscient mind: say or think anything
long enough and you will eventually start to believe it, even if it's completely
false at the time?


1. make an organised schedule-as a person who can control his time can achieve
2.spaced repetions- revise the topics you learned today on the 3rd day, 5th day, 7
th day
3.depth of processing- topics which u have learned make diagrams, flowchart on your
own understanding
4.find your productive space-as humans we are highly effected by our environment,
our productivity varies from place to place
5.cut out your distractions- place your phone in other if possible switch of, if
you have any pet put it in a different room
6.increase your motivation to study- write down things which u can tell people why
you are doing this,your goals effective study habits-start by small study routine(specially in the
morning) for 10min then eventually increase the time duration from 10 to 20,20 to
40, 40 to 2 hrs
8.know what to focus on-study on quality not on quantity, learn only those things
which are most imp. hard- always remember hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
10. study like a lecturer-learn things like you are going to explain it to someone
11.the loci method- make your house a study a session, associate things in your
house with the topic you just learn
Megan Leamon
2 years ago
I'll save you 7 minutes of your life.. you're welcome

1. passion- love what you do

2. work hard
3. focus your energy on one thing
4. keep pushing yourself
5. come up with good ideas
6. improve at what you do
7. serve others
8. persist until you succeed?

Find Your passion :

- Write All thing that you want to do (and things that you want to explore)
- First : Start by thinking who ypu are as a person, not thingking about the job
- 3 Question : - What skill you want to be using and what skills you good at ? find
crossover of them (ex: leadership, teamwork, problem solving, etc)
- 3 Question : - What do you want to get out of work ? consider how well the job
suits us, making a difference variety (ex: like making positive impact on society,
or you being in control of your workload)
- 3 Question : - Working environtment (ex: office based, otudoor, etc)
- Second : Experiencing career in diverse areas and make a carreer decision based
on knowledge and experience rather than assumption or expectation. Sometimes
Bussiness skill accompatnied with practical outdoor job
- U can have portofolio career (take one skill and apply in many areas), it means
doing several job, given skill adaptibility, flexibility, resilience, learcn

Thing that i wish i know when i was younger - Simon Sinek

- [1] Two ways to see the world : See the things that they want (see opportunity),
when you see this way, this is enable you to diminish the size of obstacles, and
see only the obstacles (they forgot why he set his journey in the first place, they
just got stunned by the fear or overwhelmed by the challange), so See the things
thay you want rather than obstacles that you have to go through
- [2] Characteristic of Nervousness and Excitement are same : heart start pounding,
hand little clammy, looking forward what may happen, it means we gonna face our
biggest challenge in our life, before you see anything as you push forward toward
what you want, maybe its hard or easy, and you start to get nervous, just remind
ourself this is exciting, Perspective matter.
- [3] The one who give each other selflessly is what makes we great, this is the
core of leadership. Remember, we here becouse someone took care of us, and we have
responsibility to take care of the others
- [4] We should be a better listener, and be the last to speak, allow other to
speak before you, this is allow the other to feel heard, not start the
conversation, they ended it. (again, make others feel they are heard)
- [5] Fulfillment is something you carry on daily basis whether you enjoying it or
not (like loving your family). Sometimes we confusing Happiness and Fulfillment,
the fulfillment is not the fleeting joy we experience, whe fulfillment is when we
get the opportunity to serve who serve others
- [6] We achieve great things, and we gonna go on achieve other great things, and
they will give you award, but never lose sight the fact that we are still starting
from the scratch, never lose sight of who we are before all the things happen

5 Rules to Follow as You Find Your Spark by Simon Sinek

- [1] Go after the things that you want, you dont have to do it the way everyone
did, do it your way
- [2] Sometimes, we are the problem, take accountability of your action, take
credit of all things that we are doing it right as long we also take responsibility
the things that we did wrong
- [3] Take care of each other, help each other people to be a great person, that
how people advance in the world, who we gonna ask for help, and when we gonna
accept help when its offered, learn by practicing help each other, if you ask for
help we'l find other love us and take care of us
- [4] Hold our opinion until everyone has spoken, gives other opinion that they've
been heard and have been contribute. The only thing we can do is to ask question so
we can understand what they mean and why they have opinion that they have, we must
understand from where they are speaking and why they sepeak like that.
- [5] As we gain our posisition, fame, achevement, people will treat us better,
that means that the treat of the people are just for the posisition we are held,
not for ours, just remember we deserve nothing but a basic thing that we have,
remember the Humilty

How to Get People to follow you - Simon Sinek

- Key Traits about human that Leaders should know :
Background : We are social animal that response to the environment, our
survivability depend on the ability to cooperate and trust with the people we work
Clause 1 : Leader are responsible for that environtment, no leader are responsible
for the result, the leader are responsible for the people who responsible for the
Clause 2 : Leadership has nothing to do with rank, leadership is matter of
responsibility, so Leadership is the matter of responsibility to take care the
people that we worked with, and it requires practice, even we dont have the ability
to make decision which impact the organization, but we do have the ability to make
decision which impact on the people we worked with.
Analogy : Leadership its same as the friendship, being in good relationship mean
that our friend can rely on us, can trust us, its the human relationship.
Leadership is like parenting, everbody has the capacity to be a parent, that doesnt
meant everbody should be a parent, or want be a parent, so its same as Leadership,
cause it has massive responsibility.
Clause 3 : Nobody has teaches us to do leadership, so we tend to be a bad leaders,
so we should have or make our own what is the leadership is and they can't help
themself, the transisition that we make is we now responsible for the people who
responsible for the result, and support someone for the people.
- All the thing in common that every leader should have is not a charisma, vision,
or else, is just the COURAGE, cuz its hard to do something that right for people in
the face of overwhelming pressure is the only best leader who have that.
- Courage comes from the support we feel from the others, when you feel you got
someone in your back, that gives you the courage to do difficult thing, the people
who loves us, who care about us and believe in us, wheen we have that it gives us
COURAGE to do the right thing, and if we have that courage to inspire the others to
also act with courage, it will follow your example
- Clause 4 : Being vulnerable, doesnt meant to cry, its means to say i need help,
it means to express the feeling yo have to worry someone without fear what people
think of you
- Clause 5 : Iths hard to measure leadership for the short term, but can be proven
over time trough the metrics to prove it, its not about the intenstity, its all
baot consistensy, and the same goes with leadership, it can be proven over time.
its accumulation of alot lot lot of little thing that is not useless. Ex : if you
ask somebody hot their day was, its a good leader, you actually care about the
- How we create a good relashiopnship wtih the strangers : Common believes, common
values, care about others and build their own confidence so they can achive more
than they could imagine, thats leadership
- Clause 6 : The leader are responsible to create the environtment to the other to
feel safe, to feel like they belong to, so the others will open to correction and
feedback to improve and grow each other. so they will feel about leader are
actually care about them, about their joy, lives, confidence than some short term
~Working hard to something that we dont care about is called Stress, otherwise,
Working hard to something that we love is called passion~
- milenial Question Missing piece characteristics:
- [1] Parenting Failure : Some millenial have what they not deserved, its just
because of the parent
- [2] Technologies
- [3] Impatience : millenials now grow up in instant gratification world, which
everything is an instant at the time we want it, but in terms of Job satisfaction,
relationship, it just slow uncomfortable messy process. its take time, millenials
now tend to see the summit, but not see the mountain
- [4] Environment : millenials tend to be put in a environtment which not helpin
them in build confidence, overcome digital challanges and finding their balance.
- Trust form in slow, steady, consistent, and we gonna allow for the small
interaction to happen

Why Leader Eat last - Simon Sinek (99U)

-4 Chemical feeling that responsible for Happiness : Endhophins, Dopamine,
Serotonin, Oxytocin [EDSO]
-Endorphin and Serotonin called Selfish Selfish Chemical
- [1] Endorphin : Mask Physical Pain, its trying to make Work togheter to ensore we
survive, that we do well (Ex: Going to excersise)
- [2] Dopamine : Feeling when we accomplish something that we set up to accomplish
(Cross thing in To-do list): To Ensure get everything/stuff done. Its the reason
why we need to write our own goal, it must be tangible, we very very visually
oriented animal, we have to see the goal for it biologically stay focus, dopamine
is make us move toward that happiness feeling, and once we get that feeling, we
tend to repeat it to get the same feeling. Visually tangible means that we can
imagine it, it has clear metric, so if we can see our goal, we kep going and going
until we achieve something remarkable. And [WARNING] Dopamine is Highly ADDICTIVE
(Ex:Cellphone). And Dopamine is Dangerous if its unbalanced, but its hugely helpful
when in comfortable and balanced system.
- You dont need someone to get Endhorphin and Dopamine and you get what your goal,
but you wont get sens of FULFILLMENT, LOVE, TRUST, thats why we need Serotonin and
Oxytocin, which manage the (1) and (2). These chemicals whinch make our society
great, and makes leader realy fulfill their great responsibility
- We tend to stick to our tribe, which is contains the people who believe ehat we
believe to makes us feel safe. And this is the job of leaders, to make us Feel save
inside the circle/community/workplace. When we stand together we can more easily
face danger.
- Responsibility of leader : to determine who gets ini in our circle (Start with
why, what our values, what our belief, who can we allow in), how do we make the
circle big, how big is it.
- [3] Serotonin (leadership chemicals) : responsible for feeling pride, status, why
we need recognition from the others. Nd it also rise the confidence. (Ex: Award
Ceremony). And the thing is, Serotonin reinfoce the relationship between, boss and
employee, parent and children, leaders and followers, when our peple get awarded of
something, the pride goes up and the one who watch which is the one of our
tribe(community) feels surge of serotonin too, they'll feel proud too.
- Great team dont want to win the thropy, they want to win for the couch, to make
couch proud, to make our parent proud, and raises our status, boost our confidence,
and it feels good, and we look out the others to accomplish the same thing.
- But we can trick serotonin, We keep trying to accomplish thing and accumulate
more more material, yet we never feel succesfull, because it has no relationship,
we trick it, we gain it
- With trust, we can feel safe, and alert the other is something dangerous happen
- We constantly judging the other, who is dominant, who is the alpha, when we
assess that someone else is the alpha, we voluntarily and allow them to eat first,
this is why we constantly raise our status, becouse it has benefits for becoming
the aalpha, people will do things for us, do us favors. But its not free, it comes
with big responsibility, so when the dangers threathens us, we expect the
strongest/the talented one to run towards the danger to protect us. This is what it
means to be a leader, it cost self-interest. You have to put youself at risk to
look after others (Anthropological definition of Leadership).
- [4] Oxytocin : Feeling of love and trust and friendship, its the reason we like
to spend our time with friend even we dont do anything with them, its the intense
feeling of safety that someone got your back.
- There are multiple way to get oxytocin : 1). is physical Contact (hugging) (Ex :
handshake for the bussiness, whe our partner reject our handshake even that he
agree all the terms, it doenst feels good). bussiness, relationship are not
rational, they're about feeling safe, feeling we belong to and solidifies with
physical contact.
- 2) to get oxyctocin is through act of generosity : defined as act of giving our
time, and energy and expecting nothing in return, it doesnt work with money. We, as
human being put the time in a premium, because its equal commodity, and its non
- The leader is not someone who pays something for you, but leaders comes and sit
down next to you and syays "how can i help you ?". Its like parent tell to son
"please tell us candidly what we can do better so you feel like you belong here
because we really love you". leaders who give us their time and energy, the money
doenst work, whis way we can get oxytocin, by doing nice thing for people that
require you to sacrifice a little bit of time, little bit of energy, little bit of
something you never get back, and you never expect of anything in return. Its
called Relationship. and the one who gets the act of generousity is get the
oxytocin, and even the one who witnessing the act of generosity is get burst of
oxcytocin. And the more oxytocin that you have, the more generous that you'll
become and the more you do, the more you want to do, it inhibits Addiction. and it
increases ability to solve problem, increases our creativity, and its really good
for us, even make us healthier (Happy people, live longer).
- Leader has responsipbilityto make sure that people you know, that you have
physical contact and know their names are confident feel looked after and
encouraged to do the same for the big ones who work beneath beneath beneath them,
and when the people in the tip of the tribe circle feel safe 0in bussiness : it
will make customer feel safe)
-[XXX] Cortisol : Feeling of stress and feeling of anxiety : designed to keep us
alive, its the first stage of fight or fligt, it make us paranoid, and makes all of
our senses hyper attuned to look for danger, it increase heart rate, and make our
muscles stiff, and make us paranoidly find the danger and it affect the other who
see the paranoid one
- Leadership is not a rank, its not a posisition, it is a decision, its our choice,
it has nothing to do with posisition in the organization, if you diceide to look
person the left and right, you have become a leader, its about the willing nes to
sacrifice, to risk for someone so that they feel safe, that makes you a leader
- Its not about the ideas, its about making ideas Happen

- Better Multitasking or better to be distracted :)

Dictionary :
- egregious : Outstandingly bad (negative sense of outstanding,exceptional)
- gregarious : sociable, friendly, outgoing, amiable
- entitled : believing oneself to be inherently deserving prievileges or special
treatment--arrogant about it
- magnanimous : generous of forgiving, Magnanimity is the virtue of being great of
mind and heart. It encompasses, usually, a refusal to be petty, a willingness to
face danger, and actions for noble purposes. Its antithesis is pusillanimity.

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