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Komputasi Proses
Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kimia, UR
Hari Rionaldo ST MT
08 Oktober 2018
Catatan (baca dengan seksama):
Algoritma atau tahap-tahap perhitungan ditulis di lembar jawaban
File excel dikumpul lewat classrom
Dilarang bekerjasama, chating pada saat ujian dan sharing file

1. (VBA Case, Point:30)

Write custom function to calculate the sum of odd and even number from the data input by user. Data
input by user must be  10. If data input > 10, then show message box that prompt to input data  10.
Write algorithm or flowchart (write in your examination paper)

2. (VBA Case, Point:15)

Write custom function for solving p, see equation below:

Check the function to calculate p for data:

R =0.082; T=450; v=0.64; Tc =400; Pc = 100;

3. (Excel Case, Using goal seek or solver: Point: 20)

4. (Curve fitting, Point: 35)
The following data were collected by chemical engineer. The response y is filtration time,
x1 is temperature, and x2 is pressure.
a. Fit a second-order model (y = a + b*x1 + c*x2 + d*x1^2 + e*x2^2)
b. Create graph and give operating condition would you recommend if the objective is to
minimize the filtration time

Kejujuran adalah yang utama baik dalam bekerja maupun beribadah !!!
(HRN, 2012)

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