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The 、 ッ」セケョイ、@ al Luthnl ts connected d 3 2

through a channel Lo wh1ch one of the e r
foJJm\ 1ng nvers'' 5 Tile first 'r.>hru C'al.!tnel or
l'o urtcen
o.. Bharali included fhe non-Congressmen and
h. Bhogm o ャィ ・イ「セ@ Nehru's Congress Gmemmenl
c. Chhm 1 1rlUally become n lrroad bnsed nauonal

d. Chakra Oo1 ernmenl 111 mdependenl Who

e. b were those [ I ve non-Cougr
The rneral イ・ィアオセ@ Coond m the stupa <It fl. B. C Roy G<ll'lnd B,
Sbah-ji-ki-Dhen bears the figures of sealed Knpnlan1, C セ。@
Buddhn nlong w11h AbuJ Ko.Jnm Nw セ iッN@ セ@
a. Brahma and Vishn u h B. R h)'nmu Prasad
b Brahma and lndra Mu.khedee. ath:u. C 1-1 Bhobha
c. Sl\ a and Brahma 。ョ、 セ Q GTキ Q@ Cbelly
d V1shnu nnd lndra セ@ セ@ ' r, Krishna Menon, N G.
e. •• rセ@ .·:n
C Joshi nod Jayapral.ash
J At 11IHdl sess10fl of the lnd1un Nationul セ@ セᄋ@
Congress the "soclalislle I}Diltlrn o f arendmde1 , Ajoy Gbosh. P
ウッ」ゥ・ エセ ᄋ ᄋ@ wns offictnll) accepted 「セ@ !he 4... オョ、Zエイ。 ケセ@ a. Ru1'1 Narayana Reddi and
Congress'' C D Dcshmukh
a. W:u·dha St'SSIOII e b
In 1906. llhO or the fol lolllng \las the

b. BhubnneswarseSSIOil
c. Nagpur session Prestdent uf the lndi:m Nmiunnl Cong ress
J. A1nd 1 sessjon 10 In) d0\111 the gonl of the nat1 011al
e. d 1110 1 enwnl ns self-go \ emmcnt or Swaraj'/
Mnlch List I IYi th List : s cl the a DnJabhru Naoro.r i
corr.:ct uns11 er us111g the en 「セャPQ@ b P Anandn Chnrl u
the L1sts: c G. R.. oッ ォィ 。ャセZ@
• d B. G. tゥャ オセ@
e a
A 7 Coustder the [oliO\\ ュ セ@ 11airs
B. · Couumuust Party e11 spapors ウッpセイ ョ@ associated
Part) oflnd1U I fJ1dinn M1rror Dadnbhru Nnorojt
2. S\\'UdesnmttrJI'l 0 5ul1ramanty n Iyer
3 Sudharnl. G "-· Gol.halt<
Saumyendranalh Tagore Wh1ch of the above ptUrs is!nre correctly
2. Satyabhul.ta matched'/
a. I and セ@ On iセ@
3 N Dull Ma<:umdnr
Codes. b. 2 (1111)'
A B C c. 1 and 3 ッャセ@
a. I 2 3 d 1. :! and 3
b 2 3
e セ@

c. 2 3 I Cons1der tbe follo11 mg slalemenls:
1erozes 1u 1 ·c Q lセ@ wax ッ ョ セ@ •> 11.: e. t
lilllnders of ll1c Bombay pイセウゥ、」ョケ@ 13. Who of the tolluwini! first sl.:orll:d 1hu

Association. セッ」ゥ 。ャゥ ウ エ@ \\cckly called "'11'" sッ」ゥ 。ャ ゥセ ャ B@ in

2. Wh(;fl Phcro:t:csluh セャ」ィエZQ@
rctir.:d from India?
Imperi31 LcgiNiutivc: r'o uncil in 190 I. a. Ghulam Hussain
G. K. Gokholc wャエセ@ elected in hill place.
h. '\tuz.1l'f.1r Ahmed
\Vbich of the slnh,mcnu given ahuvc is.uc
c. S , A d セョ ァ・@
a. I only •'- S. V. (; hale
e. c
b. 2 on ly
1-t \'vltich on.: of
c. Bolh l and 2
kno11 n east."'> is a;;ocintcd
d. Neil her I nor 2
of thirty-two イ。、 ゥ」[セャ@ 1
e. c
1\lmJtatrna cゥ 。 ョ、ャッゥGセ@ fll"t ;lltc:mpl al leading
' セ@
union acti\'isls inclu•\lilll
an all-rndia ! ltugg lc 1\35 hi1 call for a Communists?
Snlp. craba 3R3Wlol llhich one or the
セ@ - a.
ヲッャキゥョァセ@ b.
a. Tit.: Public Said)' Boll onsi iracy case
b. plT:u:y case
c. ('
l\l. In ャGカ 。イ セィ@
elected 。 N セ@ thu pイ」セ ャ 、」ョャ@
Legisla live aセウ 」ュ「ャ ケW@ d. P. C. Joshi
a. C'. R. Dns e. h
h, ャ|ッエゥセ@ Nehru Afier エィセ@ elections of 19J7 11 hen lhu
c l\.bdnn 1\ lnhnn 1\lnla'<'lyn cGョ ッ jァセ・\ウ@ Ministries 1\C:re formed in the
d. Yitltalbhai Patd Pro vincts. to guide .md coordinate their
t:, d activities and to pre1セN[ョャ@ the
II. Wilh rcfcn.'IICC 111 thu provim:.ializatioo of Congrcs'l. a
fn.:edom sh uggle, In n s エセオ ョ ャG I@
Parliamentary Sub-commillr'..: was fonn..:d.
cッイョ ュゥ セウQッョ@ is pop rly known a•
Who of the following Wl$ not a member of
a. Cabinet 1\ ャゥセ@ +
a. C. RJjagopa lachari
b. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
c. 1\ laulana Abul Kabm Azad
d. Sardar Yallabhbhai P:ttd
12 the following Fl'l:.'lt ーセイmュ。@ ャゥエセ Z@ e. ••
R. Ambefur
17 \'\'hoof the follo11 ing appoonted n 1\'lllOtllll
2. T. pイZ QォN Lセ。ュ@
Planning Committe.: in I!>J8'1
3. Madan セ ャ ッ ィ 。ョ@ .\blni'IY8
a. D r. Rajcntlrn Pra;,aJ
\Yho of th;;: nbo\'c i arc assoc1atcJ with
b. Nctilj i Subh as Chandra Bos.:
Poona Pnct?
c. Pandil.Jawaharlal Nehru
3, I onl y
d Sardar Vallabhbhli Patel
h. I and 3 on i セ ᄋ@
t:. c
c. 2 and 3 o nly
1!1. cッ ョ セ ゥ、 ・ イ@ the following sta tements:
d. I. 2 nnd 3
e o\:o wn• uno '' lo.: on n 111111
pursoos chiell) ッ」ウーイl セ ゥィォ@ for \J1o.:
injti:olivc lo com cnc 1hc All India e,
Slates People's cョ ョj 」 イセQッ セZN[@ in 1927. 12. C'onside£ tloe l'olluwing •tntcmcnt,:
2. C. Rajngopala.:hnri 11 as dti clly I. L11e dasuks for U1e ーイゥ セ カ 。エ ・@ trade of th"
F.ast Lndln cッ ュー。ョ ケ ᄋ セ@ servants wcte
responsiblt1 in persuading \ lahotma
tmaUy abolis hed hy Lurtl Wc llc:slcy.
Gmdhi 1o uc:ctde to ini1iatt: \Joe
2. Lord Wcllc.;slcy lrans fcon:d Sad:or
' Indi vidual Salyagr;ohn ' Zセ エ@ Acblal from セQオ イウ ィゥ、ョ。@
n ゥコ\ッュ to
\\ohich of the 5tntemcn1• ァィ 」エZセ@ above is セ イ」[@ II

a. I onJy
b. 2 only
c. BoU1 laml :! a.
d. Ncither I nor 2 b.
e. 4' c.
19 With n.:[;,rencc lu Indian freedom olni!!J!IC. d.
who of the following \ laS the lady
represl'lltalive of lndon nt lhc Second RセN@
Round Table:: c ッョャゥZイ・ NZ セ[ G ャ@
セN@ Arun• >\saf Ali
b. Sarojini Nnidu
c. Sucltcta 1\..ripnbni
d. Vijayalnkshmi Pundit
c. • ...
20, With reference 1o wZセ カ」 ャ@ fll:on . c.
thu li1llowmg statements: excavations
I. As per the piau. Uw Conmv n · n d. Promoting ti1e English customs and
chief ol' tl1.: trrmc.;J lbrcc ul tradrtiqns in Tndin
Indian e. c
2. The department of ...,p <:q ;; 2-l. Wilb reference to c:ul) l!ngli ' h
would he in Ihe ands セゥャュ Q@ administration in India, under キ ィゥ セ ィ@ Ac t
\Vhid1 of \Joe slllt セ@ g$cn above i.' arL
did the President of U1e Board of Cont rol
become the 1\finistcr for Indian .\Jlilirs?
a. The Rc:gulatingAct. lnJ
セ N@
b. The Pitt 's lョ、ゥ N セ@ .\ ct. 178-l
c. The Cbartr:r Act of 181 セ@
d. The Act of 1833
e. b
25. Consider the following statementJ:
21 \\'wnn H:o, ling.s セーj ャP Q」、@ the Ammo
I. Jo the lirst a ョァャ オ M Z| QI セ P イ・@ War, the
Commission in 1776 to
セ「Nイ。jィウ@ anti lhe Nizam 1\ セNL NL@ 11 ilh the
a. gather infom1ation about lh Indian
j ud ici:o I •) stem 13rili!ih against I T3idar .\li.
b. \Hork out the atlmini>tr.ol ive strucllorc: 2. lo1 tlle secortd At1gln·i:l lysnre \ nr. ohc
suitnble to govern lndin11 territories l\ lanth<IS and llie NiZllm joined ィ。ョ、セ@
c. work out the modalities of selling up with Haidar Ali ngaiust lho: QSイゥエ⦅ セ ィ N@
ェ オ、ゥセ。ャ@ ウ ャイオセエ@ ウ オ ゥエセ「 ャ オ@ ln nuw wィゥセj@ or 111..: st:o tCI11CIIlS givun nbovCJ islarll
cnlon.v セZ ッ ョᄋ」エ@ '1
a. on y c.
b. d.
c. Both I セ ョ、@ 2 e.
d. Neither I nor 2 30. Tn the 」ッョエセク@ ufrevcnue administrntion of
r the British in Lmli:t, who o!' tlte lo llowing
The rオ、イエセウZ ョ イ。、Zj ケ。@ nf hhal>t• L'l is well·kuown for his asRncbtion. Wtth
a-'soci3ted with Qセ ィ ッ@ nf the follnw mgl Ryotwari SeUle!llent 3nd ih
a R3madasa :implemen1lltioo'/
b. Sankaracar) a 3. rhonus セ ャオッュ@
e. Tula5idlsa b. R. :\l Biril
d. Vallahbiic:.'iry3 c. Sir Ch.ulo;s セ 。ーゥ 」 イ@
e. b d. Joo3lhan DunC3n
27. \\' ilh reference to the period of the Unti.,h c. a
administration in lndia. cnnsidet the 3 1. th c
folio\\ ing st.atcmc:rm: -1mlep..'ndc:rlt L ·in JQ36'1"
I. Tin: Briti5h Indian Aliwciation a. Dr. B. R..
comprised or the fョァャゥセィ@ and Anelo- b.
lndi3ns tn ゥセ@ オセッ NZ ュ「NA イウ ィゥー N@ c.
2. When the Native Pr.:u

All Ind ia kゥセ。ョ@ sセ 「ィオ@ 1\ as

the Lucknow .;,.:ssion of tho
ongress in Apr il 19:'\6, whn of the
(QIIowmg was elected ltlllirst pイセN[ゥ、 ・ ョャ Gャ@
a. N. G. Ranga.
b. N11remlr;1 Dcv
o. Swami Sahajanaml Sara SWitli
d. B. 1-.L S. Nambuochipad
u. c
33. WiUt reference to カゥェ 。 セイ[ァ。@ empi re.
consid.:r ilic following ウ エ。 ・ ュ・ョl セ ᄋ@
ov.:r th..:
I. tL,.ihua '' セ ウ@ crown(;;() ャNゥョ セ@ of
2. Devaraya I planned and built the city
\\'lucb nftbe Statements gil en nbo1 cis セイ・@
a. l ool)
19. to pre-Jndepc:ndent lndt3.
b. 2 only
con?ttTet· the follnwmg stah..mcnts
<:. Botlt I and 2
l. nte Code of Civil Procedure \\all
d. N<:ilher 1 nor 2
introduced in 1860.
e. e
2 ·nac Code of Criman;al pイッ」セZ、オ@ ''as
Sセ N@ Willi refercnc... to Mughal administr.alion.
introduced 111 1R62.
NZッ。 セゥ、・イ@ tl•e following セ ャ。j・ュョ|Q[ Z@
Which or tho statements givctl above is are
I. Ail Ute mansabda:rs tltroughuut the
corrool'f tl1ughal rult: IH:re plitl in the form nf a
a. 1 only jagir only and not in the fonn of <.:a.•h.
b. 2 on I)'
。、ュゥョウエイZセッ@ 1:. c
tmnsli:rab l.:. 39. i\.ccording to セQゥャエイョ@ pillar inscription.
Which uflhc ウャN ッエセュ」ョl セ@ !!iV<-'11 :obovc ill. or.: ャ エ 、ゥエセ」ィョイー@ 」ッュ・イセ エ 」、@ twu Sivulingas
comxt'! named
a. I only a. Gut lcshwara and Kltlambeshwura
h. 2 only b. Nageshwaru and セjァ。ョ エィ@
c. Boll• I D11d 2 c. K;Jpileshlv3rll and L'pmi leshwat3
d. NciiJJer I nor 2 d 。jャゥオョ、・NセィキZイ@ and Shrishaile,hwa•l
e. d e. ••
35. Who mmong the liollowing \1 as th.: last 40. Pmdakara under the 1\laury:m
governor of Bengal appoin1ed 「セ@ the I.a.\.
セャオァィ@ emperor'/ a paid in labour
a. SJrfara1 1\:lmn
b. on irrigation
h. mオョセ「ゥ、@ Qui! !{han ..:. onnoo-agn
c. ,'\li\ ard1 Khan d. collc-:ted JO
d. Slmjauddin 1\luhammad K.ftan c. d
c. b 4 1,
36, Which one of the lollo\\ ing ''as lb.: セZ。ーエョ ャ@
of セ Z QS@ it エMZセォ。@ ru Icrs'!
a. [lesnagM
b. Gandhar Q ーャ。 セ」ウ@
hich nf Lbe aho1·e ーャ。」 do
c. LT.Uui n . ウ ィ ッォ\セ@ Mセ@ rock edicts occur?
d. Vnlal>hi
a. I onl v
e. tl •
b. 1 and 2 only
.n Consider the follow ins Mtatcmcnts : 1:. 1 anu 3 only
I. 1-fiucn Tsang セエ。 that セ オ ァョイ」Z@
エ 、@」
d. 1. 2 and 3
キィセエ@ were ァョO|Qセ@ in nort h1 :s
tl. c
nncl rice i.n i\lngadha.
セR M \\lito of the following dec•11hered the
2. I lluen Tsang
Hnrshnva•xlhaM div1 Brahm• ;,cnpl?
the kingdom into lo a uartcr for a. Willia m Jon.:s
go\'emment e B セ G @ セ JnotJtLT for b. James pイゥョセ・ー@
セ。ャイゥ・ウ@ of i ウ」 セ セョエ \N@ and tlurd c. John セヲ。ョ[ィSQ@
qWirter f n.: rd of intclkctuul d. E.J.H. セ」ャ。ケ@
the l:t.,t quart....- fu•
.:. h
43. In "hich one among the folio\\ ing ・、ゥ」ャ^セ@
of Ashol.-a. ィゥセ@ k。ャゥョNFセ@ War is metuioned'!
a. Pillar Edid l
h. Pillar fN、セ・ エ@ Vll
c. Rock F.dict :\.1
d. Rock Edict XIII
d. Nci th lT I nor 2
e. d
e. I'
44. nu; fiJCl th;ll tllC Saiavah.JI\,15 did m,,ritimu
In f'luddlll';m what does Parilllllkkha Mand trade and had oaval pow.:r is proved from
fol"l the availahll ity nf a ウ ー NZ」ゥセ ャ@ ty pe of c\j i セ L@
a. A tt..scription uf 1\I:JhayrrM Buddh ism ·shi p with double ュ。セエG N@ Which mkr of
b. A description of I li nayn n:o Buddhism the J ynasty \1 as supposed tu baH: issued
c. The Ru les oft he S:unglon these coil)$'/
;). c. 4
b. Salnk;1mi II tl. 4 1 J
セN@ 81
'-'· Gaulnmipulr:• S01lu!-nmi
d. Yljna Sri S:Jbk:u·ru 49. Tile reign period or which one or the
jッャオLセゥョ ァ@ Parthian nJ!crs hus b.:cn
e. d
tlcfinitely ft.xel.! in tlu: ヲ。エョッlセ@ I akhl-i-Bnlti
45. Wbicl1 one of U1c lollowing rep セGcャゥ・ョエウ@ 1J1e
lllCienl IOWII of Vijnynpun of lhe
a. Vonones
a.. AmarJvali b. 1-.laue
b. Nag<ujunnkund.t c. Goodopheme$
c. |Gゥェ。セ@ awadn d. a pqijョ イ ゥオセ@

d. Viz1noagaram e. c
jO, Which one of the !'l11i
"· b
46. Which one nf Ihe folln1\ ing pai111 i$ nol
correctly mntclted'?
3. Silppadikaram : fL1ngovadigal

b. Manimelu!l:u . tゥイオョlNッエィセ@
c. Kura I : Tintvalluvttr
d. Timmndal : Timmangni ni\\ ar
c. h
47. Wln>!b セイ ュァp@ Literary. wut k VZ エ ケセ@ thnlthc セ M _ :-:bluvira ·s 、・[セ@ lit. who among the
aイケセ ョウ@ tnlrrduced the nlwl nnd clolrcmony
owing became the ウ ーゥイエオセャ@ lcaddl' or
or セオイャ。ァ」@ (Knrlnnru )'I
11 . Tolkappi y;un セ@ [セN@ Gattlmn;t lm lr;tbhuti
b. Palluppnllu
c. Eltutlogni
d. Mnnimcknlni
flj b. Gosala
o. Sudharman
tl. .Jambuswami
e. tl
e. c
1\laicb LL't I キゥエセ@ ゥセエ@
52 Which one of the following rulers asstun cd
con-cct ョセキ 」 イ@ セゥ オN ョ ァ@ th the 1J1e title of Haz.ral·i-Al:t'l
code given: " · Bnlb•n

b. Al.1uddin セィ。ャェゥ@
ISone<ml WG セ GW@ l c. セ@ lohammad hin Tughluq
A. d Slter Shah Sun
B. e. a
c. .53. Whu of the lo llowing did 11111 , ..:rw
.lliuddin Kllaiji as commandcr·m·clucJ of
a. Alp 1\..han
I Rudm Sam1nn b. Khi7.r Khan
2. Nakkirar c. N usral Khan
3. Natlnttnnnr J . l.nfar Khan
4. Gudalur Kih1 e. b
('odes 54. What was Kharaj in !he 13th "'-'tllury'l
A H (" D a. rax on cultivati on
a. ·'' l I 4 b. Talton ャ セョエャ@ エイセョウヲ・@
h. 2 2 4 c. W:tiver
un land
J C l!e\'el)1<;1ll!, ll ll • ' 3 • IIC I
C. II the following is thai inscription?
55. The foumlnlion of 11 hich one ol the a. Ch:mnaraya pallruu ins..:ription
Ulll<llving towns was nol l:oid h)' Sult:on b. Bitrngunla t,TfJnt
Feroze Sbj1h Tugh luq? セ M Peo,ugo!ldtl io1scriptinn
a. Hi!lsar d. J.:ondavidu gr3nt
b. Fcroz.1bnd .:. a
c. イセN@ idab3rl 61. Which one of the follo11 ing 「ッセ@
d. Jaunpur pro"ides inform.d.iuo on Hwnayun ᄋ セ@
e. r reign?
56. Who of lh\l folJowing rulers Wal> the a. tッイゥォィNMセ、@
contt.mpur3ry oflhc Great vセゥ ウ ャュ。|@ •aml b. Tabaqat-i-i'iasiri
Chaot:onya in bNZョァセャ BNG@ c.
a. Shamsuddm tャセ@ as Sh11h d. NoncafUteabo'
b. Si.l;an.tar !:ih•h-11
"· a
c Cihipsuddiol |WセQ@ !)hah 62. Consider the fu anci,:nllrib(..'S:
d . •\laull<lin Hu.sain Shnh l. AngJ

e. d
Consider Lh following :
2. G·

I. Kominu a bo,·c tribwlribes existed
2. Mahin G イャゥA セ セ、ゥ」@ pt.triotl?
-'· Kirpas and 2
4. Shirinbafi 2 onll'
5. S3lahati c. 1 ancl 3 only
Which of lhe above were kinCis d. 1. 2 and 3
c. e
Who among Ihe fo llowing was the ャセQュオウ@
Persian Master painter who l'amc lo India
will1 llumayun'l
a. San jd Ali l!amda!lo
b Sayyid Ali Tabrezi
L Mir Mohammad Hamadani
58. d. 1\luh:unmud 1\lumd
c . ...
("'. 111 the co11t.:Xl of di•inlegr:llintl of セャオァLQS@
b. Fmpire_ who of the followong キ。セ[@ deposed
by \\ az:ir Ghazi-ud-din 1mad-ul-mulk.'!
a. セ ャオィdュ。、@ Shah
b• aィュセ、s。@
59. .-\bdur キョセ@ scnl ョセ@ セ@ 。ュ「セウj、ッイ@ c. i\lamgir-rr
lo the court ofDo.'l n Rayn II by d. A.kb:JI-11
a. Sultan AJaudd in ッヲャイセア@
tJ. ..
b. S ullnn Bahaman of' F.gypt 65. To which deity IS lite Gayalri Mantra
c. Sultan S.h.1h Rukh nf セィオイ。ウョ@ u.:dic:olcd'l
d. Sultan Bah:.::od ofTurko.:y
u. Indra
e. u b_ MilrD
6(L Harihara II , 111 nne of his onscriptomos. c. v 。イオョセ@
gives a llctailcd :occounl 11f the mililm·y
t , . lVlll'l
c. tl c.
66. During Inter vedic period. which o ne of the d.
lo llowiog ollicials wns the co lli:ctor of u.
taxes? 71. In Shivaji·s atlminislralive セケウ エ 」 イョN@ whal
11. aォNセャ ョ カウー ョ@ wZャNセ@ the duly Of \VakJ>-NawiM'!
h. Bhagadugha a, To check and CQun t ers ign all puhlic
c. Palagala accounts ami pa ymcnt> Ill ュケセj@
d. Snmgrahitn employees
c. h h. To l.t.X.1> a dinr) of the dni
67. \\'hich one of the ヲッャエ|セゥョァ@ "as ll1e hu1h the king nnJ tbc happen·
p13ce of Sheikh ' inm-ud-11rn \uliya? c. To look after the co
a. AJmer king
b. 13ntlaun d.
e. Lnh01e
d. i\fult3n セ N@ b
e. b 72. fol'.ll.n tng statements:
68. Consider the (olfowing st3tcmentb: セ エNGyッ ャエ」、@ agaimt Jahnngir.
I . Pritlwiraj Chauhan キ。セ@ 3 Bundcb revolted agnmsl
conLempomry of Kh11 njn l\1uin-ud-Din glZcl>.
C'h1stie. I ic 1 ofthe F エセ ・ イョ・エ ウ@ g iven above islare
2. gィゥケ。セᄋャQMPョ@ Tughlnq キ。セ@ ;1 セ@ c ect"'J
conlenwurnr·) vfShclkh nオセ ュMオ、jI セ ᄋ@ 1 n. I onlv
Au li1•n. b. 2 on ly

Which vf the n エ。ォュオョャセ@
n. l only
gwen aboVe ts a
c. Both J ,ond 2
d. Neither I nor 2
c. c
h. 2 only
c. Rotl1 I and 2
d. Ncit111:r 1 nor 2
0 73. ln セ@ hich

Parliament of Jnd'ia?
1us the sエオ
passed by
エ セ@

"' r ;1. 1953

69. Consider the full ウエ。 セ エ」ョウ N@ b. 1954
l. When AI -u ahman s「[セ ィ@ 11 as c. 1955
of the d・」セョN@ Ibn d 1956
1:. d
ur !Gv..ak cnm• to lnd1a. 7-1. cッョNセゥ、・イ@ the folio'' ing sUtelnenb:
cャ セ ャォイ@ Klt1111 wa Ute Sultnn of Delhi 1. In Ute fii'St gener3l election•, the
th e セエ。」ュョャウ@ siven セ「ゥ^|Bc@ i< are Communist pZエイセ ᄋ@ of India c.nnt.:<;ted
hJlf of Ute Se313 of L.ok Sabha.
a, l only 2. The Swatnntr;r P;u1) won one-fifth or
b. 2 only the St.:ats tn Lok Sabha m t%2 g<:ncral
\:.. BoUt I and 2 ckdions.
d. Neither I nor 2 Which ofthet>lalements given ahove is are
e. ' .:urn:ct?
7{), The ramuu,, ャセ[ョイ@ Ranw ャ セ ューォ@ wns built a. I onl1
tlurirrg Ut• re ign or b. 2 unl)"
a. Hnriharn-1 セM Both 1 nnd 2
e. .. ..
Zセ N@
Tiller oft he soil.
75. r onsider tJHl following Hlatcmrnts : 1>. Colton ami s ilk " eavcrs
When the decision to com·cn Lh first c. Workef!l in Iime
>t:Ssion or tJJc ConstiLLJ(:IIt Asscmblv was
d. Confectioners
I. Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha b.:c:uno llh.l
proYis ional president of the Assembly. When Akbat wa; born. Huuu,11n 11 as
u1td.:r エ「 ・セ ィ ・ ャエZ イ@ of who of the f11llowing '/
1. ll1c im iubon letters to 。 エセQ、@ the.
.\.,•ert1bly wcre ゥセ@ ued h) tho: \' icc'") a Malden of l3f\13 t
Lord \\'a\ ell. b. R:tja of A.markol
Which of the , lntcm cntJ giYcn a bow is arc c. Sh3h T3lunasp of P
correct? d. p ッ イョ セ ャゥ ョヲ r。 G@ ·
a. I nnl) 1;, b
h. 1 on!}· Sl. セ ZッQ イヲ@ the fo ll owmg
c. Roth 1 and 2 ll1e confederac) to
agar m lhe ィZセャ ・@ of
d. Nc:tther I nor 2
e. c
76. Among the foliO\\ ing. who Gセ ウ@ th e ti lllt to
be lhc Cha irman of th C'nund l of
Sci.:ntiJic and lndushi nl Research'!
a. Ur. S. kョ、ャZ。 ォ イゥ ウ ャエョセji@
h. Paodit hwn horln l Nehru
c. セ「 オャ。ョ@ r\b ul Knl:tm r\7:td
d. La I b セ ャキ、エイ@ Sha•ln
e. • •
77. C(lns lder the fr11t0"ing アャji セ iAoZ@
l. lltc Fi n;t
2. ·n,e Fi!l't ,\men clll tn the
Con•titution lndi.i,l mndc suml.l
chllngcs in .\."'C'iii:ltl s セ Y@ .md 3 1.
\\'hich of 1h
c. Botl1 I and 2
tL 1\.:rther I onr 2
u. a
83. Conliidcr the !o ll o1• ing F エ。」Zュ セ BAャエ ウ Z@

e. d I. Avadh accepted the ;;..-stem of

Subsidiary .\lhancc セ@ illt Uw llng ltsh
78. \\'bo ofthe following laid the foundntinn.,
tmder Sbuja-ud-D;111Iah.
of AmritJar'/
2. The N'tZam of Hyt.lembud C."'ltcrcd inw
a. Guru A mar Das
Subsidiary イ |jゥ[セョ 」・@ with エィセ@ Engli>h
b. Guru Ram On. during the time ofl ,ord Welles ley.
c. Guru ,<\.rjun Uev Which oflh" ウ エ。・ュ ・ ョャ セ@ giv<-"11 ahov.: ゥ セ ャ Zエイ ・@
d. Gut·u l ln r•( invmd I:QITCCI?
b a. 1 o nly
c, medieval
d. Neither 1 11Q r 2 carli(ll!t ?
e. r a. BaJ1amaru
b Golkond11
1;1-1, a ュ ッ オ セ@ the ft•lluwinll what was the nam.:
of the lniiCRI unit of :ilu:rshah 's c. )aunpur
admmistralion ? d. K!l.'l ndesh
a. Jag1r e. a
h. Pargan• セi N@ In lbeNZッョエ・ セ^ Q@ of medievnl India. n hich
c.. ,\taltal nne of lhe following tenus indicates the
d sエセイャ[。@ l.lnd. mca.lurumc:nl'! セ@
e. (' a. Tuqu1i
The captla I citv of a ャョ ・ 、セ「。@
hy Ahmad Shah on the old s tie of
a. Sarkhcj
11 :ts buill b. セ@ bU7.;1
d. Ab11ab
Jarih 0
b. Sidh(lUI e. c
c. ') 1.
d. .\sa11al
c. •• NjゥセiZBw scsscd on the basis 1•1' the
ul soiL chmalc und economic
86. Who \Ills the rukr of t\ lal11n. 11 ltL-n it 11:1s
n ャゥッョセ@ of the セイ・ZQ@
ゥョカセ、・@ by Allh:tm Khan and Pir
c.•vcnuc 。 セウ」 、@ on lhc bnsi' Cll' セイ ッー@
Mulunmad Khan in 1561'!
cullivot ed
;) , Dilnwar Khan
c. Reven ue Zセ」エオjゥ ケ@ co Uect..!d or rollliscd
b. Sbujaat Khan Crout I be lu r} d .
c. Mabmud K.hi lj i
d. A panicu(;rr unit nf land ュ ・セウ オイ」ュ 」 エャ@
<L B:tz Bahatlur
c. c
c. d
Vu:ii Vohta. wb i\セ@ y:o Chr:nl. Ahcl ul
87. Consider the following st:ttCm l!n1 g ijNZセヲ ッャG@ 13ohrJ were some of the
I Aurang-/eh banned Sijtb •1111-..; J. lmpwtanl 。Nエイオセゥ ャ ウ@ W1do.:r thu Delhi
2. Auraopch promuh.: l of s オャエNQョ セ@
inscrlhin_g L.:tiiJn.t on c オ セ@ h. lmpo1Unt J>Oell< of ruya l co urt of
Which of the stat em ャセ@ g' L-n セィッ カ・@ is are Bijapur
corrocrl c. Importanl キイゥエ・MNセ@ uf H} dera bad
a. L..ingdom
b. d Rjchest ュ・イ」ャエ。ョlセ@ durin g the \lugha l
c. period
e. d
93. \\ l1u of the following ad\'iscd the British
88. one uf thu follo11 ing ijョ ァ 、 ッュセ@ \OGJ East India c。 ュー。オセ ᄋ@ lo seeL. from the
annexed to the セ@ lughal empi.n: durin{! the 1\lughal E.ruperor Sltoh Abm. a ·sanld · for
reign of Shahjahan'! Ihe Diwani of Bengal?
a. GuU..onda J . J\.Janik Chand

b. Bijnpur b. Omi Chand

c. Alunadnagar c. Raja DauJal Ram
d. Khandesh d. t-..l.abnuja Raj Ballnbh
c. Xセ@
'' ' rc 」 イ NZ ョセ 」@ to · オ ᄋ セ イ@ amnt1c W:lJ',
consider the following ウ エセャ\ Z ュ 」 ョ 「Z@ e. c
I. It jL・ ァセ ョ@ in 1746 セョ、@ ended in 17-18. l17. Which one of the li1ll nwing ョ ・キX ーZエ ・イセ@
2 . .\nll'nr-ud-din. tl1c ョ。Qセ「@ ol' tho was launeh..:d b) Pandit 1\I:J(Inn Mohnn
Cnmatic.. ゥ ョャセ カlQ ^、@ Ql in the war on m。ャゥエセ ゥ ケ。@ in 1909'!
b..:hall' ofLhc f:ngli•h. a. Free fndin
3. (113nda Snheb was captured セ ョ、@ b. Nay Bhacal
e.,;;ccutcd. c. lndcp.:ndem
-t. t-. ladras was イ」Nセ エ ッイ\xャ@ to the English by d. Leader
the French after the'''" · e_ ••
|yィゥセ@ of the stniL'tlll.:nL• ァゥセ[ ョ@ d「ッセ」@ nrc qg_ Who of the following s tart f the
eMiie."t centre!; or m ·o
a. I. 2 ami 3 outside I nd1a on e ョ ァ ャ。 セAッャG@
b. 2. 3 and 4 H ome Rule sッ セゥ ・エケ G^@
c. I. 2 and -1 a. Bhikaji Cam
d. l. J ami 4 b. 0Jtlabha:i _
e. c c.
95. INtuch o ne of the lhllu11 ins 1\ll£ Ute u.
primar) cause or the: lhm1h ゥ| ョ ァ ャ ッMQ| ャ ケセッイ」@
)er-hoard culture tn the )lOSt-
a. period l13s イョー カゥセョ ョ。ャ ケ@ hc.::n
ーN オ N セa Nオ G@ ted with which o ne of thu l'o llmvin!!
b. tery types?
a. SoUti poUcry
c. b. Ochre co lour J>Otler)
c. PainleJ grey ware
d. 」@
c.l. nッ イuエセN[ュ@ Black polishcJ セョイ
e. h
1110. Consider the following ウ ャS・ュ エN Q ャセ N@
%. t\ f:ttc:h l. b l I with Li,t n
con ed arumcr オセゥョ ァ@ the __..,....,. I. Lime mortar wls never used at
rhe lゥセエウ Z@ セ ャッィ」ョェオ。 イッ@ in tJtc con5truction uf'
d wellings.
LiRt I (Name of the
2 At DhoJa,·ir:L セエッョ・@ was never オN セ・、@ in
.\. Fort St d。Bゥ G セャゥッZᄋ@
the construction or d\\ellings.
B. Fort Wil
\\ ltich of the stat.:tn ents gi"c:n abCJI c is 3rt:
C. Fort correct'!
D. F a. I only
b 2 CiOI)
セャゥ・ ᄋ@
c. Both 1 Jnd 2
ddalore d. Neithe-r 1 nor 2
3. Bengal c. c.l
4. 1\.lndras 10 1. Willi r.:fecencc of lml us \'a Hey
5. Uombay Civiljzal.ion. con•ider th;;; following
Codes: unimals:
.\ B (7 D I. Dull
a. 5 3 -1 2. Eh;phanl
b. 5 2 4 I 3. Rhinoceros
c. 2 •I
is1nrc lin111d on the 1nclus
seals 7
a. l only c. a
b. 1 and 2 rml_v l(li!. aァ 。ゥョwhich イ」ーオィャゥ[セョ@
セ A@ state
c. 2 and 3 nnly Ajatasltatru fight lor more than 16 year-s to
d. I. :l ancl 3 esbbl ish 1\1agadll3n suz.:rainl) n\'cr
e. d e 。ウ ゥセGtャ@ India 'l
102. Which nne of tbc followtnQ coutnins tlu.: a . m。ャゥセ@ ofPava and Kush inara
fumous Garatri ュセョエ イ。W@ セ@ b. \'idebas oft-. lithila
a. Rigvcda e. Lichhavis ッヲ| G 。ゥNセィャ@
b. Sarmr.:da d. l'.oliy as of Ramagra
c. Yajun·ed.1 e. c
d. Athan·aveda 109. The :\fa hayana l\\ 0
e. a philosoplUc31 セL セ セ@ ich of the
li.J lion ing b .\ ャ。ィNQ セ@ ana
103. The famous phrase '1aU\3nusj" iJ. found
in whtch nrte nf th e f<lllfl\\ tng 1'1>ani•had•'? Buddhism'!
a. ('handogya a. ka+td Yogacham
b. セ ャオュQZエ ャ|NQ@ NjZ Ziゥ B セ 。 セ G ZNゥ G@ J,Ja and Sthaviravatb
c. セ ャ [ュ、オォ Nカ 。@
·angltika ami Titc:ravnda
(1. ryavada ami s 。イカセij カ 。、ョ@

104. ttl was the .lwcn ty ·•econd Tirt hanbrn'l

n. Pas rv:m5lh :t
h. rゥ セ ャ オィセ@
c. a イゥ セ エ@ ban.:m i
d. NcminJilhn
e. tl
Ill. Direction$ for erecrit1g セ エオーョ G@ Zセョ、@ エNZ ィZエ ゥ エ ケ。セ N@
c. b and an account of the conle!lt for Bndrlha '1
lOS. The liunous d。ウ 。イェョセ@ (h. relics lo deposit in them is found for the
is mentioned in first time in
a. Rigved.1
• a . :'1 lilindapanha
b. :'lla.lJltim !\'ikaya
c. :\lahiiparinibbana Sull.a
d. t.l. .liilinapraslh3na Sulr.l
e. c
106. \'edt.: S ui.IJl セ@ found tltc 11 2. What is llic modem nam.: of kオョ、。 セイ。 ュ。@
cc tu tho; ongin uf the four Vamas? •vhere m•h:t\ irn QGS セ@ born'!
a \ ats!l;t!i
セ M Ushns
b. Pnntsha b. Parana
c. n 。 ウ。エ ャゥ ケセ@ c. Ba,ukunda
d. Nitnyan i d . Paithan
e. b e. c
Hl7. Which one or the following drnm :L! W3N
LB. With refcrcn..:c lu society during lhc t-.;ign
writh.:n by Srilturs ha? uJ Gupta d)TU1sly. consider エィセNZ@ fu llowing
ij tate tn ett U!:
a. セオョ」ゥ。@ mnlo
I. tf.l ー イョセ i n\A@ n セ セ。 エ L@ 11111110 llltrltl u a 1 tana w rote
woman on tltc funera l pyre ol' her Charita.
husband, wlls unknown during the :1.. Bilhana was pa troniz.:d b) Chandra
time. GuptA·IL.
2. llte che1ving "f paan. hclul lenJ: \l;os Which of Ute statemen!Jj givL-n Jhove is/a1<:
po1>ular during this lime. con'CCt?
Which of the stnh:mt:nb given 。ィオカセNZ@ is; an: a. 1 only
corrccl'l b. セッョャケ@
• . l on iセ@ c. Doth 1 and 2
h. 2ootly d. Neither I nor 2
c. Botlt I nnd 2 c. a
d. NeitJter I nor 2 l I!I. With reference to I he t
e. b of On1lsa..
I 1-1. Who of the folio\\ ing is the autl10r of statements:
Paumacari) am. a Jainn 1 en ion of Ramo 1. The sltrinc ェf[LN l ᄋ セ@
セャッイ ケ_@ Bhubancsw
a. BlunucltaJtdra l pndhyn)a only
h. IャエZョセ」ィ、イMj@
c. Hm Vijay:o Sun
d. vゥュ[ッ ャ 。セオイゥ@

115. Who ort hc l'ullowing ゥ セ@ n contcmporur) of

MaltcndJOVnmwn-1, tho nuthor the piny or .t ..
i v i Z ャエ Qセ|Gゥ ャ [ ッ ウ。M ー イョャュウZッ[ エ Gャ@ セ@
a. I only
:L Pusbynmilrn Su ng11
h. ('handm Gu pln-1
b. 2only
.:. Both 1 anti 2
c:. Smnudru riupw
d. ャ ᄋ ャイエ イ セ ィ B。 エ 、 ィ ョ@
e. d
.. v o.l . No;;ither 1 nor 2
e. c
120. Match List I wi th List II and selcd thll
ll6. The .\ihol<: Inscription th<.l
com:ct answer usmg tltc codu ァゥセッ」ョ@ bdtow
I'D lour uf\\hich uno oflh
tJte lゥウエセ Z@
a. Pulb:shi U
LJsll (fl lediel·all.e mp )e«)
. \. C haturbhuja temple
B. Maladcvi tem ple
C. Airn,·atcsvaTa temple
D . Ambamata temple
117 Li;ot fJ (Location)
I. G)·ara>pur
2. Khajuraho
b. hina .:a1·e monasten.:5 and c.;ntrcs ol 3. .lagal
learning in K:tling.t areas 4. Daa;;urom
c.: Colleges und cenln;(! providing Cntl e:
brabmanicol learning in South India A B c D
a. J. 4 I セ@ '
d. Allsocialion ッヲエュ、セイウ@ セ@

b. 2 I 4 セ@
c. ... セM ;' 4 1 2
I 18. Consider tlte fo llowing セ エ 。エ」 ュ ・ョエ ウZ@ '·' 2
e. h "

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