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alpha -spectroscopic amplitudes of 16O in the Zuker, Buck and McGrory shell model

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1977 J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 3 L163


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J. Phys. G : Nucl. Phys., Vol. 3, No. 8, 1977. Printed in Great Britain. @ 1977


a-spectroscopic amplitudes of I6O in the Zuker, Buck and

McGrory shell model

B Apagyi? and G F a i t
t Institute of Physics, Technical University, Budapest, Hungary
$ Institute for Theoretical Physics, Roland Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary

Received 29 April 1977

Abstract. a-spectroscopic amplitudes ANJ are calculated for various (J" T = 0) states of
l60using the shell model of Zuker, Buck and McGrory. The n-particle-whole structure of
the states is analysed in terms of the A N J .Good agreement with experiment is found.
The relative strengths of the spectroscopic factors SJ correspond to the population rates
of the states of l6O in direct reactions of the type '%(A, A - 4)160.

The analysis of direct a-stripping reactions of the type "C(A, A - 4)160 ( P T )as well
as the theoretical evaluation of a-decay experiments detecting a particles from the
decay of l60( J T ) requires a knowledge of reliable values of the a-spectroscopic
amplitudes ANJ of the excited states ( P T ) of the nucleus l6O. These amplitudes are
defined (Arima and Yoshida 1974, Apagyi et al 1976) by the relation

(here O Ais the internal nuclear wavefunction of nucleus A, 4NJM describes the relative
motion of the nucleus ' * C and the CI particle and JZ? is the antisymmetrisation
operator); thus they contain information about the structure of the states ( P T )of the
nucleus l 6 0 .
The scattering amplitude TJ of the a-transfer reaction can be written (Denes et a1
1966) in the form

where the quantity PNJ depending on the scattering angle 0 contains all information
about the reaction dynamics.
The a-reduced width amplitude y J of the a decay can be expressed (Arima and
Yoshida 1974) as:

yJ(r) = 1N
ANJ6NJ(Y)* (3)

The sum over N of A i J is called (Arima and Yoshida 1974) the 'a-spectroscopic

L164 Letter to the Editor

factor' S J , i.e.
Sj = C AiJ. (4)
In the case of a single dominating A N j , the name a-spectroscopic factor follows
obviously from equation (2).
The calculation of ANJrequires nuclear wavefunctions CD which are properly anti-
symmetrised and do not contain spurious states. When using the exact shell-model
calculations of Zuker et al (1969, hereafter referred to as ZBM), we take into
account the antisymmetrisation properly but introduce some spurious contributions
into equation (1). These contributions, however, are small because of the highly
truncated configuration space of the shell model in question, as shown by McGrory
and Wildenthal(l975).
We have used oscillator single-particle wavefunctions of size parameter vo for the
various configurations of the (J"T)state of l60(Zuker et al 1969) and for the relative
wavefunction # N J M and those of size parameter vo, for the M particle ground state
CDn as described in detail by Apagyi et al(1976).
The values of ANj and SJ are collected in table 1 for the ZBM shell-model states
(J" = {(O+1-2+3-4+6+)i,i = 1-4) T = 0) of l60.For the size parameters the relation
Table 1. Calculated values of a-spectroscopic amplitudes ANJand a-spectroscopic factors
SJ of the ZBM (J:T = 0) states for vo/vo, = Experimental ( E e x p )and shell-model
(EZBM) energies in MeV are listed for orientation.

Ji i Eexpt EZBM N=O N = l N=2 N=3 N=4 SJ

6: 4 (21.2) 22.55 0,180 0.111 0,045

3 19.3 20.99 -0.130 - 0'009 0.017
2 16.2 17.82 0.277 - 1.47 2.24
1 14.8 12.30 - 1.60 0.145 2.58
4: 4 14.4 15.01 0.074 - 0.029 -0'418 0.181
3 13.8 13.46 0.045 +0.018 -0.575 0.333
2 11.1 12.03 -0.016 - 0.295 -0'546 0.385
1 10.3 10.66 0.162 -0.788 0,845 1.36
3:, 4 13.1 16.55 0.006 0.036 - 0'034 0,003
3 11.6 15.30 - 0.009 0.016 -0.017 0.001
2 (11.4) 13.06 0,016 0.007 - 0.692 0,479
1 6.13 5.83 -0.114 0.388 - 0'396 0.320
2: 4 13.02 12.7 0.007 - 0.003 -0.161 -0.183 0.060
3 11.52 11.77 - 0.004 0.074 0.000 -0.127 0.022
2 9.58 1027 - 0.020 0,028 -0.219 -0.135 0.067
1 6.92 7.39 0,006 -0101 0.436 - 0.624 0.590
1; 4 (?I 16.17 - 0,006 - 0.007 - 0.005 -0a01 0.000 1
3 12.4 12.47 0~001 0~002 0.099 - 0.036 0.011
2 9.60 12.25 - 0.002 0.015 0.083 0,330 0.116
1 7.12 6.90 - 0.009 - 0.023 0.201 -0'198 0.080
0: 4 12.05 12.48 - 0.002 0,007 -0.009 -0.014 0,003 0.0004
3 11.26 10.68 0.002 - 0.006 0,028 0,106 0.062 0,016
2 6.05 6.19 - 0.000 -0016 0.014 0,052 -0.217 0.050
1 0 0 - 0'004 0.04 1 -0.122 0064 -0.046 0.023

t From Ajzenberg-Selove (1971).

letter to the Editor L165

vo/vo, = (&)'I3 holds?. It can be seen that the rule 'one A N , is dominating' frequently
used in the analysis of a-transfer reactions is only partially fulfilled. Table 1, however,
reflects many facts which are well known (Oglabin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt et a1
1970, Comfort et al 1970, Duhm 1970) from the transfer reactions of the type
"C(A, A - 4)l6O(J"T).To make these facts more transparent for the ZBM shell model,
in figure 1 we have illustrated the n-particle-n-hole (npnh) character of the various
(J"T) states by solid columns. The height of the column belonging to a given n
represents the amount of the n p n h component in the state. The n p n h character is
reflected in the shell-model coefficients (Zuker et al 1969), but we can recognise it also
in the a-spectroscopic amplitudes A,,. Because of energy conservation, the following
relation holds between the individual ((vili); i = 1-4) quantum numbers and the
relative ( ( n i l i ) ;i = 1-3) and centre-of-mass ( N J ) ones:

p =
i= 1
(2vi + l i ) = 2(n1 + n2 + n3 + N ) + J
where p denotes the quantum number corresponding to the total energy of the four
particles in the Opliz, islIz, Od,,, shells. The quantum number p is simply related
to the n p n h excitation of l60through the relation p = 4 + n. Using this relation
we obtain
N=%4+n-J)- ni.
i= 1

The connection between N and n will be unambiguous if vo is equal to vox, in which

case Eni must be equal to zero. For vo e yo, the amplitudes of smaller N can be
mixed to the A s J of dominant fl. This situation is summarised in table 2, where the
i?s are underlined. For J = 2 and 4 the OpOh states are excluded by the Pauli
principle (and by angular momentum conservation in the case J = 4). These blocks of
table 2 have been marked by an asterisk.
The n p n h structure of the ZBM states ( J f T = 0) characterised by solid columns
in figure 1 has been established from the AsJ% when Eni tends to zero (all the
other A,,% tend also to zero and vo+v0,). On the other hand, the numbers ANj in
table 1 correspond to another situation, where vo # vo, ; thus they have non-zero values
of A,, for N # R. From table 1 and figure 1 we can see that the CO,' 2: 4: 6,') states
have considerable SJ values and a strong 4 p 4 h character. Therefore they can be
Table 2. Number of nodes fi and N in the relative wavefunction for the different n p n h
excitations of the state (J"T). Values of fi are underlined, p means the total energy
quantum numbers.

P npnh J=O J = 1 J = 2 J = 3 J = 4 J=6

t The differences between the ANJof 2: states here and in the paper by Apagyi et al (1976) can be traced
back to the misinterpretation of the fifth configuration of the 2: levels (three particles in the sl,, shell
and one particle in the d,,, one), which is not so simple as stated in the appendix of the paper by
Apagyi et al. These differences, however, do not alter the conclusions of that paper.
L166 Letter to the Editor


Figure 1. n p n h structure of the ZBM states (JIT = 0) of l60analysed in terms of A,, as

explained in the text. The height of the solid columns represents the strength of the
n p n h nature of the state considered.

considered as the experimentally well known 4 p 4 h rotational band also seen in

a-transfer experiments (Oglobin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt et al 1970, Comfort
et al 1970, Duhm 1970). In table 1 we can also discover some members of a 2 p 2 h
‘band’ with spin-parity assignments (0: 2Zor447: 6;}. This band can be related to the
experimentally known (0,’ 2: 4: 6:) 2 p 2 h band, the members of which are weakly
excitable except for the 6: state at 14.8 MeV (Oglobin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt
et al 1970, Comfort et a1 1970, Duhm 1970). Comparing the SJ values, the weak and
strong excitation can also be observed in table 1. From this we could conclude that
the calculated 0: level corresponds to the experimental 0; state and the calculated
2Zor level is connected to the experimental 2: one. Nothing can be said about the
4’ member of this ‘band’, but the 6: level agrees very well in structure with the
experimental findings (Oglobin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt et al 1970, Comfort
et al 1970, Duhm 1970).
As for the states of negative parity, we can see from table 1 that the ratio of the
a-spectroscopic factors of the 1; and 1; states is equal to 3; this is also an experimental
fact (Oglobin 1970,Bethge 1970,Brommundt et al1970, Comfort et al 1970, Duhm 1970).
Furthermore, in the a-transfer experiments the 3; and 1; levels at 6.13 and 7.12 MeV
respectively have been found (Oglobin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt et a1 1970,
Comfort et a1 1970, Duhm 1970) to be weaker than the members of the 4 p 4 h band,
Letter to the Editor L167

but also appreciably excited. The values of the SJ’S of the ZBM 3; and 1; states
compared with those of the ZBM 4 p 4 h band do not contradict this statement.
It has been shown that in case of the unresolved 6*05/6.13 MeV 0:/3; doublet the
intensity is essentially due to the 3- state (Oglobin 1970, Bethge 1970, Brommundt et al
1970, Comfort et a1 1970, Duhm 1970).This is supported by the ratio &;/SO; = 6.4.
From these considerations we conclude that the ZBM wavefunctions of the nucleus
l6O reflect many important features of the structure of the excited states of this
nucleus. It is especially worthy of note that the 4 p 4 h band structure, which is a
consequence of a strong deformation, is well reproduced by the ZBM shell model
without any a priori assumption on the shape of the nucleus involved. The above facts
seem to show that the numerical values of the spectroscopic amplitudes ANJ listed in
table 1 are reasonable. These values, however, show the necessity for the re-analysis
of some a-transfer reactions of the type lZC(A,A - 4)l60(J:T = 0) where some inter-
ference may occur as shown in equation (2) and pointed out by Denes et a1 (1966)

The authors are indebted to Mr I Laszlo for his help in the work with the Brody-
Mosninsky coefficients.


Ajzenberg-Selove F 1971 Nucl. Phys. A 166 1

Apagyi B, Fai G and Ntmeth J 1976 Nucl. Phys. A 272 303
Arima A and Yoshida S 1974 Nucl. Phys. A 219 475
Bethge K 1970 Proc. Con5 on Nuclear Reaction Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg eds R Bock and
W R Herring (Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 277
Brommundt G. Ritter H G. Bock R and Piihlhofer F 1970 Proc. Conf on Nuclror Reocrior7s I n r l i m d h,v
Heal;!, lor7s. Hritlrlhrryj eds R Bock and W R Herring (Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 293
Comfort J R, Fortune H T, Morrison G C and Zeidman B 1970 Proc. Con$ on Nuclear Reactions
Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg eds R Bock and W R Herring (Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 303
Denes L J, Daechnick W W and Drisko R M 1966 Phys. Rev. 148 1097
Duhm H H 1970 Proc. Con$ on Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg eds R Bock and
W R Herring (Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 315
McGrory J B and Wildenthal B H 1975 Phys. Lett. 60B 5
Oglobin A A 1970 Proc. Con$ on Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg eds R Bock and
W R Herring (Amsterdam: North-Holland) p 231
Zuker A P, Buck B and McGrory J B 1969 Internal Report PD-99, B N L 14085

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