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Uban, Irangel

English IV

Mrs. Reeves

11 February 2019

My Past

“Your past is always your past. Even if you forget it, it remembers you” ― Sarah Dessen.

My past is very important for me, since I lived special moments that will always be kept in my

mind and my heart.

I was born in Acarigua, Portuguesa, Venezuela on March 3 rd 2001 I lived with my

parents Angel and Iraima in one small house. Then, we moved to my actual home in Venezuela.

All my childhood, I lived in the same Small City.

Nonetheless, I visited to my family in other cities every holiday and vacations. We

traveled to the beach and other places. It was very fun. On Christmas, we gave presents and

helped children like Santa Claus. This part of my childhood was very fun and important for me.

I have many important events in my childhood. When I was nine years old, I had an accident and

a gate fell on top of me leaving me very bad an unconscious for a few minutes. It was a very sad

and happy moment in my life because the doctors said, “It’s a miracle that this girl is alive.”

Following that, I could not walk for a while time and I have scars on my body for all my life.

After a while, my parents decided to change my school, where I had studied my

kindergarten and elementary school. At first, I did not want to change, and it was difficult to be

separate from my friends. After a little while, I realized that it was the best decision. I started
from 9 years old until I was 17 years old in the same school where I was able to make the best

friends in the world.

My birthdays 9 and 10 was very fun because the theme of the party was what I wanted,

and the parties were very big, and I was with all my family and all my friends.

Additionally, when I was 12 years old, I traveled for the first time to USA and I went to Disney,

it was very nice and magical day because I was with my family. In the same trip we were to

Universal Studios and we saw many places in Florida.

Then, when I came back to Venezuela I met to my sister, that moment was very sad and

happy for me, I felt sad to know that I was not the only spoiled girl of my Daddy, but happy to

meet my only sister who carries my blond. Between 2014 and 2015 I traveled to many places

like Canaima's Park, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Curacao, Panama, Brazil and Colombia, was very


In 2016 was my birthday 15 (In my country ‘Quinceanera” is very important). That

Birthday was the most special in my life because I was with all my family and with all my

important people in my life. I danced with my dad, my grandparents and my boyfriend and that

moment I will carry it forever in my mind and my heart.

Finally, the last years 2017 and 2018 was very hard for me and for my family because the

situation in Venezuela was very complicated. In 2017 the criminals came to steal for first time in

my house and we received many threats. In 2018 was the year more important in my life because

was year like roller coaster, many days sad and happy.

On January my grandfather died and in March two days after my Birthday my grandmother

died, that for me was very hard and sad moments that I will never overcome. Also, my parents
separated and that was the hardest part of my life, because I just wanted a normal and happy

family, but the reality was different. But, in that year I enjoyed lot with my friends, I traveled,

and I went to parties with my friends of all my life.

For all those reasons, my parents and I decided that the best to come to the United States

for a better future, because I could study and be a professional and for our security because in

Venezuela it was dangerous that we were there, right now Venezuela it is one of the most

dangerous countries in Latin America.

My country is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of

South America with many natural attractions. The capital is the big and beautiful Caracas.

Venezuela has 24 states.The estimated 2019 population is of 32.78 million (Venezuela

Population). Venezuela is a federal presidential republic where the President is both the head of

state and the head of government, but now the president is a Dictator and Venezuela is in a

Dictatorship from 2016. The main economic work of Venezuela is the import and exploitation of

petroleum. The economy in Venezuela since 2016 has decreased a lot since the president and his

managers have not managed to administer the country, being as a result the economy was reduced by 35%

(Zambrano 2009). The hyperinflation has ended with the savings of all of us Venezuelans. Imports into

Venezuela since 2012 have dropped by 80% and it has been the biggest economic crisis in a country since

the Great Depression (Díez & Rawlins 2018). The biggest source of economy in Venezuela is the raw

materials like oil, gold, copper, silver, cocoa, wheat and oil production is at its lowest level since 1965.

Venezuela is a country that has a mixture of three different cultures; the European (especially the

Spanish, Portuguese and Italian), the indigenous and the African. In my country we have many traditions

but the most important are Los Diablos Danzantes de Yare (It’s a dance), Carnivals, Semana Santa,

Processions of Virgins and Saints. The typical food of Venezuela for me is the most delicious in the
world and they are Arepas, Pabellon,Sancocho, Empanada, Cachapa and for Christmas is the most

delicious and important in the year and they are Hallacas, Pan de Jamon, Ensalada (Hulian 2017).

Finally, Venezuela has the jump higher of the world and it is the spectacular Angels Falls.
Works Cited

Díez, José Carlos, and Carlos García Rawlins. “Opinión | Venezuela y La Hiperinflación.” EL

PAÍS, Síguenos En Síguenos En Twitter Síguenos En Facebook Síguenos En Twitter

Síguenos En Instagram, 24 Aug. 2018,

Hulian, Mariana. “8 Venezuelan Foods That Will Make You Say DAME MAS!” Spoon

University, 9 June 2017,


Venezuela Population. (2018-10-02). Retrieved 2019-03-04, from

Zambrano, Yda. “Las Exportaciones e Importaciones En Venezuela (Página 2).” Lógica y

Filosofía (Página 2) -, Oct. 2009,


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