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Groups: 10-03/10-04/10-05/10-06

Choose the correct sentence from exercises 1 to 5.

A. Jim never is at work. B. Jim is at work never.
C. Never is Jim at work. D. Jim is never at work.
a) We have usually lunch at 12 o’clock. b) We usually have lunch at 12 o’clock.
c) We have lunch at usually 12 o’clock. d) We have lunch at 12 usually o’clock.
a) She travels always by train. b) Always she travels by train.
c) She always travels by train. d) She travels by always train.
a) They go out sometimes in the evening. b) They sometimes go out in the evening.
c) They go out in sometimes the evening. d) They go sometimes out in the evening.

A. You must have a valid passport if you want to come to Colombia.
B. You could have a valid passport if you want to come to Colombia.
C. You mustn’t have a valid passport if you want to come to Colombia.
D. You couldn’t have a valid passport if you want to come to Colombia.

6. I wouldn’t do that if I … you

a) been b) am c) Were d) to be

7. If you would come to the theatre last night, you… the play.
a) Would enjoy b)had enjoy C. Would have enjoyed d) will enjoy

Everyone has a different opinion about what makes someone beautiful. But it’s important to remember that
the person you are on the inside is more important than how you look. As we say in English, ‘beauty is only skin

8. What does ‘beauty is only skin deep’ mean?

A It’s important to have beautiful skin. B Deep skin makes you beautiful.
C what´s inside you makes you beautiful. D Beauty is only in some people skin.

In Mauritania in West Africa, large women are considered beautiful- The larger, the better. Being slim is a sing
of poverty, and is considered unattractive. Young girls eat a lot of food to become large.

9. In Mauritania, young girls…

A Exercise a lot to look slim and beautiful. B Can get a husband if they are slim.
C Have to get fat to be considered beautiful. D Can’t get a husband if they are large.

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