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May 2003: (II)S61–S67

Carbohydrate, Memory, and Mood

David Benton, Ph.D., and Samantha Nabb, B.Sc.

From a physiologic perspective, the role of glu-

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largely independent of the level of blood glucose, al-
cose in brain functioning is reviewed and the though abnormally low blood glucose levels would limit
effect of diet-induced changes in blood glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier. An equilibrium
on mood and cognition are outlined. Many stud- forms between the levels of glucose in the plasma and the
ies have used a glucose drink or a meal com- brain’s extracellular  uid (ECF) such that higher levels
posed almost entirely of carbohydrate as an ex- of blood glucose are associated with higher levels of
perimental tool. Because pure sources of glucose in the brain.3,5,6
carbohydrate will be rarely consumed, the possi- Positron emission tomography (PET scan) involves
bility that foods of different glycemic indices will an injection of glucose, usually with a radioactive label
modify mood and memory is briey considered. of F18. Because glucose goes to the most active areas of
Key words: carbohydrate, glucose, glycemic in- the brain PET establishes those areas important for a
dex, memory, mood particular type of functioning. Such studies demonstrate
© 2003 International Life Sciences Institute that mental inactivity requires a lower rate of brain
doi: 10.131/nr.2003.may.S61–S67 metabolism than when processing information. For ex-
ample, light stimulation increases cerebral glucose me-
tabolism in the occipital cortex, which processes visual
Glucose and the Brain information; similar changes can be measured in other
Unlike other organs, the energy requirement of the brain areas of the brain after particular cognitive tasks.7,8 Thus,
is met almost exclusively by aerobic glucose degrada- increased mental activity is associated with increased
tion. The use of C14-labeled glucose shows that in the glucose metabolism. The use of PET scans illustrates that
perfused brain, only 30% is oxidized directly to CO2 and glucose in the blood enters the brain in a matter of
water; much of the remainder is used for the synthesis of minutes and is directed to those areas that are metabol-
amino acids, peptides, lipids, and nucleic acids.1 Specif- ically active. The major mechanism is thought to be
ically, acetyl-CoA, a metabolite of glucose, is essential capillary recruitment, that allows increased blood  ow,
for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and hence the provision of glucose to metabolically
that plays a role in the modulation of memory. active areas.
The energy requirement of the brain is dispropor- Although the blood-brain barrier does not limit the
tionately large. When the body is at rest it accounts for supply of glucose, the model of the brain as being
approximately 20% of energy consumption, although it virtually always well supplied with glucose has come
comprises only 2% of body weight. The energy stores in under question. The many reports that glucose adminis-
the brain are extremely small when compared with the tration improves the memory of both animals9,10 and
high rate of glucose utilization, and the brain therefore humans,11–14 particularly the elderly,15–17 need to be
relies on a continuous glucose supply. At the basal rate of explained. That memory is enhanced when glucose is
consumption the glucose content of the brain would be administered directly into the brain18 indicates that an
exhausted in 10 to 15 minutes.2 increased central supply enhances functioning. The ob-
Traditionally, the concentration of glucose is servation that increased provision of glucose enhances
thought to be the same throughout the brain. Consensus acetylcholine synthesis is additional evidence that the
was that the ability to transport glucose exceeded the brain is sensitive to the provision of glucose.19
demand for fuel, ensuring that levels do not vary.3,4 This
perspective views the uptake of glucose by the brain as The Supply and Demand for Glucose
The essential question that arises is whether the direction
Drs. Benton and Nabb are with the Department of of blood  ow to active areas of the brain is always
Psychology, University of Wales Swansea, Singleton sufŽ cient to meet the demands for glucose. Partridge20
Park, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, United Kingdom. speculated that when the demand for glucose is very

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 5 S61

high, there is a tendency for metabolically active regions characterised by a profound failure of memory, is asso-
of the brain to become locally neuroglycopenic, that is, ciated with a depletion of cholinergic neurons. Secondly,
they develop low intracellular levels of glucose. In freely drugs that block the action of acetylcholine disrupt the
moving rats, during a spatial working memory task, a memory of both animals and humans. Thirdly, therapeu-
decrease in hippocampal extracellular glucose has been tic drugs prescribed to improve the memory of Alzhei-
reported. An injection of glucose, but not a placebo, mer’s patients often act by increasing cholinergic
prevented this decline in the level of glucose in the activity.
hippocampus and improved learning.21 Consistent with The enyzme choline acetyl transferase, found in the
the decline in extracellular glucose re ecting an inability presynaptic nerve terminal, converts the precursors cho-
to locally maintain glucose concentrations, extracellular line and acetyl CoA to acetylcholine. Glucose is the main
glucose levels in the hippocampus decreased by 32% source of the acetyl groups of acetyl CoA.27 Glycolysis

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when a complex maze was performed. By contrast, when converts glucose by a series of steps to pyruvate, that in
a less complex maze was run, glucose levels fell by only turn is broken down by the pyruvate oxidase system to
11%. The authors concluded that their data “strongly form acetyl CoA. Choline acetyltransferase is not a
suggest that the observed decreases in hippocampal ECF saturated enzyme, thus an increased supply of acetyl
glucose are associated with cognitive demand . . . it CoA, resulting from increased glucose metabolism, is
seems that memory processing by the hippocampus may associated with increased production of acetylcholine.
be limited by the availability of glucose.”21 In rats that have not eaten for 24 hours brain ace-
It is not possible to measure glucose concentrations tylcholine levels are lower, something that can be re-
in the human brain; nevertheless it has also been sug- stored by feeding normal food or by administering glu-
gested that enhanced provision of glucose selectively cose and choline.28 A review concluded that under
beneŽ ts tasks that are cognitively demanding.13 Al- resting conditions increased glucose availability has little
though it is difŽ cult to quantify “cognitive demand,” the effect on acetylcholine levels in continuously fed ani-
duration of the demand and its complexity can be con- mals.19 When there is a high demand for acetylcholine,
sidered. The provision of blood glucose has been found however, a high availability of glucose increases the rate
to in uence the difŽ cult rather than the easier trials of the of the synthesis of the transmitter by increasing the
Stroop test11 and to improve choice rather than simple production of acetyl CoA. Using the uptake of choline as
reaction times.12 A glucose drink selectively in uenced an index of cholinergic activity, investigators found that
the more difŽ cult tests of the Porteus Maze.13 In all of
a glucose injection increased acetylcholine synthesis in
these instances it was the more demanding tasks that
mice.19 Raising glucose levels reportedly increases the
were susceptible to changes in blood glucose levels.
release of acetylcholine from the rat hippocampus, an
When the duration of a task has been considered, blood
area of the brain important in modulating memory.29 In
glucose has been found to in uence a vigilance task, but
mice, increasing glucose levels attenuated the amnesia
only towards the end of the test session.22,23 In a driving
induced by the anticholinergic drug scopolamine.19,30
simulator glucose only in uenced performance after
Taken together these animal studies provide strong evi-
driving 70 kilometres.23 Thus it is only the later stages
dence that, under periods of neuronal activity, raising the
of prolonged tasks that are susceptible to the provision of
glucose supply is associated with an increased synthesis
glucose. A Ž nal line of evidence that the provision of
of acetylcholine, which beneŽ ts memory.
glucose may on occasion limit neural functioning comes
Glucose in uences many neurotransmitter systems
from a study that made the assumption that when per-
and can modify the impact on memory of drugs that act
forming verbal tasks, the more metabolically active left
via opiate, GABAergic, glutaminergic, and cholinergic
hemisphere would be partially depleted of glucose. The
sites.10 Peripheral injections of glucose have been shown
prediction was conŽ rmed that increased levels of blood
glucose would speciŽ cally beneŽ t memory for informa- to suppress the Ž ring of nigrostriatal dopamine-contain-
tion directed to the left rather than right hemisphere.24 ing neurons31 and to lower the level of dopaminergic
metabolites.32 When drugs are injected directly into the
brain, the action of glucose is more speciŽ c and the
Glucose and Memory nature of its action varies with brain site. For example,
The mechanism by which an increased supply of glucose the amygdala is an area of the brain that in uences
enhances memory is poorly understood. One possibility memory for emotional events. The opiate agonist mor-
is that the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine phine, when injected into the amygdala, impairs the
is increased. The role played by acetylcholine in the avoidance learning of rats, an effect that is attenuated by
modulation of memory has been frequently consid- the injection of glucose into the same brain area.33 The
ered.25,26 The evidence is of various types. Firstly, there septohippocampal system is important for the learning of
are consistent reports that Alzheimer’s disease, which is spatial tasks. The injection of glucose into the medial

S62 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 5

septum antagonized the behavioral in uence of mor- that appears to be stronger in the elderly and depends on
phine but not the cholinergic drug scopolamine or the the nature of the test. There have been few attempts to
adrenergic drug propranonol.34 These studies illustrated consider the effect of the glycemic index of carbohy-
that glucose acts in a selective manner, in particular, drates on memory, although paradoxically the limited
in uencing opiate mechanisms. Data suggest that opiate data available suggest that a food with a low glycemic
mechanisms in uence cholinergic functioning.35 Opiate index maybe beneŽ cial.46,47 Given the known effect of
receptors in the septum inhibit the release of acetylcho- low– glycemic index foods to improve glucose tolerance,
line from the hippocampus; morphine injected into the the possible role of this mechanism should be consid-
medial septum reduced the release of acetylcholine in the ered.
hippocampus, an effect blocked by the co-injection of

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Carbohydrate Intake, Serotonin, and Mood
A related suggestion is that the level of blood glucose
The Type of Carbohydrate, Meals, and Memory
in uences mood. Many people consume sugary snacks
Various strands of evidence question the assumption that when they are feeling low or in need of energy. The
the ability to transport glucose to particular areas of the opposite suggestion has also been proposed, that the
brain never in uences neural functioning. If the provi- intake of carbohydrate is calming because it increases the
sion of glucose to the brain on occasion limits cognitive synthesis of serotonin in the brain.48,49 Some have sug-
performance, the question arises as to whether diet plays gested that individuals eat high-carbohydrate foods for a
a role. Do the pattern of meals and the glycemic load of psychopharmacologic effect, to improve mood, for ex-
the diet modulate functioning? Although there have been ample, those suffering with Seasonal Affective Disorder
no studies of the association between glycemic load and (SAD) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).49
memory, there are good reasons to suggest that there The increase in blood glucose following the con-
maybe an association. Given the suggested relationship sumption of carbohydrate is associated with the release
between glycemic load and type 2 diabetes,36 and the of insulin. Insulin causes the large neutral amino acids
association between poor glucose tolerance and cogni- (LNAA: tyrosine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, va-
tive decline,37 the possibility that glycemic load will line) to be taken up into muscle although tryptophan is
in uence cognitive functioning should be explored bound to albumin in the blood. A meal comprising
Meals may also have a shorter-term in uence. On a almost totally carbohydrate thus increases the ratio of
number of occasions, memory and school performance tryptophan to LNAA in plasma. The LNAA and trypto-
have been in uenced adversely by missing break- phan compete for a transporter molecule. When a high-
fast.38–45 In an Israeli study,45 however, the effect was carbohydrate meal increases the tryptophan-to-LNAA
short term, explained by the authors as a re ection of the ratio, therefore, relatively more tryptophan is transported
short-term increase in blood glucose that follows a meal. into the brain where it is metabolized into the neurotrans-
There is evidence of a possible role for glucose in the mitter serotonin. Although in animals the intake of pure
memory-enhancing effect of breakfast. In adults memory carbohydrate is associated with increased serotonin syn-
performance two hours after breakfast was found to thesis,50 in humans, even when the level of tryptophan
correlate with blood glucose values,38 and the adverse increases, there is no evidence of an increased release of
effect of missing breakfast was reversed by giving a serotonin.48,51 When 30 human studies were summa-
glucose-containing drink.42,43 rized, meals that were almost totally carbohydrate were
A recent study provided breakfasts containing an found to have increased the tryptophan-to-LNAA ratio in
equal amount of carbohydrate; in one diet the carbohy- the blood. However, although when protein comprises
drate source was mostly in the form of slowly (SAG) less than 2% of total calories, there was more tryptophan
rather than rapidly available glucose (RAG). The SAG available, as little as 5% of the calories in the form of
breakfast beneŽ ted memory later in the morning; RAG protein was enough to ensure that this phenomenon did
had no effect.46 not occur.52 The improbability of eating meals that
In a sample of elderly people, three types of carbo- contain such a low level of protein raises considerable
hydrate were consumed: glucose, instant potato, or bar- doubt as to importance of this mechanism as a part of
ley.47 Although memory was better after the consump- normal diet. In foods that many would classify as high in
tion of both potato and barley, improvement was not carbohydrate, such as bread, rice, or chocolate, there are
associated with the level of plasma glucose. The con- levels of protein sufŽ cient to prevent an increase in the
sumption of the low– glycemic index barley improved availability of tryptophan.
memory more than potato. In many women at the end of the monthly cycle
In summary, although increased glucose supply en- there is an increase in appetite and food consumption. It
hances memory in humans and animals, it is an effect has been concluded that “individuals with PMS increase

Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 5 S63

their carbohydrate consumption in the pre-menstrual for six weeks, those whose meals were based on cereals
stage.”53 A study providing an experimental meal that and vegetables, rather than meat and Ž sh, reported better
contained no protein decreased the depression, anger, mood.65 Eating experimental diets that are higher in
and confusion of those with PMS.54 Reviews of the topic carbohydrate are therefore associated with better mood.
Ž nd a signiŽ cant increase in energy intake during the The repeated Ž nding that carbohydrate intake has a
luteal phase,55 and there is evidence of increased basal cumulative in uence suggests the need to examine the
metabolic rate.56 However, one must distinguish in- impact of glycemic load on mood.
creased carbohydrate intake from increased intake of all
macronutrients. The question arises as to whether the
The Short-term Effect of Carbohydrate on
anecdotal observation of increased craving for sugary
items results in characteristic changes in macronutrient

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intake. An isolated study found that there was an in- Studies of the short-term impact of carbohydrate on
creased intake of carbohydrate but not other macronutri- mood have either compared sugar- or starch-based foods
ents;57 however, the vast majority of studies do not share with those offering high levels of protein; alternatively,
these observations.55 The weight of evidence is that they have provided a sucrose- or glucose-containing
carbohydrate intake is not selectively increased in the drink. When a protein-rich meal such as turkey breast
premenstrual stage. Although there is support for anec- was compared with a carbohydrate-rich meal, the latter
dotal statements that cravings for sweet, pleasant-tasting tended to result in subjects feeling less energetic.66–70
foods increase,58,59 the driving force is likely to be an Studies comparing the consumption of a sugar-contain-
increased consumption of food items containing carbo- ing drink and a calorie-free drink have produced equiv-
hydrate and fat rather than an increased appetite for ocal Ž ndings; two found increased subjective energy71,72
carbohydrate. and three others reported nonsigniŽ cant Ž ndings.73–75
Similarly, investigators have suggested that those A major variable appears to be the time after con-
suffering with SAD have a speciŽ c hunger for carbohy- sumption when mood was assessed. The studies report-
drate, a mechanism suggested to improve mood.60,61 A ing decreased subjective energy after a carbohydrate-
review of the topic, however, concluded that that there containing meal measured mood approximately two
was little evidence to support a speciŽ c hunger for hours after consuming the drink or meal. By contrast,
carbohydrate although there may be a preference for when subjective energy was found to increase after a
pleasant-tasting foods.48 sugar-containing drink, this occurred after 15, 30,71 or 60
minutes.72 Benton and Owens,71 who used by far the
largest sample sizes in this area, commented that the
Long-term Carbohydrate Intake and Mood
short-term increase in reported energy seemed to be a
Although the modulation of serotonin levels is not a robust phenomenon as they replicated the Ž nding. It was,
credible mechanism, there are several studies that have however, a small effect that would likely not be repro-
reported that the cumulative intake of carbohydrate was duced in a small sample size. The report that people
associated with better mood. Based on food diaries kept consuming a sugary snack experienced a short-term
over nine days, a negative relationship was found be- increase in energy followed by a longer-term fall in
tween the proportion of energy consumed as carbohy- subjective energy76 is consistent with a two-stage effect.
drate and depression.62 The association was not between Although many of these studies used a source of pure
meals and mood around the time of eating, but over glucose and hence had the potential to increase the
several days there was a cumulative impact. More re- tryptophan-to-LNAA ratio, at least some of the effects on
cently, 686 individuals were asked at midday to report mood were too rapid for increased serotonin synthesis to
their mood and what they had eaten that morning (Ben- have occurred.
ton, unpublished Ž nding,). The more carbohydrate that
people had consumed, the happier male subjects reported
Mood Under Demanding Conditions
they had been during the morning. In both of these
studies the intake of protein was sufŽ cient to prevent an The possibility that increasing blood glucose maintains
increase in the plasma tryptophan-to-LNAA ratio. When mood when sustained demands are placed on an individ-
experimental diets containing low, medium, or high ual has been little considered. When mood was assessed
levels of carbohydrate were consumed for a week, the before and after performing three cognitively demanding
low-carbohydrate diet was associated with increased an- tasks, falling levels of blood glucose were associated
ger, depression, and tension.63 This report supported the with lower self-reported energy.77 That the tasks in this
Ž nding that eating a low-carbohydrate, high-protein series placed greater cognitive demands on subjects than
breakfast for three weeks resulted in increased levels of in previous studies may be an important factor in the
anger.64 When a group of young German women dieted association between falling blood glucose and falling

S64 Nutrition Reviews , Vol. 61, No. 5

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