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Hepatology Research 2017; 47: 160–165 doi: 10.1111/hepr.12760

Review Article

Autonomic Nervous System and the Liver

Kei Mizuno1,2 and Yoshiyuki Ueno1,2
Department of Gastroenterology, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine, and 2CREST, Yamagata, Japan

The liver is innervated by both the sympathetic and the parasym- flow, and bile secretion. Furthermore, liver innervation has been
pathetic nerve systems. These nerves are derived from the associated with hepatic fibrosis, regeneration, and circadian
splanchnic and vagal nerves that surround the portal vein, rhythm. Knowledge of these mechanisms can be applied for
hepatic artery, and bile duct. The afferent fiber delivers informa- potential liver disease treatment.
tion regarding osmolality, glucose level, and lipid level in the por- Key words: autonomic nervous system, glucose metabolism,
tal vein to the central nervous system (CNS). In contrast, the hepatic fibrosis, lipid metabolism, liver innervation
efferent fiber is crucial in the regulation of metabolism, blood

INTRODUCTION Anatomy of autonomic nervous system in the

T HE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN the autonomic ner-
vous system and GI tract has been previously de-
scribed. However, few reports have documented the
In the liver, two autonomic nervous fibers are present: 1)
sympathetic neuron connected to the thoracic spinal cord,
existence and role of the autonomic nervous in the liver. and 2) parasympathetic neuron derived from the vagus
In fact, the liver is affected by both the sympathetic and nerve. The sympathetic neuron follows the preganglionic
the parasympathetic nerve systems. These nerve systems de- neuron derived from the intermediolateral column (lateral
liver information regarding hepatic osmolality, glucose horn) of the spinal cord (T7 to T12). It is considered as a
concentrations, and lipid concentrations to the brain postganglionic neuron derived from either the celiac or
through the afferent neurons, and the liver receives varieties the superior mesenteric ganglion.1,5 In contrast, the para-
of signals including blood flow, bile secretion, and metab- sympathetic neuron branches off from the vagal nerve
olism through the efferent neurons.1,2 Orthotropic liver and regulates neurologically, either directly as a pregangli-
transplantation (OLT) recipients lack these autonomic reg- onic neuron originated from the dorsal motor nucleus in
ulations since nerve fibers are cut and not reconstituted the brainstem or indirectly by forming a synapse at the he-
during surgery. Nevertheless, this abnormality is typically patic hilar.1,5 These neuron fibers or neurons are distrib-
well tolerated by transplant recipients. Thus, the role of au- uted in the liver from the hilar of the hepatic portal and
tonomic nervous system in the liver received little attention subsequently branch off together with the hepatic arteries
among hepatologists. However, increased obesity, dyslipid- and portal veins. Nerve distribution in the liver is diverse
emia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus (DM) have been among mammals, although most species share common
reported among OLT recipients following decades of liver structures such as the sympathetic and parasympathetic
transplantation history.3,4 These observations suggest met- neurons surrounding the hepatic arteries, portal veins,
abolic dysfunctions that may be caused by denervation of and intrahepatic bile ducts.5,6
the liver. In this short review article, the roles of the
intrahepatic autonomic nervous system are discussed.
Glucose metabolism
Glucose level is sensed by neurons and glial cells express-
Correspondence: Yoshiyuki Ueno, Department of Gastroenterology,
Yamagata University of Faculty Medicine. Email:
ing glucose transporters (GLUT) in the central nervous sys- tem (CNS) and in peripheral tissues such as the taste buds,
Received 30 May 2016; revision 2 June 2016; accepted 3 June 2016. gut, and carotid body.7,8 In the liver, glucose level is also

© 2016 The Authors. 160

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Hepatology Research 2017; 47: 160–165 Autonomic nervous system and the liver 161

sensed at the portal veins.9 In the pancreas, GLUT2 regu-

lates glucose uptake and insulin secretion, whereas in the
liver, GLUT2 acts as a glucose sensor and monitors blood
glucose level in the portal vein.10,11 Decreased glucose
level in the portal vein activates the afferent vagal neuron,
which signals for an increase in food intake.12,13 However,
profound decrease in blood glucose level appears to be
sensed in the brain, and only a gradual decrease of the
portal blood glucose level prompts the increased food
intake.14–16 In contrast, high blood glucose level in the
liver itself does not suppress food intake.13
Incretins, such as the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1),
are hormones released from the small intestine to regulate
blood glucose level.17 GLP-1 is released into the portal Figure 2 The hepatic efferent nerves and glucose metabolism.Ac-
blood flow following appropriate food stimuli and ulti- tivation of the sympathetic efferent nerves increases glucose pro-
mately binds to its receptors expressed by the afferent neu- duction and suppresses glycogenesis. Stimulation of the vagus
rons in the portal area.18 The binding of GLP-1 to its nerves reduces glucose production and increases glycogenesis. He-
receptors activates the vagal nerve, which subsequently patic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS) is secreted by the liver
modulates the pancreatic release of insulin via the efferent via parasympathetic efferent signals, promoting the skeletal mus-
sympathetic neuron signals (Fig. 1).19 cle to increase glucose storage. Purple arrows: the effect of the
Following efferent fiber activation, glucose production is sympathetic efferent nerves on glucose metabolism, green dash
arrows: the effect of the vagal nerves on glucose metabolism.
increased through stimulation of the splanchnic nerves (a
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
type of sympathetic nerve), while glycogen production is
suppressed.20 In contrast, glucose production is reduced dexamethasone administration to the arcuate nucleus in
and glycogen production is increased by vagal nerve stimula- the hypothalamus. This action is believed to be mediated
tion (Fig. 2).21 Following denervation of the vagus nerve sys- by the sympathetic fiber of the liver, which expresses neuro-
tem, hypoglycemic action of postprandial insulin secretion peptide Y.23 Two mechanisms for the hypoglycemic effects
is decreased, which may elevate blood glucose level.2,22 In of insulin have been described: 1) through the effect of he-
rat, hepatic insulin sensitivity is decreased following patic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS) and 2) through
direct action of insulin.2 HISS is secreted by the liver and
acts on the skeletal muscle to accelerate glucose accumula-
tion.24 HISS is controlled by the parasympathetic nerve and
its effects are decreased by denervation of the parasympa-
thetic nerve system, resulting in insulin resistance.24
Net hepatic glucose uptake (NHGU) may be lost follow-
ing complete denervation of the hepatic nerve.25 Increased
level of both insulin and glucagon in the blood, and loss of
reactive increase of epinephrine/cortisol during hypoglyce-
mia have been reported in liver transplant recipients.26
Thus, the liver is thought to control the homeostasis toward
hypoglycemia and insulin response during hyperglycemia
through the action of the autonomic nervous system.

Lipid metabolism
Figure 1 The hepatic afferent nerves and glucose metabolism.The
Liver is a crucial organ for lipid metabolism. During lipid
afferent vagal nerves are activated by decreased portal glucose
metabolism, the synthesis and secretion of very low-
level, increasing the intake of food. Glucagon-like peptide-1
(GLP-1) released into the portal blood flow stimulates the afferent density lipoprotein (VLDL) and ketone body, and oxida-
vagal nerves. This signal affects the pancreatic efferent sympathetic tion of fatty acid are critical. In an experimental animal
nerves to release insulin. Red arrows: the effect of hypoglycemia in model, blood glucose level is decreased and serum triglyc-
the portal vein, green dotted arrows: the effect of GLP-1. [Colour eride (TG) and cholesterol levels are increased following
figure can be viewed at] denervation of the liver.27 Afferent fiber of the vagal nerve

© 2016 The Authors.

Hepatology Research published by John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd on behalf of The Japan Society of Hepatology
162 K. Mizuno, and Y. Ueno Hepatology Research 2017; 47: 160–165

detects intrahepatic free fatty acid concentration, which af- Maintenance of fluids
fects feeding behavior.28 When lipids are administered Osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid is strictly regulated
through the portal vein, afferent fiber of the hepatic vagal by the osmosensing system that involves multiple organs.
nerve is stimulated, negatively regulating food intake This system balances the uptake and excretion of salt and
(Fig. 3).29,30 Furthermore, activation of the afferent fiber water, which are controlled by signals from the brain.
promotes fat deposition and is important for the mainte- The liver detects early changes in plasma osmolality, and
nance of serum metabolite level.30 In diabetic patients, the body subsequently makes appropriate adjustments to
triglyceride-rich VLDL (VLDL-TG) is secreted in excess, these changes.35
which causes dyslipidemia. The hypothalamic area and au- The hepatic nerve utilizes specific ion channels, which
tonomic nervous system regulate VLDL-TG, and the he- are specifically activated by osmolality changes for osmo-
patic sympathetic nerve is crucial to maintain the VLDL- lality sensing.1 Among these receptors, the transient recep-
TG secretion during fasting.31 Following denervation of tor channel protein vanilloid 4 (TRPV4), was recently
sympathetic neurons, the VLDL-TG secretion by neuropep- reported to respond to osmotic changes and to play a role
tide Y neurons in the hypothalamus is impaired.31 Hepatic in controlling ion currents.35 When the brain senses hypo-
TG level is associated with hepatic steatosis, and hepatic tonic stimulation via TRPV4, the signal is communicated
TG is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of meta- through the afferent fiber derived from the dorsal root gan-
bolic syndromes such as hyperphagia and obesity. Leptin, glia in the thoracic part of the spinal cord (Fig. 4). Osmo-
secreted by adipocytes, is known to constrain feeding and lality is decreased after water consumption and pressor
activate the hepatic sympathetic nerve via the CNS, reflex appears to be induced by the efferent sympathetic fi-
resulting in reduced liver TG level.32 Furthermore, dener- ber, which is activated by afferent stimulus.36,37
vation of the hepatic sympathetic nerves causes decreased The hepatic nerve system is also capable of detecting
carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT), which transfers long changes in ion concentrations, similar to osmo-sensing
chain fatty acids into the mitochondria.33 Sympathetic prior to systemic circulation.38 As the concentration of
stimulation regulates the secretion of lipoproteins includ- substance absorbed into the portal vein reaches level that
ing TG and apo-B as well as the release of VLDL. Following is four to five-folds higher than that of the systemic circula-
denervation of the hepatic sympathetic nerves, VLDL secre- tion, the hepatic nerve can detect changes in ion concentra-
tion is increased and plasma level of cholesterol and TG is tion earlier than any other organs.39 Greater increase in
elevated accordingly.27 Hepatic sympathetic innervation urinary excretion is observed when equal amount of water
also affects ketone body metabolism. Sympathetic stimu- enters the portal vein compared to when water enters any
lation promotes ketone body production and its release
from the liver.34

Figure 4 The hepatic afferent nerves and fluid maintenance.

Figure 3 The hepatic nerves and lipid metabolism. Increased lipid When decreased portal osmolality is detected, afferent stimulation
level in the portal vein stimulates afferent fiber of the hepatic vagal via dorsal root ganglion activates the efferent sympathetic fiber to
nerves, suppressing the intake of food. Leptin secreted by induce pressor reflex. Hypernatremia in the portal vein detected
adipocytes activates hepatic sympathetic nerves via the central ner- by the hepatic afferent nerves decreases renal sympathetic tone.
vous system (CNS), decreasing the triglyceride (TG) content in the This causes the downregulation of sodium resorption and in-
liver. Green dash arrows: the effect of increased lipid level in the creased urinary excretion. Red arrows: the effect of decreased por-
portal vein, blue dotted arrows: the effect of leptin toward lipid me- tal osmolality, blue arrows: the effect of hypernatremia. [Colour
tabolism. [Colour figure can be viewed at] figure can be viewed at]

© 2016 The Authors.

Hepatology Research published by John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd on behalf of The Japan Society of Hepatology
Hepatology Research 2017; 47: 160–165 Autonomic nervous system and the liver 163

other systemic veins. This phenomenon is known as the the α2 adrenergic receptor results in decreased choleresis
hepatorenal reflex. This reflex causes activation of the affer- mediated by secretin.49,50 However, the dopaminergic sys-
ent hepatic fibers and suppression of the efferent renal tem was shown to exert conflicting actions related to the
sympathetic nerve following hypertonic water load in the secretin-induced choleresis in an experimental hepatic
portal vein ultimately resulting in the downregulation of cholestasis model.51
sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules.40 Hepatorenal
reflex is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of Hepatic fibrosis and regeneration
hepatorenal syndrome, which is frequently observed in HSCs in the hepatic space of Disse are activated following
end-stage cirrhotic patients.39 hepatic injury and transformed into myofibroblasts that
produce collagen fibers.52 HSCs express the adrenergic re-
Regulation of blood flow and bile ceptor and are thought to be regulated by the autonomous
The autonomic nervous system is crucial in maintaining nervous system.53 Impaired norepinephrine action causes
blood flow in the liver. Following hepatic autonomic repression of HSC growth and decreased collagenous fiber
nerve stimulation, reduction in hepatic arterial blood flow production. During severe acute liver damage or chronic
is observed.41 This is mediated by an alpha adrenergic liver injury, hepatic stem cells differentiate into hepato-
receptor-dependent mechanism through constriction of cytes or cholangiocytes.54 Hepatic oval cells (HOCs) are
the hepatic artery. Thus, following sympathetic nervous thought to be the candidate hepatic stem cells or progeni-
system activation, contraction of the hepatic artery and de- tor cells. In the normal liver, HSCs and HOCs are quies-
creased sinusoidal wall permeability are initiated, which is cent; however, they are activated after specific hepatic
then followed by decreased total hepatic blood flow.42 He- injury. In rats, liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
patic sinusoidal lining cells filter blood from the portal on was impaired following vagotomy, implicating important
systemic circulation. The sinusoid displays a capillary mor- role of the parasympathetic nervous system.55 Further-
phology lined by sinusoidal endothelial cells (SEC) and more, inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system was
surrounded by hepatic stellate cells (HSC). The terminus shown to result in increased number of HOCs.53 To sum-
of hepatic efferent nerve fiber is thought to be distributed marize, HOC proliferation is inhibited after hepatic sym-
around the stellate cells located on the sinusoidal wall. pathetic stimuli, and HSCs are activated to promote
Further, the hepatic efferent nerve is thought to regulate hepatic fibrosis. These events are consistent with the cir-
constriction of the sinusoids.1,43 While sympathetic release rhotic state; thus, sympathetic nervous system inhibitors
of adrenalin and substance P induces contraction of the may be applied for potential hepatic cirrhosis treatment.
hepatic sinusoids, parasympathetic release of acetylcholine
and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) causes sinusoidal Circadian rhythm
relaxation.44 Sympathetic stimulation is believed to aid The circadian rhythm is a physiological phenomenon in
contraction of hepatic artery. The sinusoid plays an impor- which various fundamental biological activities including
tant role in reducing hepatic blood flow following bleed- sleep and diet vary within a cycle that is approximately
ing and ultimately contributes to the maintenance of 24 hours in length. The circadian rhythm is regulated by
circulating blood volume.42 genes referred to as the clock genes, which are expressed
Bile duct epithelium (cholangiocyte) is also controlled in the suprachiasmatic nucleus designated as the internal
by the autonomic nervous system. Cholangiocytes regulate master clock.56 However, related clock genes are also
bile flow (choleresis) by controlling the secretion and ab- known to be expressed elsewhere in the body.56 Denerva-
sorption of bile acid and bicarbonate during their passage tion of the sympathetic nervous system in the liver abol-
between the bile canaliculi.45 Following food intake, the ishes the normal circadian changes in blood glucose
predominant parasympathetic system increases bicarbon- level, although the expression of clock genes is not af-
ate secretion and subsequent bile secretion. Vagotomy fected.57 However, following complete denervation of
was shown to disrupt the secretin-dependent choleresis.46 the liver, no abnormalities of blood glucose level rhythm
Moreover, acetylcholine appears to induce proliferation were observed, implicating the importance of autonomic
of the cholangiocytes.46,47 Cholangiocytes express both α nervous system balance to control daily variations of
and β adrenergic receptors and receive signals from the blood glucose concentration.58 Several genes expressed in
sympathetic nervous system.48,49 Following stimulation the liver follow a circadian rhythm, and most of these
of the α1 adrenergic receptor, both secretin-induced genes were shown to be responsible for metabolic con-
choleresis and Ca2+/cAMP-dependent proliferation of trol.59 Thus, the circadian rhythm appears to be involved
cholangiocytes are induced. In contrast, stimulation of in the hepatic metabolism and detoxification of drugs.

© 2016 The Authors.

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164 K. Mizuno, and Y. Ueno Hepatology Research 2017; 47: 160–165

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© 2016 The Authors.

Hepatology Research published by John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd on behalf of The Japan Society of Hepatology

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