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Medicinal plants are considered as a rich resources of ingredients which can be used in drug
development either pharmacopoeial, non –pharamacopoeial or synthetic drugs. Apart from
that, these plants play a critical role in the development of human cultures around the whole
world. Moreover, some plants are considered as important sources of nutrition and as a result
of that they are recommended to their therapeutic values.The present study provides some
basic information on the twenty medicinal plants in chamampathal locality, Kottayam district
for a period of two months extending between September 2017 to October 2017.
The study carried out in Chamampathal locality ,Kottayam district. The information
collected included local names of the medicinal plants, type,diseases treated, parts used,
condition of plants used and existing threats to medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants play an essential role in the development of human culture. Cultivation
and preservation of medicinal plants protect biological diversity of kerala and it play an
important role in the healthcare of the people of kerala. Both the urban and rural people of
kerala use many medicinal plants either directly as home remedies.
The following objectives have been formulated for the present study.
To give awareness about the different medicinal plants in Chamampathal locality, to
local pupil of Kerala, especially students of all classes.
To conserve rare, endangered and threatened medicinal plants in Chamampathal
To ensure peoples participation in conserving medicinal plants and traditional culture.
To create optimum interest and awareness amongst cultivation or farmers the
cultivation of medicinal plants.
Many plant species associated with the rural people are on the verge of disappearing and
are vulnerable list. The impact of deforestation, urbanization and modernization is shifting
the rural people from their natural habitats and their very knowledge particularly with respect
to herbal drugs is slowly disappearing. The immediate concern is to preserve the knowledge.
During the past decade, traditional systems of medicine have become a topic of global
importance. Current estimates suggest that, in many developing countries a large proportion
of the population relies heavily on traditional practitioners and medicinal plants to meet
primary health care needs, although modern medicine may be available in these countries,
herbal medicines have often maintained popularity for historical and cultural reasons.
Concurrently, many people in developed countries have begun to turn to alternative or
complimentary therapies, including medicinal herbs. Although, there are numerous
traditional medicinal plants reported to have hypoglycemic and antidiabetic properties, many
of them proved to be not very effective in lowering glucose levels in severe diabetes. Further,
most of the hypoglycemic agents used in allopathic medicine are reported to have side effects
in the long run. Therefore, there is a need to search effective and safe drugs for diabetes.

The survey of Medicinal plants were carried out in Chamampathal {Kottayam District} during
September to October,2017.Samples of the 20 medicinal plants was taken from different
habitats like Grasslands, Mixed plantations etc. The identification of Medicinal plants was
based on the reviews of the published literature including several recent books. Also its
photographs were taking using camera.This informations helps to create a critical awareness
and importance of medicinal plants in people they are lived Chamampathal locality.
Medicinal plants were observed in Chamampathal locality, Kottayam district for a
period of 2 months which starts from September 2017 to October 2017. 20 species of
medicinal plants were present here.The following are those medicinal plants.
Chittamrith is a cimber with fleshy stem, aerial roots and heart shaped leaves.The
heart shaped leaves are also juicy.Tinosora cordifolia belongs to the family menispermaceae.
Chittamrith is one of the most versatile rejuvenative herbs.It has different properties such as
antispasmodic and anti inflammatory. It is used in the treatment of different kinds of fevers
abd diseases affecting urinary tract.
Mimosa pudica is a perennial shrub,but is often trated like an annual and tossed out,
because it tends to deterorate after flowering. stems sometimes woody near the base. Leaves
sensitive,younger plants are more beautiful.The medicinal uses of thottavaadi ,juice of
thottavaadi is used for diabetes, The leaves are boiled with water and given fomentation for
hip and pai around the kidney region. This is used to wash ulcers, diabetic ulcers, skin
infections etc.
Sida cordifolia is an erect perennial, with the entire plant covered with soft white felt
like hair that is responsible for one of its common names,”flannel weed”. The stems are yellow
green,hairy,long,and slender. Leaves ,stem, bark and roots are usable parts. It is useful herb
to treat broad variety of ailments such as vata roga, pita roga, bronchialasthma,fever,dry
cough,nervous debility,infertility,emaciation etc.
Hibiscus rosasinensis is a bushy,evergreen shrub or small tree growing with wide
glossy leaves and solitary,brilliant red flowers in summer and autumn. Hibiscus flower
extracts have been long used in skin care treatment. Hibiscus contain high levels of vitamin c,
which is a potent antioxidant. This flower also has anti inflammatory properties that help in
preventing acne. It moisturizes your hair and prevents conditions like dandruff and itchy scalp.
This wonderful plant has been found to be effective in lowering blood pressure.
Paradise tree aka Lakshmitaru is a multipurpose evergreen tree receiving great interest as a
promising energy crop and medicinal plant for future. All plants of the plant namely
seed,shell,fruit pulp,leaf,leaf litter,stem,bark are useful in the production of
food,fuel,manure,timber,medicine etc.
Tulasi is called Holy Basil in English.Tulasi is sattvic {creating mental peace} and the
ideal herb for spiritual practice. Holy Basil is known for its antiinflammatory and antioxidant
properties. It helps combat a plethora of serious ailments like cancer,diabetes, and heart
diseases. It even fights inflammation. It works on physical level, clearing toxins from the body
strengthening inflammation.
Clitoria ternatea or sangu pushpam is a beautiful blue flower which has so many
medicinal values as per ayurveda. It has been considered for centuries as a memory enhancer
herb. The rot extract acts as a mild sedative and calms down the central nervous system so it
can be used as an antidepressant and anti stress medicine.
Shatavari is a perennial climbing plant with straight and hooked spines, extending to a
height of 1-2 meters. This is sweet and bitter herb. Its young stems are delicate and brittle.
The flowers having fragrance, white in color with small spikes. Shatavari is naturally blessed
herb with nutritive tonic, antacid, diuretic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, galactogogue, laxative,
antispasmodic, antitumor, anti depressant, anti microbial, anti oxidant, adaptogenic and as
well as it is immune modulatory.
Adathoda beddomei belongs to the family Acanthaceae and in large shrub or small
tree grows upto 3-4 meters in height.Leaves simple,opposite,ovate lanceolate,flowers arise
from axillary condensed spikes ,white :fruits,capsules.The extraction of leaf is a good medicine
for Ashthma and cough.It is a good medicine to stop internal and external bleedings like
bleeding gums,piles and peptic ulcers.It speeds up the child birth.
Panikoorka plant is a common sight in most homes. Panikoorka is an ayurvedic
herb,The leaves are used for trating common cold,cough and fever in babies and adults.
Panikoorka is a natural antipyretic. It is a natural expectorant for children. It is also used in
the treatment of skin disorders,dandruff and different types of allergies. Panikoorka helps
improve lactation in nursing mothers.
Centella asiatica is an ancient Indian herb. The stems are slender and reddish green in
colour. The plant is used for various medicinal purposes since centuries. This herb is bitter in
taste and is light to digest. It acts as a memory booster and brain tonic. This herb is very
effective in skin diseases and it has antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.This herb
effectively helps to reduce high blood pressure.
A flowering plant, Turmeric, in the ginger family,is commonly used as a food coloring
and is one of the basic ingredients in curry powder. Turmeric is considered as a digestive
bitter and a carminative. To heal many health disordes like liver problems,digestive
disordes,treatment of skin diseases and wound healing turmeric has long been used in
medicinal as an anti inflammatory.
Kacholam is one among the top chosen herb for the preparation of medicinal products.
Main parts used for the production of products include rhizome and leaves. The exotic herb
has been used for decades to treat a wide range of health issues. It is already renowned as
expectorant and carminative. Respiratory ailment like asthma and cough can be easily
controlled by making use of this remedy.
Thazhuthama has small flowers, too small that it is only one or two millimeters in
diameter. They are pink in color and have five petals each. It is an effective first aid in many
cases. It used for the prink water boiled with thazhuthama leaves can purify the blood.
consuming its leaves is good for eyesight.
Kayooni is an annual herb grows commonly in moist places as a weed all over the world.
Stems are erect and grow to an average height of 45-50 cm. In ayurvedic medicine,the leaf
extract is considered a powerful liver tonic, rejuvenative and especially good for the hair. It
is also used in the preparation of medicines for inflammation , hernia, eye diseases, bronchitis,
asthma, leucoderma,heart and skin diseases.
It is an important flower for the people of kerala both for its medicinal values and
cultural importance. Mukkutti has been used in traditional folk medicine to treat numerous
diseases. A small plant with yellow flower. It has yearly life cycle. The plant is one among the
ten plants of ‘Dasapushpa’ in ayurveda. The paste made of the leaf can cure the fresh
wounds. Consume the paste made of the entire plant mixed with butter reduce excess
menstrual bleeding of women.
Keezharnelli is also called as gale of the wind, stone breaker or seed under leaf. It is a
tropical plant,is commonly found everywhere in coastal regions,and is known to grow in wet
soil. One can easily grow them at home. Keezharnelli leaves and roots are known for their
medicinal values for treating Migraine, Jaundice and Liver ailments.
Aerva lanata is a common weed grows wild everywhere in the plants of india. The root
has a camphor like aroma. The dried flowers which look like soft spikes,are sold under the
commercial names Buikallan and Boor. It is one of the plants included in Dasapushpam ,the
ten sacred flower of kerala.Aerva lanata is a memory enhancer, it is also effectual in
combating Head aches, It is a good herabal cure for maintaining body temperature. A.lanata
is a good herbal cure for stones in urinary bladder and kidney.
Elephants foot- Anachuvadi is flat leafed plant resembles of elephants foot. It is not at
all growing upward and only spread in ground level. This plant is very effective for small pox
and it is also used as abraintonic. This plant has the ability to prevent bacteria infection. This
plant can consume by adding in biriyani etc. It has the properties of heart diseases,and cough.
Mainly used in treatment of tonsillitis.
Ginger is one of the most commonly used herb in the world. Ginger is a herb with
underground stems that branch out,called rhizomes.The rhizome is the part of ginger that is
commonly consumed.Traditionally, Ginger has been used as a carminative to alleviate
gastrointestinal problems. It helps to relax and soothe the intestinal tract.
Twenty medicinal plants under the study have variety of uses in the traditional treatment
“Ayurveda”.People use Tinospora cordifolia treatment of different kinds of fever and diseases
affecting urinary tract. Mimosa pudica used to treat ulcers,diabetic ulcers,Skin infections etc.
Sida cordifolia is a useful herb to trat broad variety of ailments such as vata roga,pita
roga,bronchial asthma,fever, Infertility etc. Hibiscus rosasinensis is a wonderful plant has
been found to be effective in lowering blood pressure. Simarouba glauca leaves and leaf
extracts are used traditionally by native populations in treating various ailments like
fever,dysentery,cold etc.Ocimum tenuiflorum has been used for thousands of years in
ayurveda.Tulsi is considered to be as adaptogen,balancing different processes in the body and
helpful for adapting to stress.
Clitoria ternatea, which has so many medicinal values like it act as a mild sedative and
can be used as an antidepressant.People use Aspargus racemosus for upset of stomach,
constipation, pain, anxiety, cancer, diarrhea, and tuberculosis. The Adathoda beddomei leaf
extract is a good medicine for asthma and cough.Plectranthus leaves are used for treatment
of cough, sore throats and nasal congestion.
Centella is often used to treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency and is
ointments to treat Psoriasis. Curcuma longa has long been used in medicinal as an anti
inflammatory. Kaempferia galanga used foe decades to treat a wide range of health issues
and its leaves purify the blood. Eclipta alba is an annual herb used in the preparation of
medicines for inflammation, hernia, eye diseases etc. Biophytum sensitivum used in
traditional folk medicine to treat numerous diseases.
Phyllanthus leaves nad roots are known for their medicinal values for treating
migraine, jaundice and liver ailments. Aerva lanata is a good herbal cure and a memory
enhancer. Different parts of the Elephantopus scaber plant are used in traditional medicine
of india as a stringent agent, Cardiac tonic,diuretic to treat ulcers. Traditionally Zingiber is
has been used as a carminative,to alleviate gastro intestinalproblems.
The present study provides some basic informations about twenty medicinal plants in
Chanmampathal locality. The basic informations which are local name of the medicinal
plant,type, diseases treated, parts used and existing treats to medicinal plants. The study
helps to find out variety of medicinal plants in my locality.
Medicinal plants constitute an important component of the plant resource of kerala.
Recent analysis shows that,out of estimated 4600 flowering plants in kerala, about 900
possess medicinal values. Of these,540 species are reported to occur in forest
ecosystems.Over 150 species of plants that are either indigenous or naturalized in kerala are
used in Indian system of medicine like Ayurveda and sidha. About 60 to 65% of plants are
required for ayurvedic medicine and almost 80% of plants used in sidha medicine are found
in the forests of kerala.
The present study provides some basic information on the twenty medicinal plants in
chamampathal locality, Kottayam district for a period of two months extending between
September 2017 to October 2017.
The study carried out in Chamampathal locality ,Kottayam district. The information
collected included local names of the medicinal plants, type,diseases treated, parts used,
condition of plants used and existing threats to medicinal plants.
During the study period about Twenty species of medicinal plants were observed. Which
are Tinospora cordifolia, Mimosa pudica, Sida cordifolia, Hibiscus rosasinensis, Simarouba
glauca DC, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Clitoria ternatea, Aspargus racemosus, Adathoda beddomei,
Plectranthus galangal, Boerhavia diffusa, Eclipta alba, Biophytum sensitivum, Phyllanthus
niruri, Aerva lanata, Elephantopus scaber, Zingiber officinale.
The plant species Ocimum tenuiflorum, Mimosa pudica, Sida cordifolia, Hibiscus
rosasinensis, Clitoria ternatea, Adathoda beddomei, Plectranthus amboinicus, Centella
asiatica, Curcuma longa, Eclipta alba, Biophytum sensitivum, Aerva lanata, Elephantopus
scaber are most commonly seen in my locality.
The medicinal plants which are used in different medicinal purposes, Some of which are
used food item also. So, the study helps to find out the importance and medicinal value of
1.Nayar, M.P and A.R.K. Sastry {1987}. Red Data book of Indian Plants. Vol 1.
2.Vat D.K AND G.S. Goraya. Demand and supply of medicinal plants in India.

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