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Correction Techniques for Accuracy

1) Self-correction: (watch body language!!)

Select the most appropriate technique to help student self correct.
a. Call the student attention: Excuse me! Sorry! etc…

b. Repeat up to the mistake, but not the mistake itself.

Repeat the question emphasizing on a key element (word or tense.)
Use gestures
Give similar examples (examples using the same kind of structure or
If it’s a pronunciation mistake don’t forget to have them put the word
back into the original sentence
When they self correct we praise them in a culturally appropriate manner.

If it didn’t work then we move to:

2) Peer-correction: Another student helps you correct the mistake.
a. To 1st Student we say “LISTEN!” and have Student 2 help us with the
correction. We praise the 2nd student if the mistake was corrected.
b. We go back to student 1 and have him repeat and we praise him.

If it didn’t work then we move to:

3) Teacher correction:
a. The teacher provides the correct answer
b. Then have the whole class repeat chorally the correct answer X 2.

∆ Corrections have to follow this order to be effective. Depending on the students’ profile,
overall progress and specific program being taught, it may sometimes be advisable to go from
a Self-Correction straight into a Teacher Correction.

Correction Guidelines

• Never say no and never repeat a student’s mistake.

• Show the learner where the mistake is.
• Maintain a positive attitude: SMILE!
• Practical corrections.
• Correct mistake related to the core material of the lesson!
• Corrections should help students THINK!
• Praise, praise, praise!
• Structural mistakes: correct the whole sentence.
• Pronunciation mistakes: correct the word in isolation and then have them
repeat the complete answer.


Correction Techniques after a FLUENCY activity

1. Correct only 3 to 5 mistakes (the most important ones and related to the topic)

2. Write the sentences as you heard them (without changing or modifying


3. Write one sentence at a time

4. Ask the students (as a group) to correct the sentence by saying “Ok I heard
this so how can WE make it correct”

5. If no one is able to provide the correct answer help them by underlining the
AREA where the mistake is.

6. When correcting don’t erase the mistake but instead cross it out and write the
correct version above.

7. Once all the mistakes (3-5) have been corrected have the students repeat
chorally the corrected version (twice).

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