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1. Introduce yourself in English.

- What is the weather like today?

- Can you drive a car?
- How do you translate: Eu merg la serviciu dimineata, iar el merge dupa-amiaza.
She cleans the desk when she is on duty.

2. Speak about a usual day in your life.

- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Why do you want to study English?
- How do you translate: Vorbesc la telefon in fiecare zi insa acum nu vorbesc la telefon.
Look! She is just putting on her coat.

3. Speak about a usual day in the life of somebody you know (your father, mother, best friend).
- What time do you wake up in the morning?
- Do you live in Nehoiu town?
- How do you translate: Ea plange adesea insa acum nu plange.
These wives always do their housework in the afternoon.

4. Speak about one of your best friends.

- What time does your school manager arrive at work?
- Are you married?
- What can you do? (x 3)
- How do you translate: Pot sa inot si inot in fiecare vara cand merg la mare.
Where do you like to go skiing during the winter holiday?

5. Speak about what you don’t do at the weekend.

- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Are you Romanian?
- How do you translate: De obicei vorbeste foarte repede si nu il inteleg.
Birds don’t fly to the warm countries in summer.

6. Speak about a country you would like to visit.

- What are your hobbies? (x3)
- How old are you?
- How do you translate : Nu-mi place cafeaua si nu beau niciodata cafea.
Where is Jack’s dog sleeping? Under the chair.

7. Speak about a pet you have or would like to have.

- What’s your favourite colour?
- What do you dislike doing in your free time? (x3)
- How do you translate: In fiecare duminica merg la cumparaturi cu familia mea.
This is the woman who is helping me with my homework.
8. Speak about your favourite religious holiday.
- Who cooks dinner in your family?
- When do you watch TV?
- How do you translate: Fiul lui studiaza in fiecare zi insa acum mananca.
They aren’t outside because the weather is very cold.

9. Speak about your favourite holiday destination/place.

- How do you get to school as a rule?
- Why do you like your school?
- How do you translate: Ce face aici? Nu stiu.
How often do you call your relatives in Rome?

10. Describe your classroom.

- Where do you never go on holiday?
- Can you type really fast?
- How do you translate: De ce plange sora ei? Este foarte ocupata.
She’s seeing a doctor tomorrow morning.

11. Speak about your ideal job.

- What is your brother’s/sister’s name?
- Are you happy? Why?/ Why not?
- How do you translate: El are o masina alba insa acum conduce o masina rosie.
- I trust my friend and I always listen to her advice.

12. Speak about your favourite clothes.

- What is your telephone number?
- What do you dislike?
- How do you translate: El nu isi aminteste numarul tau de telefon pentru ca este foarte obosit./
She can’t receive you because she’s having an interview.

13. Describe a building in your town.

- How does your best friend go to school/ work?
- What is your mother’s name?
- How do you translate: Intotdeauna urmaresc stirile la televizor seara de la 7 la 8.
I am waiting for John and he is late as usual.

14. Speak about your favourite wild/domestic animal.

- What is your favourite day of the week?
- What does your best friend do?
- How do you translate: Acest telefon nu-mi apartine asa ca nu pot sa-l folosesc.
The customer is just buying an expensive pair of shoes.

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