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International environmental law


Ecology  ilmu tentang hubungan timbal balik Antara organisme hidup (biota) dengan lingkungan
hidup/ physical environment (abiota)

Ecosystem system ketergantungan antar makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya

Biosphere  bumi

Tujuan hukum lingkungan internasional:

- Protect the biosphere against the destruction that could harm its function both for the
present and for the future

- Serve the common interests of mankind, survival, and life

Common interests of mankind:  check slide

- 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the world cultural and natural

- 1979 Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory species of wild animals

- 1974 Paris Convention for the prevention of marine pollution from land based sources


1. Interdisciplinary Approaches

- No matter how advanced the science and technology is , environmental protection cannot
be implemented if it is not possible based on economic considerations and unacceptable
according to socio-political aspects

- Although the economic arguments and sufficient funds available but environmental
protection tech,….. ( check slide)

- INTINYA : science and technology, economic considerations, socio-political aspectsor public

awareness must be balance.

2. Functional Approaches

- Baca slide ! Pr. 21 WON-19182  states, and ………..

3. Anthropocentris Approaches  pendekatan yang berpusat pada kepentingan manusia

- Pr. 2 Stockholm Dec- 72

- Para 3(a) Preamble World Charter for nature 1982

- Preamble WCN-1982

- Pr. 1 Dek Rio -92 (Baca slide aja !) 


Religious texts may motivate believers in favor of environmental protection: (check slide! )

- Moslem  ?

- Judeo- Christian  ?

- Many indigenous religions  ?


 The meaning of law

- A system of norms that regulates the behavior of men

- etc

 Regulatory instruments

- Command and control mechanisms

- Interventions  incentives, disincentives, management tools

 The role of international law

- The main tool of the uniformity or even approximation of roles which are applied by
different nations,…… etc

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