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Semester 6 – WRITING Student’s name & class:………….


Week 4
WRITE RIGHT – Question 17 Endangred Species
I. Complete the following table of vocabulary.
Basic Intermediate Advanced
Try (v) (1) ___________

Question (n) (2) __________

Controversial (adj) (3) ____________

Like (prep) (4) ___________

Main (adj) (5) ___________

Recognize (v) (6) ___________

Upset (v) (8) _________

(7) ___________

Affect (v) (9) ___________

(10) ___________ Alter (v)

II. Rewrite the following sentences to make them more formal.

1. Some people say that we should let these animals die out just like dinosaur did because
they are not useful, but I think they should be saved.

2. Clearly, we should save endangered species because environment change is dangerous to

us and also to the world that we live in.

3. Also, because people are destroying the homes of many rare animal species, we should try
to save them.

The end.

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