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The person whose chart is to be studied is referred to as Native in this


Before going further, note that I don’t work at the birth time which is

supplied to me – I work out on the following details to work upon the exact

birth time (accurate to second) when the Native took first breath. Only after

getting birth time exact to second, I make predictions.

Following details are needed for studying chart of the native (whichever

available and whichever applicable to the native are supposed to be given,

but provided details should be correct):

1. Gender, Birth date and birth time of the Native.

2. Name of the hospital and city where the native was born. If delivery took

place at home, name of the locality, city and district need to be provided.

Birth time in the following details can be approximate, and the place of birth

is simply the district name where birth of the individual took place. If birth

time is also not known, then any approximate information of time (like

morning, evening, afternoon, 8pm-12 midnight, early morning etc.), if

available, is also appreciated). If the birth Nakshtra of the following

individuals is available, it can also be supplied but it should not be incorrect

as it will be used for birth time rectification.

3. Birth time, date and place of Native’s Father.

4. Birth time, date and place of Native’s Mother.

5. Birth time, date and place of Native’s Spouse (if Native is married).

6. Gender Birth time, date and place of Native’s first child born alive.

7. Birth time, date and place sibling immediately elder to the native.
8. Birth time, date and place sibling immediately younger to the native.

In case of immediately elder and immediately younger sibling, only details of

immediate sibling (whether elder or younger) have to be provided even if

he/she unfortunately expired.

It is explicitly mentioned that I will not study the charts of above mentioned

individuals but will only use them to arrive upon the exact birth time of the


Approximate time (morning, evening, 4am etc. will do) of marriage (when

Phere [फेरे ] took place), date and place (district name will suffice) of the

following persons (whichever available):-

1. Native (if applicable)

2. Native’s parents

3. Native’s grandparents

4. Native’s immediate elder or younger sibling (if applicable).

Approximate time, date and place (district name) of death of the following

persons(whichever available and whichever applicable):-

1. Native’s spouse

2. Native’s father/mother

3. Native’s grandfather

4. Native’s immediate elder or younger sibling (if applicable).


I also need names of the gemstones being worn by the native.

After going through the chart, I will issue gemstone(s) but only if they are

permitted by the native’s chart and I will tell whether the gemstones currently

being worn by the native suit him or not. Gemstones recommended by me

can be bought from anywhere.

I will issue chant (jaap) which have to be performed by the native only, and

only in serious circumstances, can be performed by any blood relative of the

native. They do not involve any sort of cost apart from a simple Maala of 108

beads which can be bought from anywhere.


I need 7-10 days (after payment of fee) for calculation of birth time and

making observations. In this time, specific questions related to the native

which need answer can be sent to me through Whatsapp/Facebook

Chat/Twitter Message, else I will make out my own observations of several

aspects (health, education, profession, martial life etc.) from chart and will

explain them on a phone call. I do not give any written report due to lack of

time, however, upon request, I charge extra amount for preparing it.

I start with calculations only upon receipt of full payment of consultation fee

in advance as calculations in my method consume a lot of time.


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