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Crimes against the Fundamental Law of the State The actual confinement of a person in an

enclosure or in any manner detaining and depriving him

Section 1: Arbitrary Detention and Explosion of his liberty.
Classes of Arbitrary Detention Without legal ground
1. Arbitrary Detention by detaining a person 1. When he has not committed any crime or at
without legal ground (124) least there is reasonable ground for suspicion
2. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to that he has committed a crime
proper judicial authority ( 125) 2. That he was not suffering from violent insanity
3. Delaying release or any other ailment requiring compulsory
confinement in the hospital.
Art. 124. Arbitrary detention. — Any public officer
or employee who, without legal grounds, detains Legal Grounds for detention of any persons
a person, shall suffer;
1. The commission of the crime
1. The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum 2. Violent insanity or any other ailment requiring
period to prision correccional in its minimum the compulsory confinement of the patient in a
period, if the detention has not exceeded three hospital.
Art. 125. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to
2. The penalty of prision correccional in its the proper judicial authorities. — The penalties
medium and maximum periods, if the detention provided in the next preceding article shall be
has continued more than three but not more than imposed upon the public officer or employee who
fifteen days; shall detain any person for some legal ground and
shall fail to deliver such person to the proper judicial
3. The penalty of prision mayor, if the detention
authorities within the period of; twelve (12) hours,
has continued for more than fifteen days but not
for crimes or offenses punishable by light penalties,
more than six months; and
or their equivalent; eighteen (18) hours, for crimes
4. That of reclusion temporal, if the detention or offenses punishable by correctional penalties, or
shall have exceeded six months. their equivalent and thirty-six (36) hours, for crimes,
or offenses punishable by afflictive or capital
The commission of a crime, or violent insanity or penalties, or their equivalent.
any other ailment requiring the compulsory
confinement of the patient in a hospital, shall be In every case, the person detained shall be informed
considered legal grounds for the detention of any of the cause of his detention and shall be allowed
person. upon his request, to communicate and confer at any
time with his attorney or counsel. (As amended by
E.O. Nos. 59 and 272, Nov. 7, 1986 and July 25, 1987,
Elements respectively).a

1. That the offender be a public officer of

employee; Elements
2. That he detains a person;
3. That detention is without legal ground . 1. That the offender be a public officer or
Detention 2. That he detains a person for some legal ground;
3. That he fails to deliver such persons to the
proper judicial authorities within
 12 hours if the offense is punishable by
light penalties
 18 hours if the offense be punishable
the correctional penalties or its
 36 for crimes or offense punishable by
afflictive or capital penalties or their
If the offender is a private person the crime is
illegal detention

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