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Topic Approval Form

Student Name: Yair Sanchez_______________________________________________ Period: 3________

Topic Statement (full sentence): The topic of my Capstone is littering and I am doing this topic because there is
a huge littering problem at the local parks in Riverside.

Answer the following about your topic:

1. What is your prior knowledge about this topic?
My prior knowledge to this topic is that the parks are sometimes filled with trash and that trash is bad for the
environment and the trash could be harmful for the animals that live in the park.

2. What problem(s) could you attempt to solve/address in connection with this topic?
The problems I could attempt to solve/address in connection with this topic is helping the community become a
cleaner places and for parks to look cleaner.

3. How can you attempt to solve one of these problems at Poly or in the local community (not globally)?
What type of product do you anticipate completing (see ideas for final product).
I could attempt to solve one of these problems at Poly by helping the janitor help clean the school and also pick
up any trash that I might see around the school.

4. Explain how you might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the community
working toward this solution.
I might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the community working towards this solution
by going to different parks and public places and staying a minimum of 2 hours at each locations cleaning.

5. Explain how you might provide evidence of your work throughout the experience.
A way we could provide evidence of my work throughout the experience is by showing pictures and videos of
the work that we did.

6. Explain any obstacles you might encounter in your attempt to address this problem.
An obstacle that I might run into in an attempt to address this problem is there might be more trash that we
could pick up and we might not have enough resources to finish the job.

Your topic is Approved __________ Your topic is NOT Approved ________

Your next step is to complete the research questions. Recommendations:

Remember, if you change your topic, you must
resubmit this form for your NEW topic.
You will need to revise your topic and resubmit this
form BEFORE you begin work on the research
Teacher’s Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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