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Vol. 50, No. 4, April 2004, pp 1028–1039

DOI 10.1002/art.20105
© 2004, American College of Rheumatology


Management of the Obstetric Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Ronald H. W. M. Derksen,1 Munther A. Khamashta,2 and D. Ware Branch3

Introduction tion (9) were also used. This confusing nomenclature

refers to the traditional classification of pregnancy loss,
Over the past 2 decades, the antiphospholipid
with losses prior to 20 weeks of gestation classified as
syndrome (APS) has become a major research font in
abortions, and death in utero thereafter classified as
rheumatology. Antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) are
stillbirth or fetal loss.
now recognized as representing the most frequent ac-
quired risk factor for thrombophilia and as being a From a pathophysiologic point of view, this clas-
treatable cause of pregnancy loss (1). With the wide- sification is inaccurate. Recent advances in reproductive
spread use of tests to detect aPL, rheumatologists and biology and observations in normal early pregnancies
obstetricians frequently have to make decisions regard- allow pregnancy loss to be categorized into at least 3
ing the consequences of positive test results in women developmental periods (10). The preembryonic period
who wish to conceive or are pregnant. We review herein lasts from conception through to the beginning of the
studies on the management of pregnancy in women with fifth menstrual week. This is followed by the embryonic
aPL and provide guidelines for treatment, despite our period, which lasts from 5 weeks through the ninth
conclusion that the many shortcomings of currently menstrual week. The fetal period begins at 10 menstrual
available data hamper evidence-based recommendations. weeks (i.e., 70 days from conception) and extends until
the time of delivery. In unselected obstetric patients,
10–15% of recognized pregnancies end in loss, with
The obstetric APS
⬎85% of losses occurring during the (pre)embryonic
In the early 1980s, retrospective studies of pa- periods (11,12). The rate of fetal loss after 14 weeks of
tients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) estab- gestation is 2% (11). Chromosomal abnormalities of the
lished associations between aPL and thrombosis (2), conceptus account for more than half of sporadic
fetal loss, (3) and thrombocytopenia (4). This clinico- (pre)embryonic losses, and, in many cases, a visible
serologic entity was termed APS (5). Soon, APS in embryo never forms. In contrast, genetic abnormalities
individuals without another autoimmune disease was of the conceptus are less common in women with at least
described as primary APS (6). Criteria for the diagnosis 3 consecutive pregnancy losses (12). In women with ⱖ3
of APS were proposed in 1987 (7), with (recurrent) fetal spontaneous abortions, a normal embryonic ultrasound
loss being the obstetric criterion. Terms such as recur- beyond 6–8 weeks of gestation provides a favorable
rent pregnancy loss (8) and recurrent spontaneous abor- prognosis with a ⱖ80% chance for a live birth (13). The
preliminary classification criteria for definite APS pub-
Dr. Khamashta’s work was supported by Lupus UK and the lished in 1999 (14) (Table 1) include this refined classi-
St. Thomas’ Lupus Trust. Dr. Branch’s work was supported by the
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair at the University fication of pregnancy loss and recognize that a preterm
of Utah. live birth accompanied by severe preeclampsia or severe
Ronald H. W. M. Derksen, MD, PhD: University Medical placental insufficiency is comparable with a loss late in
Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2Munther A. Khamashta, MD,
FRCP, PhD: Lupus Research Unit, Rayne Institute, St. Thomas’ pregnancy.
Hospital, London, UK; 3D. Ware Branch, MD: University of Utah The serologic criteria for APS are the persistent
Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City. presence of lupus anticoagulant (LAC) or medium-to-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Ronald
H. W. M. Derksen, MD, PhD, Department of Rheumatology and high levels of IgG or IgM anticardiolipin antibodies
Clinical Immunology (F02.127), University Medical Center, PO Box (aCL) (7,14). LAC refers to antibodies that prolong in
85500, Utrecht 3508GA, The Netherlands. E-mail: r.h.w.m.derksen@ vitro clotting times of plasma by interference with as-
Submitted for publication June 18, 2003; accepted in revised semblage of components of the coagulation cascade on a
form December 3, 2003. phospholipid template (15). International guidelines for

Table 1. Preliminary classification criteria for APS* MPL units, low-positive results defined as values ⬍15
Clinical criteria GPL units and ⬍6 MPL units, medium levels defined as
Vascular thrombosis 15–80 GPL units and 6–50 MPL units, and high levels
a. One or more clinical episodes of arterial, venous, or small-
vessel thrombosis in any tissue or organ, AND
defined as ⬎80 GPL units or ⬎50 MPL units. However,
b. Thrombosis confirmed by imaging or Doppler studies or variations in the performance of the assay itself and the
histopathology, with the exception of superficial venous patient-derived standards (21) cause wide variations in
thrombosis, AND
c. For histopathologic confirmation, thrombosis should be (semiquantitative) results (21–25) and make generaliza-
present without significant evidence of inflammation in the tion of a specific, clinically relevant cutoff (26) hazard-
vessel wall. ous. The fact that many important studies on the treat-
Pregnancy morbidity
a. One or more unexplained deaths of a morphologically ment of obstetric APS (27–32) evoked letters to the
normal fetus at or beyond the 10th week of gestation, with editor (33–39) disputing their reported cutoffs in the
normal fetal morphology documented by ultrasound or by aCL ELISA illustrates that consensus is urgently
direct examination of the fetus, OR
b. One or more premature births of a morphologically normal needed.
neonate at or before the 34th week of gestation because of
severe preeclampsia or severe placental insufficiency OR
c. Three or more unexplained consecutive spontaneous Treatment of pregnancy in women with aPL
abortions before the 10th week of gestation, with maternal
anatomic or hormonal abnormalities and paternal and Studies on the management of aPL-related preg-
maternal chromosomal causes excluded. nancies comprise 3 groups of women: 1) those without a
Laboratory criteria poor obstetric history, SLE, or previous thrombosis
a. Anticardiolipin antibody of IgG and/or IgM isotype in blood,
present in medium or high titer, on at least 2 occasions at (low-risk pregnancies), 2) those with recurrent early
least 6 weeks apart, measured by standard enzyme-linked pregnancy loss or (at least) one fetal loss in the absence
immunosorbent assay for ␤2-glycoprotein I–dependent of SLE or a history of thrombosis, and 3) those with a
anticardiolipin antibodies, OR
b. Lupus anticoagulant present in plasma, on 2 or more high frequency of fetal loss, SLE, previous thrombosis,
occasions at least 6 weeks apart, detected according to the or a combination of these. In contrast to women in the
guidelines of the International Society on Thrombosis and
Hemostasis (17).
second and third categories, patients in the first category
(low risk) did not receive pharmacologic treatment. We
* Definite antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is considered to be will critically review these studies, emphasizing whether
present if at least 1 of the clinical and 1 of the laboratory criteria are
met. or not patients met the classification criteria for APS
Low-risk pregnancies. Four studies described the
the identification of LAC have been published (16,17). natural course of pregnancy related to aPL in women
Apart from defining suitable test samples, the guidelines regarded as being at low risk for pregnancy complica-
indicate that sensitive phospholipid-dependent clotting tions (28,40–42). Patients were defined as “a normal
tests should be used for screening, that mixing studies pregnancy population” (28), “women with no more than
using normal plasma are essential to rule out coagula- 2 consecutive abortions and no stillbirth” (41,40), and
tion factor deficiencies as a cause for prolonged clotting “absence of recurrent fetal wastage” (although women
times, and that extra phospholipids should be added to with fetal loss after 24 weeks of gestation were included)
the test system to show neutralization of the abnormal- (42). Because all studies used results from a single blood
ity. It is advised to screen with more than 1 test, because sample to categorize women as positive or negative for
no coagulation assay is fully sensitive for LAC. aPL, by definition no patient met the serologic criteria
Standardization of the aCL enzyme-linked im- for APS (7,14). Other breaches of the criteria were
munosorbent assay (ELISA), which proved difficult testing for IgG aCL only (42) and the absence of a
(18–20), began with the introduction of standards based neutralization procedure (to confirm that the addition of
on patient sera, such as the widely used Kingston extra phospholipids corrects abnormal coagulation
Antiphospholipid Study (KAPS) samples (18). Use of times) in LAC tests (28,40,41). The studies included
these samples enables the definition of “standard” units 16–95 women with aPL and 294–915 women negative for
for ELISA results. Cutoff levels for IgG aCL (in IgG aPL (28,40–42) (Table 2). The timing of blood sampling
phospholipid [GPL] units) and IgM aCL (in IgM phos- for aPL tests varied from the first antenatal visit (28) to
pholipid [MPL] units) have been presented in guidelines 9 weeks (42), 13 weeks (40), and 16 weeks (41) of
issued by the Association of Clinical Pathologists (9), gestation. This timing is relevant, because the later in
with negative results defined as ⬍5 GPL units and ⬍3 pregnancy that this sample is obtained, the higher the

Table 2. Studies in which live-birth rates related to aPL in low-risk titers [41]) and is supported by results from a small
pregnancies were reported* randomized study in which the pregnancy outcome in
No. of women Live-birth rate (%) aPL-positive women at low risk for pregnancy complica-
First author aPL aPL aPL aPL tions was similar for those treated with aspirin (81 mg
(reference) positive negative positive negative per day) and those who received standard care (43).
Pattison (28) 18 915 83 98 Women with recurrent early pregnancy loss or at
Lynch (40) 95 294 84 93 least one fetal loss in the absence of SLE or previous
Lockwood (41) 16 721 62 91 thrombosis. In those women whose pregnancy and clin-
Yasuda (42) 60 800 72 90
ical histories put them in the second category (those with
* aPL ⫽ antiphospholipid antibodies. recurrent early fetal loss or at least 1 fetal loss, without
SLE or previous thrombosis), 3 observational studies
chance that early losses are not taken into account when evaluated the outcome in women treated with aspirin
the outcome in women with aPL and those without aPL alone (44), those who received a combination of heparin
is compared. and aspirin (45), and those who declined pharmacologic
Despite these shortcomings and differences, all treatment and received standard care (46). In 9 prospec-
studies found lower live-birth rates in aPL-positive tive studies (12,29–32,47–50), 2 treatment strategies
women (range 62–84%) than in aPL-negative women were compared. All but 2 of these studies (47,50) were
(range 90–98%) (28,40–42) (Table 2). An association randomized studies. The treatments included placebo
between the presence of aPL and severe preeclampsia (12,29,32), aspirin alone (12,30–32,47,49), aspirin plus
was found in 2 studies (28,42), but not in another study prednisone (29,48,49), and heparin plus aspirin
(40). The Yasuda et al study (42) found a negative (30,31,47,48,50) (Table 3). Evaluation of pregnancies
association and the Lynch et al study (40) found a started with a positive pregnancy test (12,29,32,44,47,48,50)
positive association between aPL and neonatal birth or the presence of fetal heart activity (30,31,45,46,49). In
weight. contrast to the former studies, the latter studies could
All investigators advised against routine screen- not score blighted ovum or absent fetal heart beat as
ing of women with a low risk for pregnancy complica- pregnancy loss.
tions, because the frequency of aPL is low, and pharma- Most women in these studies met the criteria for
cologic treatment is not indicated in women in whom obstetric APS (14), because they had at least 3 consec-
aPL are found (28,40–42). The latter conclusion is based utive miscarriages (12,30–32,45–47,50), at least 2 unex-
on observations of uncomplicated pregnancies in un- plained pregnancy losses before 12 weeks of gestation or
treated healthy women with aPL (even those with high at least 1 pregnancy loss after 12 weeks (44,48,49), or at

Table 3. Studies on live-birth rates related to pharmacologic treatment in women with aPL and recurrent early pregnancy loss or at least 1 fetal
loss in the absence of SLE or previous thrombosis*
Live-birth rate (%) according to pharmacologic treatment

Low-dose Low-dose
First author No. of No Low-dose aspirin ⫹ aspirin ⫹
(reference) Study type women treatment aspirin heparin prednisone
Balasch (44) Prospective, observational 18 – 91 – –
Backos (45) Prospective, observational 150 – – 71 –
Rai (46) Prospective, observational 20 10 – – –
Tulppala (12) Randomized 12 17 17 – –
Pattison (32) Randomized 40 85 80 – –
Laskin (29) Randomized 88 52 – – 60
Silver (49) Randomized 34 – 100 – 100
Cowchock (48) Randomized 20 – – 75 75
Rai (30) Randomized 90 – 42 71 –
Farquharson (31) Randomized 98 – 72 78 –
Kutteh (47) Controlled, nonrandomized 50 – 44 80 –
Kutteh (50) Controlled, nonrandomized 50 – – 80/76† –

* aPL ⫽ antiphospholipid antibodies; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus.

† Higher-dose/lower-dose heparin.

least 2 consecutive fetal losses before 32 weeks of births in 60% of treated pregnancies and in 52% of
gestation (29). All studies, except one that tested for IgG pregnancies in which placebo was given. All studies
aCL only (12), included tests for LAC as well as both (29,48,49) found that use of prednisone was associated
IgG aCL and IgM aCL. All women tested repeatedly as with significantly more maternal morbidity and more
aPL positive. In 4 studies (29,32,44,48), however, LAC preterm deliveries (often associated with preterm rup-
was not tested according to accepted guidelines (16,17), ture of membranes and preeclampsia). In one study (49),
because phospholipid dependency of coagulation abnor- lower neonatal birth weights were observed in patients
malities was not demonstrated. All but 2 studies (12,44) who were receiving prednisone.
used KAPS standards (18) in the aCL ELISA. The Heparin and aspirin. Three randomized studies
cutoffs used for inclusion in the studies ranged from 5 compared pregnancy outcome in women receiving a
GPL units (30,32,45) to 31 GPL units (48) and from 3 combination of heparin and aspirin with the outcome in
MPL units (30,45) to 21 MPL units (47,50). Three women receiving aspirin alone (30,31,47), and one study
studies (47,48,50) emphasized exclusion of women with evaluated pregnancy outcome in women treated with
low aCL levels, and another (49) emphasized inclusion aspirin combined with different doses of heparin (50). A
of women with low aCL levels. study comparing treatment with heparin and aspirin with
The studies differed widely regarding the propor- treatment with prednisone and aspirin was discussed
tion in which LAC and aCL contributed to aPL positivity above (48).
in included women. Two studies (47,50) excluded The daily dose of aspirin used in these studies was
women with LAC, and another did not test for LAC 75 mg (30,31) or 81 mg (47,50). In some studies, aspirin
(12). In studies that tested women for both LAC and was started before conception (47,50), and in others
aCL, the prevalence of LAC varied from 6% (49) to 91% aspirin was initiated at the time of a positive pregnancy
(30), whereas the frequency of LAC in the absence of test (30) or at the time of randomization (before 12
aCL was 6% (49), 22% (32,44), 47% (31), 55% (45), and weeks) (31). Heparin was started at the time of a positive
82% (30). We will review these studies in relation to pregnancy test (47,50), when fetal heart activity was
treatment (Table 3). recorded (30), or before 12 weeks of gestation (31).
Prednisone and aspirin. Three randomized studies Three studies used unfractionated heparin (30,47,50),
included a regimen of prednisone and aspirin (29,48,49). and another used a single, fixed dose (5,000 IU) of low
The pregnancy outcome of women receiving this treat- molecular weight heparin (31). The daily dose of unfrac-
ment was compared with that of women receiving a tionated heparin was either fixed (5,000 IU subcutane-
combination of heparin and aspirin (48), aspirin alone ously twice daily) (30) or adjusted to maintain an APTT
(49), or placebo (29). The daily dose of aspirin was value that was either 1.2–1.5 times the value at baseline
80–100 mg. Each study used a different dosage of (range 16,000–40,000 IU/day) (47,50) or at the upper
prednisone, as follows: a standard daily dose of 40 mg limits of the normal range (range 10,000–25,000 IU/day)
throughout pregnancy, starting when pregnancy was (50).
confirmed (48); a daily dose of 20 mg starting when Two (30,47) of the 3 studies that compared a
viability was confirmed, with dose adjustments through- combination of heparin and aspirin with aspirin alone
out pregnancy based on results of aPL tests (daily dose (30,31,47) found higher live-birth rates in women who
10–40 mg) (49); and a daily dose of 0.8 mg/kg of body received combination therapy. Live-birth rates in women
weight (maximum 60 mg) for 4 weeks, followed by 0.5 treated with heparin plus aspirin were 71%, 78%, and
mg/kg of body weight per day until delivery (29). In the 80%, and in those treated with aspirin alone the rates
study by Cowchock et al (48), subcutaneous injections of were 42% (30), 72%, and 44%, respectively (30,31,47).
unfractionated heparin (10,000 units twice daily) were High and low doses of unfractionated heparin, given in
begun when the presence of a viable pregnancy was combination with low-dose aspirin, were associated with
confirmed; downward dose adjustments were used to similar live-birth rates (80% and 76%, respectively) (50).
obtain a mid-interval activated partial thromboplastin Rai et al (30) found that the superiority of combination
time (APTT) that was within the normal range or was therapy holds only for the first 13 weeks of gestation.
similar to prolonged baseline values (mean dosage Because this is the time when the first wave of tropho-
17,000 IU/day). blast invasion is complete and placentation is estab-
Live-birth rates were 75% for both treatment lished, it was speculated that heparin may protect tro-
groups in the study by Cowchock et al (48) and 100% in phoblast cells from aPL-induced damage. The same
that by Silver et al (49). Laskin et al (29) reported live group of investigators affirmed a live-birth rate of 71%

Table 4. Studies on live-birth rates in treated women with aPL and fetal loss, SLE, thrombosis, or a combination of these*
Live-birth rate (%) according to pharmacologic treatment

First author No. of No. of Low-dose Low-dose aspirin ⫹

(reference) Study type women pregnancies Any Heparin aspirin ⫹ heparin heparin ⫹ IVIG
Lockshin (51) Retrospective 25 30 33 – – –
Branch (52) Retrospective 54 82 63 – – –
Lima (53) Retrospective 47 60 70 – – –
Rosove (54) Retrospective 14 15 – 93 – –
Branch (55) Randomized 16 16 – – 100 100

* aPL ⫽ antiphospholipid antibodies; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus; any ⫽ treatment according to patient’s and physician’s judgment (no
pharmacologic treatment, low-dose aspirin, prednisone, heparin, high-dose intravenous gamma globulin [IVIG], or a combination of these).

in a prospective observational study in which women of 673 such women included in 12 studies (12,29–32,44–
received either fixed dosages of unfractionated heparin 50). That case originated from the only study that
(5,000 IU twice daily) or enoxaparin (20 mg once daily) included patients (n ⫽ 2) with previous thrombosis (49).
(45). It was not specified whether the current bilateral deep
In most studies, the overall frequency of prema- vein thrombosis was a recurrent event. The other studies
turity (birth at ⬍37 weeks of gestation) was between 7% indicated that pharmacologic treatment was given
(31) and 13% (47), but a frequency of 24% was found in “throughout pregnancy,” but most did not specify when
2 studies from a single clinic (30,45). None of the studies it was stopped. Two reports (47,50) mentioned that
found an association between prematurity and the ther- patients continued receiving heparin treatment in the
apeutic regimen used. Also, there was no association postpartum period, and in another 2 studies (30,45) it
between the therapeutic regimen used and the frequency was reported that treatment with heparin and aspirin
of preeclampsia, a complication that was absent in some was stopped at 34 weeks.
studies (31) but reached a prevalence of 2% (30) to Women with a history of fetal loss, SLE, throm-
⬎10% in other studies (47,50). In 2 studies, preeclamp- bosis, or a combination of these. The pregnancy out-
sia and intrauterine growth restriction accounted for comes in women in the third category (those with a high
more than one-third of prematurity (30,45). frequency of fetal loss, SLE, thrombosis, or a combina-
Aspirin alone (supportive care only). The live-birth tion) were reported in 3 retrospective studies in which
rate in aspirin-treated aPL-positive women with recur- patients received treatment according to the patient’s
rent pregnancy loss was relatively good in most studies and physician’s judgment (51–53), one retrospective
(72% [31], 80% [32], 91% [44], and 100% [49]) but was study in which all women received monotherapy with
strikingly low in another 3 studies (17% [12], 42% [30], heparin (54), and one placebo-controlled study that
and 44% [47]). With placebo, live-birth rates of 17% evaluated the effects of high-dose intravenous immuno-
(12), 52% (29), and 85% (32) were reported. In the globulins (IVIG) added to treatment with heparin and
smallest study (12), live-birth rates were spuriously low, aspirin (55).
because blighted ovum and ectopic pregnancy accounted In the retrospective studies, several patients con-
for the majority of losses. Pattison et al (32) emphasized tributed ⬎1 pregnancy (Table 4). Many patients in these
that the high live-birth rate with placebo makes it studies had SLE (77% [53], 36% [54], 32% [52], 13%
questionable that pharmacologic treatment had addi- [55], not specified [51]), previous thrombotic events
tional value over and above that of supportive care (56% [55], 41% [52], 30% [53], 29% [54], not specified
alone. This opinion contrasts sharply with that of Rai et [51]), or both. All patients had APS according to the
al (46), who reported a live-birth rate of only 10% in 20 1987 criteria (7), but many did not fulfill the obstetric
aPL-positive women with recurrent pregnancy loss who criteria (7,14), because several studies included primi-
declined pharmacologic treatment in their current preg- gravidae (accounting for 11% [52], 17% [53], 36% [51],
nancies. and an unspecified percentage [55] of included women)
Thrombosis. The chance of pregnancy-related or included women with 1 or 2 first trimester losses or
thrombosis developing in healthy aPL-positive women only successful pregnancies (52–54). All patients fulfilled
with recurrent pregnancy loss appears to be low. Only the serologic criteria for APS, because all studies appar-
one case of thrombosis was reported (49) among a total ently used adequate tests for LAC and aCL and included

patients with at least medium levels of aCL. In one study vealed that with treatment, 63% of pregnancies resulted
(51), an insensitive LAC test was used, and another in a surviving newborn (73% when spontaneous abor-
study (52) excluded patients with IgM aCL only. tions were excluded). Of these infants, 92% were born
In the studies in which pharmacologic treatment before 37 weeks of gestation, and 37% were born before
was administered according to the patient’s and physi- 32 weeks of gestation. Fetal or neonatal deaths attribut-
cian’s judgment, therapy in individual patients included able to complications of prematurity (related to pre-
no treatment (51), monotherapy with low-dose aspirin eclampsia, fetal distress, or both) occurred in 19 (23%)
(51,53), prednisone (51,52) or heparin (52), a combina- of 82 pregnancies. There was no statistically significant
tion of aspirin and prednisone (51–53), a combination of difference among the treatment groups in terms of the
aspirin, prednisone, and heparin (52), a combination of rate of surviving neonates. A comparison between the
heparin and prednisone (53), a combination of aspirin patient’s first untreated pregnancy following a fetal
and heparin (52), and a combination of IVIG, aspirin, death and the first treated pregnancy (n ⫽ 32) showed
and heparin (55). The daily dose of aspirin was 75–80 mg that a statistically significantly higher percentage of
(51–53) and that of prednisone was 10–30 mg (51), 40 surviving neonates was associated with treatment (6% in
mg (with adjustments upon evaluation of LAC) (52), or untreated pregnancies versus 53% in treated pregnan-
was not specified (53). Treatment with heparin was cies). Factors that were not related to outcome included
either low molecular weight heparin in a dose aiming for a diagnosis of SLE, a history of preeclampsia or throm-
target values of 0.15–0.2 IU/ml of anti–factor Xa activity bosis, the IgG aCL level, or the number of previous fetal
preinjection (53) or unfractionated heparin in a daily deaths. The overall rates of preeclampsia (51%) and
dose of 10,000–20,000 IU divided into 2 or 3 injections, severe preeclampsia (27%) were similar in all treatment
with dosage adjustments to 15,000–20,000 IU/day at the groups. Fetal distress occurred in 53% of pregnancies
beginning of the second trimester (52) or an unadjusted resulting in live births, and 31% of the newborns were
dose of 10,000–15,000 IU divided into 2 doses (53). small for gestational age. The rates of both complica-
Branch et al (55) started with a dosage of 15,000 IU of tions were similar in all treatment groups. In 3 patients,
unfractionated heparin per day and increased the dosage 4 thrombotic events occurred (overall thrombotic rate
to 20,000 IU/day in the second trimester. Rosove et al 5%). Two events occurred in a single patient who was
(54) used unfractionated heparin with a daily dose receiving heparin and was found to have protein C
divided into 2 subcutaneous injections, with dose adjust- deficiency. All events occurred within 2 weeks postpar-
ments to obtain a mid-interval APTT of 1.5–2 times the tum.
control value (daily dose 10,000–36,000 IU). In the study by Lima et al (53), 70% of treated
The gestational age at which pharmacologic pregnancies ended with a live birth. Among successful
treatment started was 7.5 weeks (range 2–25 weeks) pregnancies, 43% of the infants were born before 37
(52), 9 weeks (range 0–21 weeks) (51), and 10 weeks weeks; 31% of the neonates were small for gestational
(range 6–18 weeks) (54) and was not specified in 2 age, and 5% had fetal distress. Preterm delivery was
studies (53,55). Lima et al (53) indicated that patients significantly more common in women receiving pred-
with a history of thrombosis were switched from warfa- nisone. There were 3 neonatal deaths (all at 26 weeks).
rin to heparin preconception or after a positive preg- The 18 unsuccessful pregnancies comprised 1 therapeu-
nancy test, and that patients continued to receive hepa- tic abortion because of severe active lupus, 9 fetal deaths
rin for 6 weeks after delivery or were converted back to (median gestational age 21 weeks [range 12–27 weeks]),
warfarin. Rosove et al (54) reported that they discontin- and 8 spontaneous abortions. Preeclampsia necessitated
ued treatment of patients with heparin briefly at the time induction of labor in 11 pregnancies (9 live births and 2
of delivery and then resumed and continued heparin for with fetal deaths). Preeclampsia was not related to the
variable periods thereafter. use of prednisone. There were 7 pregnancy-related
The study by Lockshin et al (51) clearly showed thrombotic events in 7 women. Three of these were in
that prior fetal death (unfortunately, this term was not the postnatal period, and none of the women was
defined by the authors) and aCL levels of ⱖ40 GPL receiving low molecular weight heparin. It was not
units contributed independently, in an additive manner, reported whether these were first or recurrent events.
to current fetal loss. Their results did not demonstrate a In the small retrospective study of heparin treat-
beneficial effect of aspirin on pregnancy outcome and ment by Rosove et al (54), pregnancy outcome was very
suggested that prednisone may worsen fetal outcome. good, with live birth in 14 of 15 pregnancies (93%) and
Analysis of the study by Branch et al (52) re- 1 miscarriage at 12 weeks. Half of the live births

occurred before 37 weeks of gestation. No case of pharmacologic treatment (mostly aspirin) if aPL are
preeclampsia or pregnancy-related thrombosis was re- found, based on their own or their physician’s choice.
ported. Unfortunately, several studies on aPL-related
The results of the only randomized study of pregnancy included primigravidae (51–53,55) and
patients in this category (55) were surprising. Based on women with ⬍3 early pregnancy losses (29,44,48,49),
previous reports (52,53), the authors expected in current and this may have influenced their results. Adhering to
pregnancies a 20–30% risk of fetal or neonatal death strict criteria for obstetric APS is important to minimize
related to prematurity, a 20–50% risk of preeclampsia the role of causes other than aPL (particularly abnormal
(18–27% severe), a 50% risk of fetal distress or oligo- karyotypes), because even among losses in treated aPL-
hydramnios necessitating delivery, a 30% risk of intra- positive women with ⱖ3 previous early losses, abnormal
uterine growth restriction, and a ⱖ30% risk of prema- fetal karyotypes may be expected in up to 24% of
ture delivery with the treatment that was given to all conception products (45). Apart from using deviating
patients (heparin in combination with aspirin). They criteria for obstetric APS, many studies did not adhere
hoped to improve these values by the addition of IVIG to the definition of aPL as described in the APS criteria
(1 gm/kg for each of 2 consecutive days every 4 weeks (14). For aCL, the currently poor standardization of the
through 36 weeks of gestation). After randomization, 9 aCL ELISA provided an easy argument to express
patients received heparin, aspirin, and intravenous 5% doubts regarding whether randomized trials included
albumin solution and 7 patients received a combination women with at least medium levels of aCL (33–39).
of heparin, aspirin, and IVIG. In both groups, all women Results from randomized studies led to discon-
were delivered of live-born infants after 32 weeks of tinuation of the use of prednisone to improve pregnancy
gestation. In the IVIG group the rate of preterm deliv- outcome in women with aPL. However, many study
ery was significantly higher (100% versus 33% in the results are confusing and difficult to understand. For
group that did not receive IVIG), with preeclampsia and instance, it is unclear why in 2 studies (30,47) live-birth
oligohydramnios being the most frequent reasons. No rates in women being treated with aspirin alone were low
significant differences were found for gestational age at (42% and 44%) compared with those in women receiv-
delivery, mean birth weight, oligohydramnios, fetal dis- ing a combination of heparin and aspirin (71% and
tress, and preeclampsia (44% versus 11% in the IVIG 80%), whereas in another study using comparable ob-
group versus the control group). Deep vein thrombosis stetric inclusion and exclusion criteria (31) the rates
occurred in one woman in the IVIG group 4 weeks after were similar in women receiving aspirin alone and those
delivery, while she was receiving 20,000 IU of unfrac- receiving a combination of heparin and aspirin (72% and
tionated heparin. As possible explanations for the unex- 78%, respectively). This discrepancy can be explained
pected salutary maternal and fetal outcome, the authors neither by obvious differences in the heparin regimens
mention early institution (at 4–6 weeks of gestation) of used, which were (unfractionated) heparin in fixed doses
aspirin and heparin, an organized and focused approach (30) or adjusted doses (47) or low molecular weight
to fetal surveillance, and a Type II error. It was hypoth- heparin (31), nor by differences in serologic character-
esized that the early initiation of aspirin and heparin istics of the included women (LAC was present in 0%
treatment benefited the pregnancies, perhaps by improv- [47], 41% [31], and 91% [30]) or the notion that 2 studies
ing placentation. (30,31) included women with aCL levels that were lower
than those in women in the third study (47). Further-
more, although inclusion of women with low aCL levels
possibly explains the 80% live-birth rate with aspirin
In healthy aPL-positive women with only success- alone in one study (32), this explanation does not hold
ful pregnancies or ⬍3 consecutive early losses, there is for other studies with rates of 91% (44) and 100% (49).
no indication for aPL testing or pharmacologic treat- Although most data suggest that treatment im-
ment during pregnancy. This statement is based on proves the rate of live births, it is questionable whether
results from studies in low-risk pregnancies (28,40–43) the frequencies of pregnancy complications such as
and epidemiologic evidence that the definition of recur- prematurity, small-for-gestational-age newborns, fetal
rent miscarriage should be 3 or more consecutive preg- distress, preeclampsia, or cesarean delivery for compli-
nancy losses (56). We realize, however, that in current cated pregnancy courses (32,45,52,53) were influenced
daily practice, many pregnant women, in the absence of by treatment. In all published series maternal–fetal
a poor outcome of previous pregnancies, are offered monitoring was optimized by including frequent antena-

Figure 1. Algorithm for pharmacologic treatment of women with lupus anticoagulant (LAC), medium or high
levels of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL), or a combination of these during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
ⴱ ⫽ The dosages advocated for low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and unfractionated heparin (H) can be
derived from Tables 5 and 6. APS ⫽ antiphospholipid syndrome; R/ ⫽ pharmacologic treatment.

tal visits, continuity of the care providers, a liberal both augment aPL-related risks for poor pregnancy
admissions policy, a multidisciplinary approach to the outcome.
management of autoimmune diseases, obstetric ultra-
sound scans every 2–4 weeks, monthly Doppler veloci- Recommendations
metry of the umbilical arteries starting at 16 weeks of
gestation, and weekly cardiotocography starting at 24 We recommend that healthy women with ⱕ2
weeks, with more frequent testing if clinically indicated (pre)embryonic losses in the absence of fetal loss should
(30,32,44,49,53,54). Some studies additionally included not be advised to undergo aPL tests, because there is no
weekly nonstress testing beginning at 26–30 weeks evidence for the beneficial effects of any pharmacologic
(44,49). Previous studies established the impact of sup- treatment during pregnancy. There are no data indicat-
portive care alone in women with unexplained recurrent ing that such advice should be different when SLE is
miscarriage; supportive care only resulted in live-birth present. We recommend close maternal–fetal monitor-
rates of ⬎85% (57–59). ing during all pregnancies of aPL-positive women.
Taken together, these data support the hypothe- Figure 1 depicts an algorithm for the pharmaco-
sis that recognition of aPL as a risk factor for adverse logic treatment of women with aPL. During the preg-
pregnancy outcome by itself contributed significantly to nancies of women meeting the criteria for APS (14), we
higher live-birth rates in aPL-positive women who re- recommend combined treatment with heparin and aspi-
ceived treatment during their pregnancies (32,44,51–55). rin (75–100 mg/day). We realize that with such advice we
One should realize that almost all randomized treatment rely heavily on the results of a recent systematic review
trials in pregnancy outcome involved aPL-positive of therapeutic trials (60). The conclusion drawn from
women who were otherwise healthy. We do not know that meta-analysis (i.e., that aspirin alone is ineffective)
whether the presence of SLE, a history of thrombosis, or was based on the outcomes of only 71 pregnancies

Table 5. Terminology for heparin regimens* son et al (31), which found similar outcomes with aspirin
Unfractionated heparin and combination therapy. We recognize that the basis to
Mini-dose advise combination therapy is weak, and that other
5,000 units subcutaneously every 12 hours
investigators legitimately may conclude that selected
Subcutaneously every 12 hours adjusted to target an anti–factor patients should be treated with aspirin alone or with
Xa level of 0.1–0.3 units/ml thorough and careful expectant care.
Subcutaneously every 12 hours to target a mid-interval APTT Low-dose aspirin should be started preconcep-
(or, if LAC is present, an anti–factor Xa level) into the tion (44,47,49,50) or at the time of a positive pregnancy
therapeutic range test (12,30–32,45,48,55), and heparin therapy should be
Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
Prophylactic-dose initiated at the time of a positive pregnancy test (47,50)
Dalteparin, 2,500 or 5,000 units subcutaneously every 24 hours; or when fetal heart activity is proven (30). The optimal
OR enoxaparin 20 or 40 mg subcutaneously every 24 hours; timing is unknown. An argument in favor of withholding
OR nadroparin 2,850 units subcutaneously every 24 hours;
OR any once-daily LMWH adjusted to target a peak anti– therapy until fetal cardiac activity is verified is the
factor Xa level of 0.2–0.6 units/ml avoidance of administering unnecessary drugs to women
Weight-adjusted, full treatment doses of dalteparin, 200 units/kg
who have a positive pregnancy test but no developing
subcutaneously in 1 or 2 injections; OR enoxaparin 1 mg/kg embryo.
subcutaneously every 12 hours or 1.5 mg/kg subcutaneously The absence or presence of previous thrombotic
every 24 hours; OR nadroparin, 171 units/kg subcutaneously
in 1 or 2 injections events dictates the dosage of heparin that we propose
(Tables 5 and 6). The lowest dosage will be given to
* Adapted from recommendations in ref. 62. APTT ⫽ activated partial
thromboplastin time; LAC ⫽ lupus anticoagulant.
healthy women who meet the obstetric criteria for APS.
For women with a previous aPL-related arterial throm-
botic event who are receiving long-term aspirin treat-
(12,32,43) in women with dissimilar obstetric histories ment (61), the obstetric history dictates additional use of
and for whom different definitions of aPL were used. heparin, although some experts would be more comfort-
Furthermore, the conclusion regarding superiority of a able with the administration of heparin in any such case.
combination of heparin and aspirin was based on results In patients with previous venous thrombotic events, the
of only 2 trials (30,47) (a total of 140 pregnancies) that heparin dosage should be individualized, taking into
observed remarkably low live-birth rates (⬍45%) in account whether or not there is an indication for long-
women treated with aspirin alone and enrolled patients term anticoagulation, the circumstances under which the
who were substantially different with regard to labora- previous events occurred, the number and severity of
tory tests. We also realize that the meta-analysis could such events, comorbidity, and bleeding risk assessment.
not include results of the randomized trial by Farquhar- When patients have a history of thrombosis, we advise a

Table 6. Advocated heparin regimens according to different clinical situations*

Clinical situation Heparin regimen
Patient meets criteria for obstetric APS Mini- or moderate-dose unfractionated
(obstetric indication), OR heparin, OR
Previous thrombotic event and aPL, no Prophylactic-dose LMWH
long-term use of oral anticoagulation
Previous thrombotic event and receiving Adjusted-dose unfractionated heparin, OR
long-term oral anticoagulation prophylactic- or adjusted-dose LMWH
Postpartum period
Patient meets criteria for obstetric APS, Mini-dose unfractionated heparin, OR
OR aPL-positive SLE patient prophylactic-dose LMWH
Previous thrombotic event Mini- or moderate-dose unfractionated
heparin, OR prophylactic-dose LMWH
Indication for long-term anticoagulation Adjusted-dose unfractionated heparin, OR
adjusted-dose LMWH; resume long-
term anticoagulation

* APS ⫽ antiphospholipid syndrome; aPL ⫽ antiphospholipid antibodies; LMWH ⫽ low molecular

weight heparin; SLE ⫽ systemic lupus erythematosus (see Table 5 for other definitions).

switch from oral anticoagulants to heparin before con- characterized and well-standardized aPL assays and
ception or, at the latest, within 2 weeks of the first calibrators are essential. Periodic interlaboratory com-
missed period, because oral anticoagulants cross the parisons and quality control should abolish doubts about
placenta, are teratogenic when given between 6 and 12 clinically relevant cutoff values. Future clinical trials
weeks of gestation, and may cause intracranial bleeding need indisputable definitions of relevant aPL and ob-
in the fetus (62). As pregnancy progresses the volume of stetric entry criteria.
distribution for heparin increases, and dose adjustments To establish any benefit of pharmacologic ther-
in proportion to weight gain or based on APTT or apy, a trial with these prerequisites should compare
anti–factor Xa levels can be considered. In selected optimal fetal–maternal supportive care plus placebo
patients a switch from heparin to oral anticoagulants with similar supportive care plus pharmacologic treat-
may be practical between 15 and 34 weeks of gestation ment. Furthermore, randomized trials in patients with
(63). previous thrombotic events and aPL-positive women in
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over unfractionated heparin of a longer plasma half-life that, by such efforts, the misty research field on man-
and a more predictable dose response and therefore the agement of obstetric APS will clear up within the near
potential for once daily administration. Furthermore, future.
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