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Best Ways to Keep students attention in Class

Students spend most of their time in school and due to which it’s been said to be their second
home. But the main concern is whether the time spent in class is worth enough or whether
they are wasting their time because they don’t find it interesting to scope up. This reduces
students’ participation in attending classes which make them feel as losing valuable time.

A student’s mind is lot different from an adult, so one has to think in the similar manner while
addressing to them or making them understand topics. The most interesting thing to do is to
have an interactive class where everyone is involved fully and give their input while learning
newer things. It’s been seen in most of the institute that the teachers are complied to follow
the school books literatures only and this restrict the time for them make students understand
it any other way. But some teachers do take the extra effort to inculcate the theory topic in to
particular format so that it becomes more like practical application of the subject itself.

Apart from school education books, students should be encouraged to read novels and
storybooks at certain interval. This will benefit them to understand new language and different
genre available in the market. The more they read, they more they are going to explore, and
this will help teachers to make students understand some concepts too.
Each any ever subject has a unique concept which requires certain ways to explain it to
students. Let’s take an example for a particular subject like physics, which can be explained
practical by implement the theoretical topic into real life application. Suppose a teacher wants
to explain the concept of buoyant force, they should first demonstrate the concept include
students in the procedure and then ask student to read about the topic from the books. This
way they will be interested to learn more and would remember the topic for a longer time.

As technology is advancing in every field, it’s also advanced in education field too. There has
been Smart Classes introduced in school to make students active by showing them educational
video and explaining it them with interactive simulators. There are other institute and NGOs
who have introduced students to AR (Augmented Reality), where a virtual reality can be used to
closer encounter with the subject. This technology can be extremely use full to make students
understand the concept of human body and functionality of micro-organism, as a practical
explanation for this won’t be feasible. One can even use it for explaining astronomically facts
or models which can be virtually created using different application available in Smartphone
and PCs. This way one can even use technology as tool to make students attentive.

It’s said in many of the decisions that “teachers who makes a subject boring aren’t worthy to
teach”. So, consider the above ideas to make your teaching ability a bit better than before.

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