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Cancer is a group of diseases that involve in abnormal cell division, with the latent to
extent the other parts of the body. Due to this abnormal cell division tumors are formed which
are classified into two basic categories. Benign tumor and malignant tumor. benign tumors are
not classified as being cancer because they do not spread to other parts of the body,while
malignant tumor attach to other body parts and cause different diseases.There are over 100
different known cancers that affect humans.(National cancer institute.2014).

Cancers forms are classified on the basis of their origon and type of cell from tumor
originate. These types include, Carcinoma, it include lung, breast, pancreas prostate and colon
cancer. Sarcoma, Cancers ascending Sfrom connective tissue. There are msenchymal cells
present out side the bone marrow, both carcinoma and sarcoma types develop from these cells.
Lymphoma and leukemia are types of cancer originating from blood making cells. Germ cell
tumor, Cancers from pluripotent cells,these cells present in the testicle(seminoma) or the ovary(
dysgerminoma). Blastoma, Cancers consequent from immature embryonic

Malignant tumor cells prerequisite a blood supply adequate to stand for development and
fast growth, during the alteration of a tumor from a benign to a malignant form. The tumor
thickness is not as much of 2 mm and there are no vessels in the tumor tissue during its early
growth stage. Therefore, the supply of oxygen and nutrient to the tumor is chiefly hooked on
diffusion from adjoining tissues. Following growth in tumor size, tumor cells obtain oxygen as
well as nutrients by angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a vigorous process for tumor growth and
development, which is required for blood stock from the universal circulation, relating the
growth of novel blood vessels from pre-standing vessels. It also happens in the course of wound
curing and in granulation flesh ( Zhang et al. 2016b).

The name of cancer usually assigned by the suffix -carcinoma, -sarcoma or –blastoma,
name of organ from which they are originate. For example, hepatocarcinoma, a name of cancer
form given on the base of arising malignant epithelial cells of parenchyma, while a tumor arising
from embryonic liver pioneer cells is known as hepatoblastoma, and a cancer originating from
fat cells is called a liposarcoma. There are an English organ name are used In case of some
common cancers . For example, the utmost communal form of breast cancer is called ductal
carcinoma of the breast. Here, the word ductal refers to that it has originated in the milk ducts of

There are many forms of cancer that are most prevailing in world wide, lung cancer,
breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cervicel cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, brain
cancer, stomach cancer, blood cancer.

In case of Lung cancer the uninhibited growth of irregular cells occur in the cells that
mark the air passages. Molecular studies make sure that genetic connections, across unlike
verticals, principal to mutations and variations are few of the common aspects responsible for
multi-locus and multifactorial diseases such as lung cancer (A.R.hsieh et al 2011). Yet,
sequencing studies have found nil mutations in the genes of many tumor models (Mack et al.,
2014;). Whole genome and whole-exome sequencing of 47 ependymomas visible an extremely
small mutation rate, with zero significant recurring nucleotide variations (Mack et al., 2014;
Versteeg, 2014).

It is showing from experimental data numerous non-mutagenic aspects effect the cancer
risk and growth. Human studies designate that the hormone therapy cause the increment of
cancer risk. Air pollution, which is combination of traffic-related air pollution as well as
discharges of industries effect the ozon level. With the addition of chemical mutagens such as
benzene, particals and metels and possible ozon have hazardous potential (Morch et al.,2009). A
complex frame of risk influences such as environmental contamination, tobacco/cigarette smoke,
oxidizing agents, alkylating mediators together with the genetic variability slopes an individual
to the risk of lung cancer. Tobacco usage is the first-born and most well-reputable risk factor
towards lung cancer (Groot and Munden.,2012).

Breast cancer(BR) is uncontrolled development of malicious cells in the mammary

epithelial tissue. The disease occur in both genders. Breast cancer is the most common type of
cancer in female worldwide, with the frequency that increases intensely with age. Breast cancer
apparently accounted for 29% of all cancer cases and 14% of all cancer-related deaths among
female in worldwide up to 2012 (Siegel et al.,2013) .

Risk factors for BR in the female population, is increases with the age of mother at the
time of first child birth, declines in the size of family, increases in post-menopausal fatness,
increases with the alcohol usage. In the middle of the night physiologic relief of the melatonin
hormone is changed by environmental lighting that reduce the production of melatonin.The
reduction in melatonin hormone production estrogen level increase which stimulate hormone-
sensitive tumors of breast. ( Czeisler and Dijk, 2001).

Other groups have projected that the rise in light contact decreases the amount of time
obtainable for melatonin manufacturation, which decreases the possible generic oncostatic
outcome of the pineal gland, thus increasing the BR risk ( Kerenyi et al., 2001).

Colorectal cancer (CRC), also recognized as colon cancer, is the expansion of cancer
from the colon or rectum (parts of the large intestine).

CRC are due genetic disorders but in rare cases it occur due to life style and old age.
Some risk factors contain smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity and diet. Consumption of
alcohol as well as red and processed meat. Another risk influence is provocative bowel disease,
that includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Adenomatous polyposis and hereditary non-
polyposis examples of CR are due to hereditary genetic syndromes. It started as a benign cancer
and with the passage of time becomes cancerous (National Cancer Institute,2014).

Cervical cancer(CC )is a cancer originating in the cervix. Human papillomavirus

infection (HPV) is cause 91% of cases. Additional risk factors are weak immune system,
starting sex at early age, birth regulator medicines, smoking and have several sexual partners.
About 90% of CC occur in squamous cell, 10% are adenocarcinoma.

In case of brain , cancer cells develop to formulat a frame of cancer tumor.The normal
body functions such muscle regulator, perception, retention are highly effected by these cancer
tumors. (National Brain Tumor society,2013). Risk factors of BC include alcohol and tobacco
use, certain chemicals, lack of physical activity, diet, exposure to ionization and other life style.
However, BC occur due to some heriditory and genetic fectors in 6-11 %age. In hereditary brain
cancer, mutation, which cause the formation of specific genea is transfer from grandfather to
child( American Brain Tumor Association.2014).

Most genetic dissorders occur with the passage of time or with age. Mutation occure on
chromosome number 1, 10, 13, 17, 19, and 22. In case of oligodendrogliomas changes occure on
chromosomes 1 and 19. meningiomas are due to changes on chromosome 22. ( Dorsey et

Blood cancers effect the production and function of your blood cells. Blood cancer start
in bone marrow. Stem cells in bone marrow grow into three types of cells: erythrocytes,
leukocytes and platelets. In most blood cancers, the normal blood cell development process is
intermittent by uncontrolled development of an irregular kind of blood cell. These uncontrolled
cell division in blood cells inhibited blood to achieve numerous functions, like hostile off
toxicities or avoiding intense bleeding. Leukemia is 30% of all of the disease that mostly infect
the children However, in adults lymphoma as well as leukemia is common.

There are three main types of blood cancers. Leukemia, in this situation leukocytes grow
abnormally and there number is largely increase. The leukocytes are not completely grow and
called leukemia cells (National Cancer Institute.2014).

Genetic and environmental factors play important role. Factors that cause leukemia are
include smoldering, chemicals, ionizing emission, Down syndrome and previous chemotherapy
Individuals with intimate times past of leukemia also have high risk. The types of leukemia are -
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic
leukemia (CLL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). ( Leuke Cătoi, Alecsandru Ioan
Baba,2017).In caase of Lymphoma lymphatic system is effected which eliminates extra fluids
from physique and product is immune cells. These Lymphocytes are afight with infection.
Irregular lymphocytes convert lymphoma cells, which accumulate in lymph lumps. Myeloma is
type of cancer of the plasma cells. Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute identified
the SF3B1 gene as being frequently mutated in myelodysplasia, one of the most common forms
of blood cancer. ( Hutter,2010).
Skin cancer (SC) occur in cells of skin. There are 3 main types of skin cancers, Basal cell
skin cancers, Melanomas, Squamous cell skin cancers. Additional skin cancers include Kaposi
sarcoma Cutaneous lymphoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, Skin adnexal cancers, Numerous kinds of
malignancies, all these types interpretation for less than 1% of SC. The chief risk influence for
melanoma as well as non-melanoma cancers is revelation to UV ultraviolet light comprising
daylight and burning cradles, risk rising as the amount of exposure increase. Smoking, cause
squamous cell skin cancers, especially on the lips. Chemical contact counting arsenic,
manufacturing tar, petroleum, paraffin and oil, rise the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers
(Siavash et al.,2009).

The factors that cause SC including age, as the age increase risk SC also increase, gender,
Males are nearly double times more expected to grow basal cell carcinomas and three times are
expected to grow squamous cell carcinomas as compared to female, Skin tone. Those with one or
both parents or relatives SC have high risk. The skin’s skill to renovation UV damage is effected
by xeroderma pigmentosum Condition that is inherited to individuals and this risk is develop at
early age. Viruse, human papilloma virus (HPV) taints affect the genital part that rise the hazard
of SC(American Cancer Society,2017).

Proliferation of cells in prostate gland is known as prostate cancer (PC). In the male
reproductive system prostate is a gland that produce semen which transports sperm. The walnut-
sized of tube that carries urine from the bladder is located in the higher part of the urethra below
the bladder. Age is the major factors that cause PC is erratic in men at the age of forty-five years
and universal at the fifty years old.(Parkin et al.,2013).

Geography, PC arises more regularly in Australia, northwestern Europe, North America

and in the Caribbean islands. But the reason behind the PC is remain indistinguishable. Genetic
factors and certain indigenous factors cause the PC. It is a heriditory disease which transfer from
parents to offspring as well as if the person has identical twins chance of PC is increase
(National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016).

Irregular cell division in the liver cause Liver cancer ( LC). The most common type of
LC is hepatocellular carcinoma that start in hepatocyte cells. Other types of LC are
hepatoblastoma as well as intrahepatic cholangio carcinoma. ( Böhmer et al., 2016).
Risk factors that enhance the LC comprise of Prolonged contagion with HBV, HCV
hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) respectively. Cirrhosis is a condition in which
scar tissue are produce that enhance the chance of LC. Hemochromatosis as well as Wilson's
disease are inherited cause LC. ( Feldman M et al., 2016).The patients of diabetes have great
chance of LC. Increase of fat in the liver increases the possibility of liver cancer. Toxins
produced by sorts that grow on crops such as peanuts which become aflatoxin which are very
polluted. When alcohol use in large amount it leads to LC (Rochester., 2015).

Cancer produce from esophagus contamination also called esophageal cancer

(EC).Gastroesophageal confluence is most common example of EC. Almost ninety percent of
EC are squamous-cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. On rare cases, melanomas,
leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, carcinoids also exampels of EC.

Gastric cancer (GC) is cancer emerging from the coating of the stomach. Helicobacter
pylori bacterium is major cause of GC which interprete about 60% of cases. other risk factors of
GC are pickled vegetables, obesity and smoking (González et al.,2013). CDH1 gene is a genetic
imperfection which is a genetic risk. For example hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC).
CDH1 gene programs for E-cadherin, present on chromosome number sixteenth. By the
involvement of this gene in a specific mutation GC occur. This mutation is measured as
autosomal leading sense that half of a carrier’s children will be involve(Hereditary Diffuse
cancer institute,2014).

OBJECTIVE: The report is formulated

1)To estimate the most prevailing form of cancer in all the word.

2)Fectors that cause different form of cancer.

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