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Panther Band Rehearsal/Performance Schedule

for Week of Oct. 25 – Oct. 30

Monday, Oct. 25 (NO AM)


Tuesday, Oct. 26 (normal AM)

• Full Band 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM

Wednesday, Oct. 27 (normal AM w/ black shoes)

NO PM Outside in class

Thursday, Oct. 28 (normal AM w/ black shoes)

guest: James Miculka

• Normal Day Outside during class (with black shoes)

• FULL BAND 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM

Friday, Oct. 29 (normal AM w/ black shoes---no change---still doing pep rally)

LOAD after Pep Rally

Report to 1st period

Report to Band Hall 2nd period and change into casual uniform (Black socks, shoes,
shorts, shirt)

10 AM – 11 AM Warm Up and Tune in normal procedure (BR/WW switch) at


11 AM Load Buses head to LA CANTERA MALL FOOD COURT for lunch

(students pay for their own lunch at food court) Expect average Food Court cost ($).

12:45 PM Load Buses for ALAMODOME

1:45 PM Arrive at DOME (possibly enter stadium to watch a few bands)

2:45 – 3:05 PM EQUIPMENT TRUCK unload TIME

3:05 – 3:50 PM WARM UP

3:50 PM Pit Depart

4:05 PM Band moves to stadium

4:15 PM PERFORM!!!!!

After Performance Band will take pictures then head to buses for change to casual
uniform (students will go back to shorts, shirt etc…)

We should be back in stadium by 5:30 or so. At this point students will watch the
remaining competing bands. There is a contest dinner break until 6:15. The band
can eat at the concession stands at ANY POINT once we get into the stadium. We
will designate a meeting point after the last performance at 8 PM. Students can eat,
visit exhibits, & watch bands. At no point should a student leave the
ALAMODOME for any reason. A designated chaperone section will be given where
a chaperone will be at all times if you need one. You should stay in groups in the
Dome until we meet at the end. The concession stands offer a variety of food. It is
the Alamodome so expect about $10-$17 for a meal or snack. Although there will be
many cool exhibits with t-shirts and such…save your money for State as there will
be even more great exhibits.

8:15 PM Meet at designated section and head to the buses

9:15 PM ETA Back at O’Connor

BOA Tickets may be purchased at the gate or online. BOA Maps and full schedule
will be posted soon.

Saturday, Oct. 30 (clinic and game) (GUS STADIUM V… will perform to our side)

Seniors/Students marching with a relative report 8 am / clinic 8:30-10 a.m.

Band report 5:15 p.m. / change

Depart for stadium at 5:40 p.m.

Eat dinner before you arrive at band hall!!!!

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