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Jacqueline Morales

Mr. Colon

Global Seminar

7 March 2019

First Lady

Michelle Obama is an American Writer, Lawyer and University Administrator who was

the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. Something that called my attention is the

fact that they have being the first Afro American couple in the white house. She was born in

January 17, 1964 she is currently 55 years old. She was raised on the south side of Chicago

Illinois, She graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. In her early career,

she worked at the law firm Sidley Austin where she met Barack Obama. Michelle married

Barack in 1992 and they have two daughters. Obama campaigned for her Husband’s Presidential

bid throughout 2008 and 2017, delivering a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National

Conventions. At the firm, she worked on marketing and intellectual property law. She continues

to hold her law license, but as she no longer needs it for her work, she has kept it on a voluntary

inactive status since 1993.​ ​In 1991, she held positions in the public sector in the government of

the city of Chicago as Assistant to the Mayor and as Assistant Commissioner for Planning and

Development. In 1993, she became the Executive Director of the Office of Public Allies of

Chicago, a non-profit organization that encourages young people to work on social issues in

nonprofit groups and government agencies. She worked there for almost four years and

established fundraising records for the organization that still remained 12 years after he left.

Later, Obama said he had never been happier in his life before working "to build Public Allies."
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As the saying goes “ Behind every successful man there is a great woman” and that is

exactly what she was. During her early months as First Lady. Obama and Michelle visited

homeless shelters and soup kitchens. She also sent representatives to schools and advocated

public services. She hosted a white house receptions for a women’s right advocates in

celebration of the enactment of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Equity law. She supported the

economic stimulus bill in visits to the United State Department of Housing and Urban

Development and United States Department of Education. Some observers looked favorably

upon her legislative activities, while others said that she should be less involved in politics.

According to her representatives, she intended to visit all United State Cabinet levels agencies in

order to get acquainted with Washington. On June 5, 2009, the White House announced that

Michelle Obama would replace her then chief of staff, Jackie Norris, with Susan Sher, a longtime

friend and counselor. Norris became a senior advisor to the Corporation for National and

Community Service. Another key assistant, Spelman College student, Kristen Jarvis, worked

from 2008 to 2015, when she left to become the chief of staff for Ford Foundation president

Darren Walker.

Michelle Took Action for a long time helping many people who needed medical help and

places to live, I help many homeless who did not have it. In May 2014, Obama joined the

campaign to recover the girls who had been kidnapped in Nigeria. The First Lady tweeted a

photo of herself holding a poster with the #bringbackourgirls campaign hashtag. Obama writes in

his book on how to get help for his Let Girls Learn initiative to produce and sing the song "This

is for My Girls. She recognized a lot from the perspectives that women could also do things just

like men when they often removed some of the things that she had done for women. In January
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2010, Obama assumed his first major role in an entire administration initiative, which he called

"Let's move forward!", To advance the reversal of the trend of childhood obesity in the 21st

century. On February 9, 2010, the First Lady announced “Let's move”! and President Barack

Obama created the Working Group on Childhood Obesity to review all current programs and

create a national plan for change. She Communicates Ideas through programs for overweight

children and can help them with programs that tell her what types of food could be good for

them. even in that same direction to Take Action to families that eat healthier to be able to help

their own children.

The way that Michelle Obama helped many people makes me admire her too much

because being the first lady of the United States that we all say we should not worry about many

people who choose how to live their life, she did. She even supported the LGBT community a lot

when they were discriminated against by society. She said the United States Supreme Court

ruled in the Lawrence Texas case and established a connection between the struggles for gay

rights and civil rights by saying: "We are all here because of those who marched, bled and they

died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the search for a more perfect union. " One of the things that

made me admire her most was that despite the discrimination in the community, On May 9,

2012, Barack and Michelle Obama publicly demonstrated in favor of same-sex marriage. Prior to

this, Michelle Obama had never publicly stated her position on this issue. Senior White House

officials said that Michelle Obama and Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett had been the two most

consistent advocates of same-sex marriage in Barack Obama's life. Michelle said.

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