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Assignment 1.

Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods,

1. Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods, snacks, and beverages.
snacks, and beverages. 2. List the substances written on the container and their
2. List the substances written on the container and their respective masses on a table similar to the one below.
respective masses on a table similar to the one below. Substance Mass Percent
Substance Mass Percent

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the substances.
substances. 4. Compute the percentage composition.
4. Compute the percentage composition. 5. Which will you choose considering health issues.
5. Which will you choose considering health issues.

1. Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods,
snacks, and beverages.
1. Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods,
2. List the substances written on the container and their
snacks, and beverages.
respective masses on a table similar to the one below.
2. List the substances written on the container and their
Substance Mass Percent
respective masses on a table similar to the one below.
Substance Mass Percent

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the 4. Compute the percentage composition.
substances. 5. Which will you choose considering health issues.
4. Compute the percentage composition.
5. Which will you choose considering health issues.

Assignment 1. Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods,
1. Get 2 brands of a grocery item, such as canned goods, snacks, and beverages.
snacks, and beverages. 2. List the substances written on the container and their
2. List the substances written on the container and their respective masses on a table similar to the one below.
respective masses on a table similar to the one below. Substance Mass Percent
Substance Mass Percent

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the

3. Research in the internet the chemical formula of the substances.
substances. 4. Compute the percentage composition.
4. Compute the percentage composition. 5. Which will you choose considering health issues.
5. Which will you choose considering health issues.


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