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Concentrate on a problem- to direct your attention a particular activity or subject

Sort out a problem- to deal satisfactorily or successfully with a problem

Solve a problem – to find the answer to something

Find the answer to a problem – to think or feel a particular way about someone or something

Give up on a problem – to stop doing something before it is finished because it is too difficult or successful

Mull over a problem – to think carefully about something for a long time

Tackle a problem – to try deal with a problem

Put off a problem – to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time

Figure out what to do – to finally understand or find the solution to something, after thinking for a while

Work out what to do – to understand something or to find the answer to something by thinking about it

Get an idea from something – to develop a thought about something that you want to do as a result of something else

Inspiration – a sudden good idea about what you should do

Worth (+ing) – how important or useful someone or something is

Alternatively – used to give a second possibility

Approach – to deal with something

Feasible – possible to do

Tricky – difficult to deal with or do

Practical – Suitable or useful for a situation which may involve some difficulty

Come in handy – to be useful

Come as – If an event or decision come as a shock

Come along – to start to exist

Come to – to be a particular total when numbers or amounts are added together

Come to someone – If a thought or idea comes to you, you suddenly start to think about it

Come out – If a book, film etc comes out, it becomes available for people to buy or see

Come up – If a problem or difficult situation comes up, it happens

Come up with – to suggest or think of an idea or plan

Come across – to seem to be a particular type of person

Come across something – to find something by chance

Come round – to visit someone at their house

Come into – to start to be used

Come down with – to fall and land on the ground

Find out – to discover something or someone that you have been searching for

Nosy – Always trying to find out private things about other people

Pry – to try to discover private things about people

Delicate – needing to be dealt with very carefully

Complicated – involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand

Delighted – Very pleased

Appalled – Extremely shocked or upset

Out of place – not right or suitable for a particular situation

Mortified – Very embarrassed

Baffle – If something baffles you, you cannot understand it at all

Fascinated – Extremely interested

Horrified – Very shocked

Humiliated – Describes someone who has been made to feel ashamed or stupid

Isolated – alone and not having help or support from other people

Thrilled – Very excited and pleased

Regret – Used to say that you are sorry that you have to tell someone about a situation

Incident – an event, especially one that is bad or unusual

Confidence – Trusting someone’s ability or believing that something will produce good results

Point out – to make a person notice someone or something, usually by telling them where they are or by holding up
one of your fingers towards them

Insist on – to demand something forcefully

Assurance – a promise

Inform – to tell someone about something

More or less – almost

Odds and ends – various things of different types, usually small and not important or of little value

Turn out – to happen in particular way, or to have a particular result

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