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Quintin Toma

Ms. Cunningham

English Lit.

12 March 2019

Quintin Toma Senior Capstone Overview

Over these past couple weeks the senior class at my high school had to choose an

interesting topic that could affect our community. My partner Samantha and I, decided that we

would like to give back to our local churches, so our senior capstone was to do community

service for our church. Our final solution was to prove that anyone can give up their free time

and go help and give back to the church.

In the beginning we obviously had to find a church that needed help. We had a lot of

helpful suggestions from friends but Sam decided that we should just help her church since she

already knew people and it would be easy to help. In the beginning it was nice and easy but a

major obstacle we faced was when I transferred out of her class. Even though I was in a different

class we still knew that we could do it. Unfortunately since I was a new member and they had no

idea who I was, and if I could be trusted helping out they said I’m not allowed to help out unless

I was a member of there church and be there for six months. This was very late noticed and I

freaked out so I left that church and went back to my old church and they gladly said that I could

help them. All I really did was help out at a soup kitchen and just go back to the church and

watch over little kids.


Though this process I feel like I accomplished a little bit of work. I feel like I didn’t

accomplish that much because I’ve been extremely busy through February and March and it felt

like I was just adding more work on top of it. I learned that if you have a choice chose something

you’re going to enjoy for your senior capstone. I also learned that being in four school activities

one AP class and three outside of school activities will make you EXTREMELY busy. And if

your going to do a project that requires you to give up your free time than good luck because you

literally have no free time to give up and you’ll have to choose between your education and what

you love.I’m proud of the fact that I actually did go out and help some people. I wish I did a

different capstone. My last bit of advice for incoming seniors is do something that you will love

and have fun with.

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