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How to check your chakras with a pendulum

According to Barbara Ann Brennan, author of Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through
the Human Energy Field, the best way to begin sensing the states of the chakras is to use a
pendulum. A pendulum acts as an amplifier for the energy flow produced by each chakra.
Observing how this energy manifests in the pendulum's swing can give you a great deal of
information about your chakras.

Keep in mind that the chakras are constantly adjusting as they go through different phases of
opening and closing - adjusting and realigning to the overall body's ever-changing energy
flows. An open chakra is good, but a closed one is not necessarily bad. It is a function of the
body's energy system to vary the energy that flows through these portals. There are times
when a closed chakra is necessary to the overall health of the individual as it processes issues
related to that chakra.

Important note: You don't need a special pendulum to do any of the following exercises. Any
pendulum will work. If you are concerned about using an optimal weight-stone that is chakra
neutral, a quartz weight-stone may give you the most unbiased results.

There are many different ways to use a pendulum to assess chakras, but here are three simple,
easy ways to do it:

1. Get help from a friend

This first method requires the assistance of another person. In order to get a good reading,
it's essential that both of you free your minds of any expected outcomes. To get started, lie
down on your back and have the other person hold a pendulum a few inches above your body
at each chakra location, systematically writing down the direction and size of the pendulum
swing for each. Turn over and repeat. Then, compare the two sets of readings for front and
back. Look for differences in each chakra. Compare the swing size and look for differences
there. A large swing means more energy is propelling it. A small swing, less energy. Ideally,
each chakra will be "open" and produce a swing of approximately the same size throughout.
More likely, however, there will be some differences among the various chakras, front and
back. Identifying these that can help you pinpoint imbalances or blockages you'll want to
address. Below is a table that shows how to interpret the pendulum readings.

Pendulum Movement Chakra State Meaning

Clockwise Open Energy is in balance and flowing freely
Energy is restricted, out of balance, or
Counterclockwise Closed
Straight line (either Partially
Energy imbalance and/or partial blockage
direction) open/closed
Right/Left side Energy is flowing, though out of balance on
imbalance one or both sides

No movement Blocked No energy is moving through, full blockage

2. Use a proxy
Now, here's an entirely different way to analyze your chakras. On a color printer, print this
web page - or at least the part that contains the chakra symbols above. In this method, the
printed page becomes a proxy for your own body. Lay it flat on a desk or table. Quiet your
mind and hold your pendulum above each chakra symbol. As you do, visualize the specific
area on your own body that corresponds to the chakra. (Do not visualize what you think the
pendulum should say though - keep an open mind.) Record your readings and use the table
above to interpret your results.

3. Use a chart (at the top of this page)

Another method is to use our Ask Your Pendulum Chakra Pendulum Chart. Shown above is a
pendulum chart for checking your chakras. (You can click on the image to bring up a larger
version which you can print out - or if you prefer, draw your own on a blank piece of paper-
using the chart here as a guide.) If you don't want to waste paper, I've created a handy a
laminated version of the chart. To use, lay the chart flat on a desk or table and hold your
pendulum over the area at the center of the chart (where the pointer indicates). With a quiet,
unbiased mind, ask your pendulum to identify specific states or energy levels. For example,
you can ask "Show me which chakra has the highest energy today." Or, "Show me which
chakra needs attention most right now." You can even ask specific questions designed to help
narrow down issues that you may already be aware of. For instance, if you are feeling
anxious, you could ask, "Which chakra is contributing to my sense of anxiety today?" Then
study the attributes of that chakra (as listed on the chart) to see if you can focus in on the
Remember to phrase your questions so that the pendulum can answer clearly. If you asked,
"How are my chakras?" over this chart, your pendulum won't be able to answer because the
question is too vague. A better question might be, "Which chakras are open?" or "Which
chakras are closed?". You'd then read the pendulum as it swings directionally over the
various wedges on the chart. Watch as it swings directionally through each wedge that fits the
answer to your question question. If only a few chakras are in open, the pendulum will swing
through those and then may stop, or it may return to the first one indicated. If it swings in a
clockwise circle, this indicates all chakras. Counter-clockwise indicates no chakras.

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