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Reiki & Crystal Healing

Crash Course
Welcome to your free sample of the Reiki Practitioner Certified Crystal
Healer Program. This crash course of the full program gives you what you
need to start working with crystals in Reiki.

You'll find information pertaining to working with your crystals, choosing

your crystals, meditating with them, and grid work. Not to mention using
this all with Reiki.

This crash course ebook gently guides your hand with the beginner stuff.
In the program it's much more intense. This sample runs through class 2 of
the program in lessons 1 & 2. Lesson 3 is a small snippet of what you can
expect to enjoy in class 1 of the program. And in Lesson 5 you get a taste
of the program's Class 5. This is all actual material from the Reiki
Practitioner Certified Crystal Healer Program. Please enjoy! :)

This ebook also contains one of the actual meditations used and you can
find it here:

There are also worksheets that you can print out as many times as you
want. They are also editable on the computer, as long as you have a
program that allows it.
How To Choose
Your Crystals
How to choose your crystals

Choosing Your Crystals

Tipping, finger dowsing, and applied kinesiology (muscle testing) are
three ways to help choose your crystals. These are also the fastest ways to
start communicating with your crystals.

Tipping works by using your body as a pendulum.
To begin: Stand up and ask your body what it’s Yes is and notice how
your body reacts. When I ask my body what Yes is I tend to fall back. My
sister leans to the right, and my mom goes forward. Like a pendulum,
everyone is different.

After establishing your Yes, ask about No, and notice your body reactions
to No. I fall forward.

Once the Yes/No has been established you can ask your crystals
questions…of course they do have to be Yes/No.

Finger Dowsing
Take your hands and make an OK sign with both hands, now link the two
OK signs together. Ask a question and pull super hard, if the links break,
the answer is No, if they stay linked the answer is Yes.

Applied Kinesiology
The applied kinesiology method requires a partner. You'll stand with your
dominate arm out, strongly, but not stiffly. Your partner is going to gently
push down on your arm, you're going to resist the pushing. This is the
baseline reading. Next you'll put a crystal in your no-dominate hand and
your partner is going to push again. If your arm is the same or better from
the baseline reading then it's a yes. If your arm is weaker and you can't
resist very well then it's a no.
Tipping and finger dowsing are the easiest ways for your body and
crystals to communicate. And all three ways are excellent in finding
crystals to purchase. Just ask your yes/no then start seeing which crystals
How to choose your crystals

want to go home with you (and of course would be beneficial for you) ;)

Buying Crystals

Before you go shopping have an intention. What are you wanting and
why? Are you wanting clear quartz to amplify a crystal grid? Are you
wanting rose quartz to cultivate more self love? Are you wanting to ward
off negativity? Know your purpose. The reason you want to do this is so
you don't spend over budget ;)

Of course you can go window shopping and if something jumps out at

you, buy it. That is perfectly acceptable! If a crystal is practically
screaming at you to buy it, you probably need it in your toolbox.

How do we determine if the crystal is really speaking to us or if it's just an


• You'll know ;)
• If the price is high and you still have to have it no matter what, that's
a pretty good sign. If you balk at the price, it's just an OMG moment.
• If it seems to be winking at you. Like it's saying “you need me!”
• Can't get it out of your head? Needs to be in your toolbox.

If the crystal feels right, get it. You'll know what I mean. If you feel good
holding onto it, the energies feel good, etc. and it's in alinement with
what you're looking for, go for it. Intuition is our friend here!

How to choose crystals to work with

You can use any of the above methods (tipping, finger dowsing, applied
kinesiology), or if you trust your “vibes” (intuition) you can just intuitively
pick out crystals to work with. All methods work, you just gotta trust
yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! Also if you'd rather use a book, Crystal
Prescriptions is an excellent one to help choose crystals for certain
problems/needs/desires. It doesn't tell you what the properties of the
crystals are, but it does tell you which ones help for what you're looking
How to choose your crystals

for. You could use the book, then tip to see which of the suggested
crystals would work best.
Lesson 1 assignment if you choose to accept it:
Choose a crystal to work with through the e-book crash course using one
of the methods described in lesson 1.

What crystal did you pick?

How did you choose it?
Communicating through meditation

Crystal Meditation (communicating with the crystal)

The meditation method of communicating with your crystals is quite
interesting. For me using a guided meditation when I’m trying to talk to
my crystals is really distracting so I don’t normally use them. When I got
started with crystal meditations, it was super helpful to have someone
guide me through some simple steps.

The method I use currently for mediating with crystals is pretty simple:

1. IAsk the crystal if it would like to help with meditation (do this by
using one of the methods from day one of the challenge).

2. Sit/lay in silence (or play soft non-distracting music)

3. Hold the crystal (either hand works). However depending on what

you want you might have a preference. If you wish to receive the
energies of the crystal and have an easier time getting messages
place the crystal in your non-dominate hand. If you want to give
the crystal love and Reiki or anything of that nature you'll want to
place it in your dominate hand.

4. Follow breath until ready to start

5. Call in guides and angels to assist in keeping sacred space, help

build knowledge, and for protection. If you aren’t comfortable
doing this step then don’t. Sometimes I just state that I am
protected in divine white light and continue on.

6. When you're ready you can simply “pet” your stone to start
integrating your and the crystal energies together. However simply
holding it does that as well. Petting the crystal makes it a little bit of
a more active attunement to the energies of the crystal.

Sometimes I ask that the crystal's energies are activated as I pet it.
Communicating through meditation

7. After gentle crystal petting move to following breath again.

8. When ready talking (in your head or out loud) to the crystal.

At first it feels a bit weird to start asking your crystal questions in your
head, or to even start a conversation, but it can hear you and you
shouldn’t feel odd. Quiet your mind and you’ll get a response back.
The first time it happened to me was a bit unsettling; I wasn’t
expecting it to work.

I asked the crystal how it was doing and the crystal told me that “It
was quite alright, thank you for asking”. I knew it wasn’t me because it
wasn’t my way of speaking or my voice.

9. After chatting for a while or when you no longer get responses

thank the crystal for what it’s given you. Then start coming back into
your body. Wiggle toes, fingers, etc. you know the drill.

It looks like a lot of steps, but it’s really not. Mostly it’s just quieting your
mind well enough to hear the crystal talk back. And it’s also trusting that
you aren’t answering for the crystal.

Don't stress yourself out. If you're frustrated go calm down and try again.
Crystal Communication Meditation Transcript

This is Sierra from Reiki Playground dot com and right now you are
listening to the crystal communication meditation.

This meditation will lead you to a safe inner space to explore

communicating with the crystal of your choice. Once taken to this safe
haven in your mind you will have time to interact with your crystal before
being prompted to come back to your body.

There will be suggested questions to ask your crystal, but are by no

means required to use these questions.

This semi-guided meditation is a wonderful starting point to getting to

know your crystals.

If you have not selected a crystal to work with please pause this
recording and do so.

Now that you have a crystal picked out and ready to connect with, let's
get started.

Sit or lay down so that you are comfortable and are abel to hold the
crystal where you can access it with both hands.

Close your eyes and go on and take a couple of deep breaths ::space
for breathing:: Just relax now and follow your breath. In 1, 2, 3. Hold 1, 2,
3. Out 1, 2, 3. Continue on like this for as long as it's comfortable.

In the mean time imagine that you are surrounded by a pure white
bubble of protection. Nothing can get you while you're in this bubble.

When you're ready, hold the crystal in both hands and physcially explore
it. Pet it gently if you wish. Get to know every area of the crystal. Continue
being mindful of your breath and just go with the flow.

Be open to if messages start to just flow. Say “hello”, in your head or
outloud to get the conversation started. Ask the crystal how it is and be
open to an awnser.

Don't get frustrated if at first you don't hear or feel anything. For now
simply take the time to be open to hearing anything that comes. If you
have questions, ask them. One could be, what would be a beneficial
way of includeing you in my life and Reiki practice?

Notice any sensations or messages you get.

Your answers may come in the form of sensations rather than any of your
other senses. Just be open to what comes.

The next 10 minutes is open for you to communicate with your crystal.
When the time is up I'll be back to guide you gently back to your body.
For now, enjoy working with your crystal

::ten minutes::
::chime tone::

Now it's time to start to come back to your body. Take your time and
don't rush it.

You may continue to listen and talk with your crystal if you wish. When
you're ready, thank your crystal for the gifts it has given you today and
ask it to be a partner in your healing work. Again thank the crystal. You
can start wiggling your toes, fingers, scrunch up and release your face.
Stretch in whatever way is comfortable for you. What ever you need to
do to get back into your body. When you're ready open your eyes and
go about your day.

Place your crystal in a spot you can see it and use it often to get to know
it's energies fully.

It will be super useful if you write down your experiences as soon as you're
done meditation. This way you can look back on your progress and see
how far you've come.
Lesson 2 assignment if you choose to accept it:
Meditate with your crystal, either using the audio or self guided. Then use
one of the worksheets (next 2 pages) to write down your experiences.
Crystal Meditation


Crystal Used:

Meditate with your crystal.

Write a description of what you did: [ ] Guided audio [ ] Self-guided

What messages did you get while meditating?
Crystal Name:

Chakras Associated With:

Treats: [ ] Emotional [ ] Physical [ ] Mental [ ] Spiritual

Personal Feelings:

Personal Uses:

Working With
Working with Crystals

Cleaning & Clearing Your Crystals

After coming home with your new crystal babies you'll want to clean
them, both physically and energetically. For the most part a good
scrubbing with water and a bit of dish soap will do the trick physically.
There are some crystals that do dissolve in water so you're going to want
to check and make sure you don't give those a scrub. Selenite is one of
them and most other fibrous crystals are a water no-no.

Energetically you have many many options to choose from to clear it's
• Reiki the crystal with the intention of clearing it's energies. CKR is a
good symbol to use here. This is the perfect method to use between
clients. Quick & effective!
• Place in salt or salt water. Make sure the crystal is not one that will
be pitted and dissolve (again selenite is one not to put in salt).
• Place on a bed of rose petals. If you're afraid of staining light
colored crystals you can wrap the crystals in a cloth. You'll also want
to make sure you remove the crystals before the petals start turning
• Place in plain rice.
• Run under cold water or place in flowing natural water.
• Bury in the Earth. Make sure you mark the spot some way so you
know where it is. This gives the crystal a bit of a rest and you'll want
to keep it in the Earth for at least a week or two. It's like a spa
• Pass the crystal through a flame.
• Smudge it with sage or incense.
• Use sound such as OM, singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, vocal
toning, drums, bells, etc. until the energies feel clean.
• Place on or by selenite ;) (Selenite actually helps clear energies and
hardly needs to be energetically cleaned itself)

How long do you keep the crystals in

Working with Crystals

As long as it takes for the crystal energies to feel they have shifted and
they feel energetically clean. For some quartz you'll be able to tell right
away because they will physically look even cleaner from before.
Sometimes clear quartz gets murky looking and energetically cleaning it
will make it clear again.

How often do you clear your crystals?

• Anytime you bring a new one home, clean & clear it!
• If you work with it often you'll want to clear It often. Especially if you
are working with it on heavy emotional & mental levels.
• Between each client, crystals should be cleared.
• If you take down a grid, you should clear the crystals.
• If the crystal feels icky, bogged down, murky, or gross in any way, it
should be cleared.

Charging Your Crystals

After cleaning and clearing crystals it's a good idea to give them a nice
energetic charging. Again there are several ways to do this! These are
just suggestions.

• Reiki the crystals with the intention of charging. Reiki 1 simply hold
the crystal in your hands and give it Reiki. Reiki 2 you can infuse the
crystal with symbols and have them be used as physical symbols.
Reiki Master/Teachers can attune the crystal to Reiki.
• Set crystals outside in the sunlight or moonlight. Depending on
what you're wanting is when you'll set them outside. If you want
more masculine energies it's sun, more feminine it's moon.
• Run crystals through the elements. Place the crystal in water, burry it
in the Earth, set outside in fresh air (or run through incense), place
around a flame. Depending on the energies you are looking for.

Asking Permission
Every time you use a crystal you should ask it's permission. It's just good
habits. You wouldn't want to be forced to do something you don't want
Working with Crystals

to, right? Crystals have feelings and personalities too, ya know. You can
simply ask: Would you like to work with me today? Or go more in depth
with your question: Would you like to be placed in this crystal grid for
distant Reiki healing for my mom?

Attuning to crystal energy

This is easier than you could imagine. Simply hold the crystal in your
receiving hand and set the intention that you are attuning to the crystal
energy. Get to know how it feels. After a couple of minutes how do you
feel? Does your hand or arm feel warm? Do you have new sensations
going on? Take notes on everything you feel while holding the crystal. If
possible keep it with you for a week to really get into the energies. You'll
be in-tune with the crystal and the crystal will be in-tune with you.

Seriously it's as simple as that. Ideally you'll be in a calm state when

starting this. Just sitting or laying, noticing the crystal's energies. Don't do
this when you're frazzled and stressed out, you'll just get frustrated.

Do you have to do this with every crystal you buy? No, but it's nice. It's like
an introduction and get to know you for the crystal after you've cleaned
and cleared it.

There are some crystals that you'll instantly feel, that's always wonderful.
Then there are some that you will have to work with to really get the
proper attunement. Take your time.

Using Crystals
The first and most important thing about crystal healing is this: intention is
everything, just like in Reiki. This is why they compliment each other so

Now that that's out of the way...You can use crystals in several different

Wear them
Working with Crystals

Necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets. It gets the stone energy in your auric
field and gets to work. The more they touch you the better it is. You can
also carry them in your pockets, purses, wallets, and ladies...bras.

The simplest and easiest way to work with a tumbled or rough crystal is to
hold it in your hands to attune to the energy and give intention, then
place it on the spot you're working with (like a chakra).

Wands are wonderful in Reiki because you can use them several different
useful ways.

You could place a wand in your sending hand and project Reiki through
the wand. Reiki will pick up the energy from the crystal and both crystal
and Reiki energy will be sent to where the healing needs to go. This is
useful if you need to concentrate Reiki in a certain spot.

You could also use the wand as an instrument. If you are familiar with
psychic/energy surgery it becomes a scapula or needle and thread.
Whatever you can imagine.

Wands can be used to scoop out “bad” energies. You'd use the crystal in
your receiving hand with the intention that the crystal sucks up and traps
(or neutralizes) the energies as you scoop them out. You would want to
clean the crystal as soon as possible after the healing. Once you've
gotten the icky energies out you'll want to send Reiki in to fill the spot.

Alternately to scooping out the energy you can simply place the wand
pointing out (the non-dominate point placed where the energy that
needs to be removed is located). Intend that the energy is sent straight
to the earth to be neutralized and reused for good. Again clear the
crystal soon afterwards and fill the space you removed the energy with
Working with Crystals

If you don't have a wand, but you have a crystal pendulum, you can use
the pendulum just like a wand.
Lesson 3 assignment if you choose to accept it:
Give your crystal of the week a spa day. Clean, clear & attune to your
Adding Reiki to
Crystal Healing
Adding Reiki to Crystal Healing

Adding Reiki
Using crystals with Reiki is an effective way to boost healing. There are
several reasons you'd want to use the two together.

Crystals help raise vibrations faster than with Reiki alone and this will super
charge the healing process. Of course sometimes we need healing to go
slowly, so don't over do it ;).

With crystal healing you can place crystals where they need to go and
then continue on with the Reiki session. Of course, Reiki goes where it
needs to go, but crystals can give additional spot healing and save us a
bit of time during sessions.

Let's say, you discover that the heart chakra is in need of massive work.
Place green/pink colored stones on the heart chakra and continue on
with the session. When you get to the heart chakra with Reiki, check it
with scanning and see how it's doing. More than likely, the heart chakra
will have began to shift for the better. Keep the crystals on for the entire
session for the most benefit, however if you feel they need to be
removed, then do so.

Methods of Reiki charging crystals for healing work.

● By far the most intuitive is simply giving the crystal Reiki. Hold it in
your hands as you run Reiki and wah-la that's it! Then you can place
the crystal where it needs to go, or meditate with it. This works for
layouts, grids, gifts, meditations, etc.
Points to think about:
• Hold the intention for the crystal as you run Reiki.
• Communicate with your crystal as you run Reiki.
• Use affirmations to “program” the crystal and use it as a
reminder for yourself of the affirmations and also receive Reiki
when you see and/or touch the crystal.
• Reiki 2 and beyond you can add the symbols.
• Reiki Master/Teacher you can attune crystals to Reiki, however
you should always ask the crystal's permission first. Not all
Adding Reiki to Crystal Healing

crystals want to be Reiki practitioners.

● Place the crystal on the symbols.
• Draw (or print out) the symbol(s) you wish to charge the crystal
• Place the crystal on the symbol.
• Leave crystal on the symbol until it feels charged with Reiki

Using Reiki & Crystals Together

Ideas for using Reiki charged crystals with Clients:
Lay crystals on your client during the session (Discussed in depth in
Layouts class [in full program]).
• Use your intuition for placement and for which crystals to use, or use
chakra stones for each chakra.
• Before placing on the client give the crystal Reiki and it's intention.

Grid the client, placing stones around them to amplify the session in
general. (Discussed in depth in Layouts class [full program]).

Project Reiki through a crystal wand to direct the energies in a more

controlled way. (Discussed in depth in Advanced class [full program]).

You might want to send your client home with a reminder of what they
are working through:
• Use crystals during the session and send one of the crystals
home with them.
• Tell them that anytime they need a pick-me-up to touch or
look at the crystal and they will receive what they need.

Ideas For Using Reiki charged crystals on yourself (discussed in depth in

the Self Reiki & Crystals class [full program]):
• Use a charged crystal as a visual reminder that also gives you Reiki
anytime you see/touch it. Alternately charge crystal jewelry and
wear it.
• Grid yourself and/or lay crystals on yourself.
Adding Reiki to Crystal Healing

• Meditate with a charged crystal.
Lesson 4 assignment if you choose to accept it:
Pick one of the methods of Reiki charging crystals and play with it. Notice the
difference between a non-Reiki charged crystal compared to a Reiki charged
Crystal Grids &
Crystal Grids & Reiki

If you want to research sacred geometry to go with this part of the

challenge that's fine, but we are working on intuitively setting crystal grids
and going with our gut.

Before you begin!

You need to know the intention of your grid, what (one thing) do you
want it to do? It's very important to have a clear cut idea before you start.
It is very helpful if you write out your intention and keep it close. You can
even incorporate it into the grid if you wish. Some people like to build
their grid around their written intentions, whatever works for you.

Picking Crystals for the Grid

Once you have your intention decided upon then you need to figure out
what crystals you need to get the job done.

There are many ways to get this done.

1. Gather your crystals, use any of the communication techniques

and ask:
a. Will this crystal be beneficial in my grid for _________?
b. Do you want to be in my grid for ___________?
You want to make sure the crystal has agreed to be in the grid
or to anything you wish to use it in. Always ask the crystal's
c.Any other question that you might want to ask, such as:
• Will this crystal help boost the energies of the other
crystals in the grid for ___________?
• Will this crystal be a good fit with the other crystals in the

2. Gather your crystals and meditate with the intention of discovering

which crystals you need to use in your grid.
Crystal Grids & Reiki

3. Pick out the crystals you know will be beneficial in the grid because
it's something you just know. Intuition baby!

Now that you know which crystals you're going to use to do the grid let's
set the space.

Setting Space for Crystal Grids

Part One:
1. Physically clear off the area you want to put the grid.
2. Energetically clear the space. You can use your favorite method
such as:
• Smudging
• Reiki
• Selenite wand
• Pour a bit of salt on the area (if it's not going to damage it)
then brush it off
• White light
• etc....

Part Two:
Now that your space is cleared we need to prep the crystals. There are
several ways to prep your crystals:

• Take your time with this.
• Hold them in your hand one at a time and give them their intention.
You can repeat your grid intention to them. Or just let them know
what their job is.
• You can whisper to them what they are intended for.

Talking to your crystal

• Instead of meditating with your crystals, skip to part three and as
you set the grid just hold each crystal individually and speak to it
(out loud or in your head) giving your intentions.
Crystal Grids & Reiki

Part Three:
So your crystals know what to do, yay! Now we set the grid.

Decide what design you want to do. You can look up sacred geometry
and use one of those designs or you can use what feels right, or what the
crystals tell you. I personally use a medicine wheel design, or whatever
comes out from asking the crystals because it feels right to me. You do
what feels right to you!

You can set a cloth down to make the area nicer, or so the surface
doesn't get scratched. I normally have a couple of colorful “fat quarters”
of cloth that I'll set down.

If you know what design you're using you can place your crystals down
wherever it feels right, they tell you, or if you ask they will let you know
where they go. I like to use the tipping method to validate what I hear
when I ask where they go in the grid. Sometimes I don't have to ask and
they just say.

Part Four (optional):

Some say you have to activate a grid so that it works. I don't go by this
school of thought because I believe that if you've gathered the crystals
that are right for the job, you've given your crystals their “instructions”,
and you've set the grid according to what feels right, then the crystals will
get to work on your intention and get it done. However, I'll tell you how to
activate the grid if that's something that feels right to you.

I have tried several different methods:

• Send white light through your hands with the intention that the grid
is activated.(My favorite).
• Use a crystal wand to connect all the crystals together. Start at the
center, move to the crystal to the right, go clockwise, then back to
• Meditate on your grid. What I mean is meditate on your grid
intention until you decide that the grid is activated.
Crystal Grids & Reiki

Boosting the grid

After a couple of days you can come back and boost the grid by
reminding it of your intention if you want. You don't need to remind each
crystal individually, just hold your hands out in front of the grid and give it
a boost that way. It's a reminder to yourself as well. You don't have to
boost for very long if you don't want to. But the more effort you put into it,
the better the results.

It's best if you boost the grid every day and/or do a quick meditation
upon the intention.

Adding in Reiki
This is so simple and there are multiple ways to do it:
• As you set the grid, run Reiki to each crystal before placing it in it's
spot. Give it it's intention and intend that Reiki boosts the crystal's
• Beam Reiki to the grid after you set it. Like a boost. Simply intend
that Reiki is being infused in all the crystals as your hands are out
and sending Reiki to them all. This is how I boost my grids.
• Intend that Reiki flows from every crystal out to where it needs to go.
• Draw the symbol(s) of choice over the grid to intend that those
energies are infused into the grid. For example:
• In a Reiki healing grid, you can use HSZSN for distance healing
and place the names of those you're sending to under crystals,
simply in the space around, however you see fit to incorporate
those you're sending healing too. They will continuously receive
not only Reiki but crystal healing as well.
• Alternately you could use a crystal to represent each
• You could simply beam the person's name into the grid, like an
intention. You'd start to run Reiki and beam it to the grid while
thinking/saying something like this: “I intend that name
continuously receives Reiki and crystal healing through this
crystal grid for the next X days/months/however long the grid is
Crystal Grids & Reiki

Note on distance healing: Contrary to popular belief, you can send Reiki
without being a Reiki 2. It's all about intention. If you are a Reiki 1 just
intend that you're sending Reiki to whoever it is. It's like a prayer, no one's
gonna tell you ya have to be a priest for it to make a difference to
someone, so don't let levels hold you back.
• Essentially you could attune a grid to be a Reiki practitioner if you
wanted. It could be a super massive healing grid, just be sure to ask
each individual crystal if it wants to be in this grid, not all crystals
want to be attuned Reiki practitioners. It would be like attuning a
space. Alternately attuning cloths you use with your grids would also
Lesson 5 assignment if you choose to accept it:
Use your intuition to create a crystal grid for whatever your intention is.
Healing Reiki grid, prosperity, love, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Crystal Grid Worksheet

Duration of Grid:

Reason for grid (Intention):

Crystals Used: Reasons for these crystals:

Picture of grid (hand drawn or photo)

Results of grid:
Hi! I'm Sierra the person behind Reiki
Playground and the Reiki Practitioner
Certified Crystal Healer Program. I'm also
a giant goofball and a huge Reiki
enthusiast, lover, and practitioner.
One of my passions is to spread
Reiki joy through all the land,
sprinkle fairy dust, and happiness all

My other deep passions are crystals

and oracle cards. Collecting
crystals since I was about 10, I have a large collection of quartz
crystals and have only recently (the last 2-3 years) started
diversifying my collection. I love getting to know each and
every newcomer into my life.

My crystal expertise is in teaching others how to communicate

with them using several different methods as shown in this crash
course. I absolutely love using crystals with Reiki!

I hope you enjoyed this sample of the Reiki Practitioner Certified

Crystal Healer Program. I invite you to check out the full
program, you can find it here:
I'd love to see you there!

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