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Although the internal lattice of a crystal – not visible to the

naked eye – is fundamental to its energy, its external shape
has a bearing too. This outer form does not necessarily reflect
the inner structure of a crystal and may subtly affect how
energy flows through it. Shapes may be natural or artificially
cut. Their effects are listed below:

Ball: Emits energy equally Elestial: Folds, terminations,

all round. A window to move windows and inner planes radiate
through time. flowing energy. This shape
absorbs and transmutes negative
vibes. Opens insight and change.
Cluster: Several points on a
base create and radiate energy in
all directions equally. Generator: A single six-
pointed termination or several
points radiating from a fixed base in
all directions focuses healing energy
Double terminated: or intention, draws people together
Points at both ends emit energy and attracts abundance.
in two directions. Useful for
breaking old patterns.

Geode: Rough outside,

beauty and strength within.
Egg: The gently rounded end The ‘cave’-like formation
focuses and discharges energy amplifies, conserves and
and the sharper one pulls it out. slowly releases energy.

Judy Hall’s Introduction to Crystals Online Video Course

Palm stone: Stones that
have been smoothed into oval THE EFFECT
flat stones gently radiate energy
into your body.

Phantom: This enclosed,

pointed inner pyramid breaks old
patterns and raises vibrations. Sceptre: A ‘head’ formed
around a central rod is an excellent
power and restructuring tool.

Point: Faceted termination. The

point out from the body draws off
energy. The point in draws Square: Consolidates
in energy. Cleansing and energy, anchors intention and
energizing. grounds it. Draws off negative
energy and transforms it.

Pyramid: Focuses energy

at the top, but anything within Tumbled: Stones
a pyramid is protected and even that have been shaped into
a small pyramid is surrounded smooth pebbles gently radiate
by a much larger energy field. energy into the surrounding area.

Wand: A long point, or

specially shaped crystal, focuses
energy and either draws it
off or brings it in. Useful for
joining grids.

Sensing the effect of shape
• Choose a variety of shapes of the same crystal.
• Cleanse the crystals.
• Open your palm chakras.
• Place each shape on your palm chakra (the
centre of your palm) in turn and allow yourself
‘ALTHOUGH THE INTERNAL to feel how the energy radiates from the shape
LATTICE OF A CRYSTAL or is drawn in.
IS FUNDAMENTAL TO ITS • Record the results for future reference.

Judy Hall’s Introduction to Crystals Online Video Course

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