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Reiki Rays

Hone Your
Intuition with

2017   2
© 2017, Acorn Gecko SRL
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under
International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized
reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system without express written permission from the publisher.   3
Table of Contents

Intuition and Healing ........................................................................... 5

Reiki and Intuition ................................................................................ 8
Hone Your Intuition with Reiki ....................................................... 10
4 Exercises to Increase Intuition ....................................................... 13
How to Improve Intuition for Enhanced Reiki Treatments ........ 17
Intuition Building Exercises .............................................................. 21
Reiki, Self Doubt and the Practice of Intuition ............................. 25
Tarot, Intuition and Your Reiki ........................................................ 28
Hearing Your Angels Through Nutrition – 6 Foods and Drinks
that Block Your Intuition ................................................................... 31
About the Authors ............................................................................... 34   4
Intuition and Healing
By Angie Webster

Intuition is that voice inside us that guides us. It is an inner sense of what would be
best for us in our current life situation. It is there to guide and direct us in our choices
and decisions, our relationships and our healing.

Intuition is a sense we are given with which to perceive and understand the world,
much like our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin grant us perception. The more we
listen to our intuition, the more it is readily available to help us. It is often said to be
the voice of God or our Higher Self.

When we come to a healing path or a spiritual path, our intuition often seems to
increase. It can guide us to the things that are blocking growth and healing. It can
also lead us to ways that we can expand healing and growth.

Intuition is always with us. We simply learn to pay less attention to it as we grow
older and therefore we often don’t make use of our intuition. Many of us begin to
realize that when we follow our “gut instinct”, things flow much more smoothly in
our lives. When we ignore this instinct, we can find ourselves faced with more
difficult issues or feeling like we are lost and drifting.   5
Learning to trust intuition can be difficult. Logic can interrupt and tell us that the
intuition we are receiving doesn’t make sense. Logic is a useful tool as well and
should be valued, but it does not replace intuition.

Intuition allows us a fuller view of things than logic cannot. When we allow logic
to override our intuition it is similar to putting our hands over our eyes. We may still
know there is something there to be seen and understood, but we aren’t allowing
ourselves to see it.

In healing work, intuition can be a very important tool, when we allow ourselves to
trust it. When offering energy healing to another, we often receive impressions about
areas in the aura or physical body that are in need of healing assistance.

We can also receive intuitive

information about the flow of energy.
This helps us to better understand if
we are focusing on the correct area or if
turning our attention elsewhere would
be more beneficial.

When we do healing, we may also

receive information about specific traumas or illnesses that the client is or soon
will be struggling with. It can sometimes be difficult to know if it is appropriate to
discuss these issues with the client.

Of course, it is never advisable to give a medical diagnosis or advice on medical

treatments. However, there may be times when it could be best to tell a client to seek
the attention of a physician or therapist in order to diagnose and assist in treatment.

At those times, you will need to let your intuition guide you in how to speak to your
client about this. Always be careful to share only what you feel the client is ready to
handle. If you encounter a client who is very open to receiving intuitive information,
you may feel as if you can share a great deal of the information you receive during a
healing session.   6
Some people will even request that you share intuitive insights. Others will be closed
off to the information. Forcing the information on someone who is not ready to
receive it may create resistance to healing.

Again, go with your gut feeling on this decision. Being open to intuitive insights and
learning to be open to share them with others can be one of the biggest challenges in
life, and particularly as a healer. Allow yourself to share your impressions with
others as often as you can.

Those you are close to may be especially ready to listen. It can be very helpful when
you share your intuitive information and find that it is accurate. Be open to these
messages. Trust in them and you will find they flow to you easily, along with the
ability to interpret them.   7
Reiki and Intuition
By Alejandro Sánchez Martínez

As a Reiki practitioner you already know that some of your normal-human skills
have started improving since you started your practice. When you are attuned in
something spiritual like Reiki, you have a deeper connection with your spiritual
guides, your inner guide and also with the entire Universe. After the attunement you
are more prone to receiving things from the spiritual world.

Intuition is a very important part of your Reiki practice and also of your life, but in
order to improve at it, first you must learn to follow your intuition and to keep
your mind open to receive messages and guidance in your life.

High-level-entities are showing you the right path for you all the time. During
therapy it might be easier to follow your intuition by letting the energy flow and
your hands move to the places the patient needs more energy.

But that is not the end, you may receive messages all the time in your daily basis,
and you must be ready to follow your intuition in many situations. Let’s put a simple
example, have you ever been with a person who you have just met but you don’t feel
comfortable with him or her? That’s your intuition working, in this example just try
to avoid this person, trust your intuition.   8
This is a very simple example, since I think most of us have been in such situation.
But our intuition doesn’t just work with persons who are pleasant or not to us, we
can receive messages all the time and form many different places and ways.

High-Level entities use many different ways to guide us to our right life-path,
sometimes it can be through people, like in the example I wrote above, but there are
many other ways. During meditation it may be through visions, but during our day
life they communicate with us by using smells, colors, images, thoughts, phrases,
objects, etc. that may be or not pleasant, just remember always trust your intuition.

I mention thoughts because we have that little voice inside us, the one we call
“conscience”, and that voice usually will lead us to the right path.

Sometimes, when I really don’t know

where to go I receive signs as white
feathers falling from nowhere and
such, at first it was strange for me but
now I receive those kinds of signs
more often. Just keep your mind open,
and be ready to watch these signs.
Remember, nothing in your life is
random, and your high-level guides will find a way guide you through the right

Keep up your Reiki practice and after some time you will discover signs and
messages in many places of your everyday life so trust your intuition and have faith,
because in the physical world there are many clues for you in many places, even
places that could be considered as absurd, just let your intuition guide you, it will
always lead you through the right path.   9
Hone Your Intuition with Reiki
By Sue Wang

At its essence, Reiki is about giving peace and love to others. The release, relaxation
contributes to healing of the body and mind. For me, this beautiful energy also
brings the gift of intuition, information from helpers and angels. It enriches the work
within ourselves and with a client.

I had experienced the magic brought on by the high vibration of Reiki when I was
being attuned for Level One. I heard “Hello, Mommy!” as my teacher worked over
my head. It was Jonah, a newborn I lost sixteen years ago. I had communed with him
only once when I was in trance with a hypnotherapist. Others in the room for the
attunement also felt his vibe. Reiki opened a channel for us, and I have been able to
communicate with Jonah ever since. As my Reiki training progressed, this soul
revealed he is one of my healing guides.

Over time, I have integrated my intuition into the work as a Reiki Master. The
connection with guides offer valuable information and has been a great tool for me. I
remove cords, entities, decipher internal dynamics, with positive feedback from
clients. It is a gift to be shared.   10
Here is how I approach it.

Set intentions for Reiki receiver’s healing. This dedicates the treatment for the
client’s benefit. Let her know you may get insight from guides that can help with the
intended healing process. This keeps the messages relevant to the topic at hand.

Be open to your perceptions, in

images, sounds, smells, words, ideas,
and/or sensations when you invoke
Reiki. Symbolic or literal, they can
reveal energy patterns or inner
dynamics. In my earlier Reiki work, I
used to ignore the images that came to
my head. With encouragement from
my Reiki teacher, who happened to be a medium, I accepted the information as a
bonus to help with treatments. For the client, the insight provides an affirming way
to consider the health issue or crisis. The acknowledgement of internal dynamics can
bring about conscious release of what no longer serves a purpose. It empowers the

Ask for meaning of message if it’s unclear. As you get comfortable with working
with intuition, integrate the messages with what chakras represent. It is a two-way
communication when working with guides. We can ask for clarifications. For
example, while treating a client’s swollen wrist, a ball of sticky dough was shown to
me at the second chakra. It was removed.

The client could not think of the dough’s significance when I mentioned it. I asked
guides for explanation, and it was revealed the client have a female yeast problem,
which resonated with her. I mentioned eating less bread, and she said it was one of
her goals. Yeast or candida was related to inflammation –the guides offered another
way to help with the wrist and overall wellbeing.

Another time, a client set the intention of relaxation and bringing new business. As I
worked on her second chakra, on power relationship with others, I was offered an
image of a little girl with an ax hacking hard at a tree stump. I told her about it   11
afterward and her face lit up. When she was four, a neighbor’s boy took an ax to her
head and she had to go to the hospital. She had not thought of the incident since. The
treatment brought up her anger and power issues. Our work released some deep-
seated fears she was holding. She felt lighter after the Reiki session. Next day, she
had a great conversation with a potential client.

Believe that Reiki is high vibration

energy and love. It does not attract
negative entities, as some practitioner
may wonder. Before I give a treatment, I
ground myself and ask for Archangel
Michael’s protection for extra assurance.
This way I can be free and open to
receive information. If you sense
something negative or untruthful, invoke AA Michael and ask him to clear the room
of energy that doesn’t serve you and client’s highest good.

Relax and discern. As you open yourself to the Reiki and guides, the information
will flow. How can you tell the information is from healing guides? Its tone and
content is positive, supportive, and compassionate. It brings peace and comfort,
which is the goal for giving Reiki. If you are getting something else, like judgment
and absolutes, be sure it’s not ego-based.

Always check if the messages resonate with client. If not, surrender to the moment.
We are the conduit, not the source. Be mindful that this is not about you, your
performance as an intuitive or healer. There is no right or wrong information when
you offer them with the goal of helping. Sometimes it may not immediately ring a
bell with the client. You can only plant the seed and wish her a good outcome.

Go ahead, and ask for assistance from helpers, angels, and guides while you practice
Reiki. Explore the possibilities with yourself and clients. This takes the healing art of
Reiki to another level, and makes the work more meaningful for the practitioner and
receiver.   12
4 Exercises to Increase Intuition
By Amanda White

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where
the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it is all
written there.” Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist.

As spiritual beings, connected to all

things, we are all born with an intuitive
gift to read others’ energy and the
energy around us. We may seem to be
born with great psychic abilities, or we
may only get a quiet inner voice telling
us if something feels right or wrong,
but it is there, in all of us. It is only the
intensity of how we experience it
which is different. The great thing is, no matter where we are on our journey and in
our spiritual practice, listening to our inner voice and sensing the energy in others,
can be learned.

I was lucky enough to be raised with the knowledge of there being more to life and
the Universe than our limited senses could pick up, which made the whole idea of
honing these abilitites easier for me to trust and accept. As an adult I began to
practice using my intuition and learned exercises to expand this side of myself. The
most important lesson I had learnt and continue to practice, was self-trust and being
open to the possibility that we already have these abilities.

It is an innate gift, we just have to relearn how to listen to the subtle voice inside and
peel back the layers of conditioning which we have received over the years. If we
relax, be open and present as often as possible, doors unlock and open wide for the
rest to begin flowing freely. Having faith and realising that we can transcend our
mental limitations helps us to move with Universal energy, and release the illusion
that we are separate from it, helping us to reconnect.   13
Honing our intuitive abilities, although not essential for Reiki, can greatly aid us in
intensifying healing in ourselves and others. Using our intuition frequently when
giving treatments, we can sense trauma, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or
spiritual. Over time and practice, we can sense the subtle differences between the
main energetic bodies which can guide us to where to focus our intent, regardless of
where we have placed our hands. I have found during my Reiki practice, that a
treatment can have far more powerful results if I zoom in mentally on the specific
vibration I have picked up on. Sometimes we may have images, feelings or words
pop into our minds which are also there to guide us in our healing work.

Every personal experience is

different, so using our intuition
helps us to be flexible and
allows each treatment to be
individual and unique for the
recipient, even when working
within the guidelines of the
system of Reiki.

One example, which I had

experienced occurred a year
ago. When giving distance
healing to a new client, I was guided to surround her mentally with each colour of
the chakras, one by one, as I channelled Reiki, something which I had not been
guided to do before. When I emailed her to discuss the treatment, she was amazed at
what I had relayed to her. She responded by saying that she practiced colour

Following our intuition, we are guided to focus our intent on something that is right
for the recipient, and for their highest good. We can trust that the guidance we
receive from within is right and needed at that time.

With the use of these exercises, it is possible to increase our intuition. Remember,
relax and try not to get frustrated if it’s difficult at first, as with all practice, it takes
time, trust in ourselves and patience.   14
1. Pay Attention

Close your eyes and breathe, and when feeling relaxed, focus on one of your senses.
If you choose to focus on what you can hear for example, break each sound down
separately and spend time listening to that, drowning out all other noises. Then
move mentally to the next sound doing the same. Doing this regularly heightens our
ability to notice what we wouldn’t usually and slowly becomes part of our daily
lives. We begin then to observe the wonderous little things that we so often miss.

2. See, Even When Your Eyes Are Closed

This exercise aids in strengthening the third eye and will make it easier to receive
information clairvoyantly. As before, close your eyes and breathe. When feeling
relaxed, choose an image to form in your mind’s eye. It could be anything, a familiar
object, family member, pet or scene. Then build the picture in your mind, adding
layers of detail. It may not be perfect, but with practise, the image will become

3. Ask and You Will Receive

When we ask for guidance, whether we are calling to the Universe, God, our
guides/angels or our Higher Selves, whomever we feel supported by, we may be
answered in a myriad of ways. By fine-tuning our intuitive abilities, we begin to
notice synchronicities more frequently. A great way to test this is to ask for a   15
reference to something random over the coming days, something that is not usually
in our daily lives, and ask for this for your highest good, then forget about it. You
may get what you asked for in the strangest of ways. It could come in a song we
hear, an overheard conversation or even a street name we hadn’t noticed before and
if unsure if it was really an answer, ask for the same again and it will come up in
another way. The reason that it is a good idea to test it, is to enable more trust in
knowing that we will be given what we ask for. So when giving a treatment, if we
ask for guidance in how we can help more or to sense what we need to focus on, we
will be shown in whichever way is best for us to receive the information, enabling us
to tailor it to the recipient’s needs.

4. Go With It

Go with your gut feelings. Ask a friend to send a photo of someone to you that you
don’t know. After meditating, try and feel the essence of the person, form a story of
their life in your mind. Ask your guides questions about this person and trust what
you receive. What does that person do for a living? What are their hobbies? Their
relation to your friend? See if you are even able to pick up a name. Find and note
down any details which are intuitively received, even if the information seems
random and unrelated, as it could be symbolic. Then relay the details to your friend
and ask them for any verification. It really doesn’t matter if what we receive isn’t
correct at first, although it is amazing when we do get something right. It may be
that it is something that cannot be verified. Over time, with practice and trust, we
find that on each occasion that this exercise is undertaken, it is possible to gain far
more correct details and with time, confidence grows.   16
How to Improve Intuition for Enhanced
Reiki Treatments
By Tracy Morrow

Establishing a deep connection with clients during Reiki sessions is an essential

aspect of offering the highest quality service. Of course, there is no requirement to
know details about those who are receiving Reiki. Regardless of intervention, life
force energy will flow where it is most needed. At the same time, the ability to offer
additional insight is a precious gift that will further enhance healing opportunities
for those who come to you for assistance.

When you are able to connect with your Reiki client on an intuitive level, you will be

able to sense:

• Problems within the aura such as blocks or tears.

• Chakra problems such as blocked, inactive or overactive chakras.
• Outside influences that may be creating negative energy around the client.
• Anything else a client should be made aware of, such as spirit guide messages.

An example of using intuition

during Reiki sessions
happened during an
appointment with an elderly
woman. A message came
through that she should look in
a specific area of her home.
Upon investigation, an
heirloom family ring was
found that the woman had
been avidly searching for. A
great deal of stress was
immediately lifted upon finding the beloved ring. This fortuitous event allowed her
to continue to heal in ways that otherwise would have been impossible.

Many Reiki practitioners find that their intuition naturally expands as they self-heal
and live by the Reiki Principles. In order to best serve self the clients, there are   17
additional methods that can be used to increase this growing intuition. The first step
toward this achievement is to gain an understanding of what your intuitive senses

Your intuition is a messaging system between your conscious and your True Source.
While popular explanations include “hunch” or “gut feeling”, your personal
messaging system may work differently than that. The truth is that we all have
multiple intuitive, or psychic, senses. These function similarly to how our physical
senses operate. As you will learn, some will be stronger for you than others.

The intuitive senses are categorized by “clairs”:

• Clairaudience refers to “clear hearing” and may be heard as sounds or even

actual voices.
• Claircognizance refers to “clear knowing”, without having any way of knowing
what you are suddenly sure of.
• Clairempathy refers to “clear emotion” and will feel as if the feelings of another
person, place or thing is your own feelings.
• Clairgustance refers to “clear tasting” and does not require that anything be put
into your mouth.
• Clairscent refers to “clear smelling” and can be noticed even when no evidence
of what could be causing the aroma is evident.   18
• Clairsentience refers to “clear feelings” and can be felt of sensed in any part of
the body or emotions.
• Clairtangency is also called psychometry and refers to “clear touching”, such as
touching a belonging of someone and learning information that would
otherwise not have been obvious.
• Clairvoyance refers to “clear seeing”. It may come as flashes of images with your
mind’s eye.

Finding out which intuitive senses are the strongest for you is as easy as asking
questions and then becoming very still.

Pay attention to how you receive the answer:

• Do you suddenly just know the answer?

• Do you get images flashing in your mind’s eye?
• Do you hear noises that lead you to an answer?
• Do you taste something unusual, even though nothing is in your mouth?
• How else are you receiving stimuli that lead to an answer?

Use a journal to write all your impressions. Soon, it will become clear what your
strengths are in regard to accessing the intuitive world. Focusing on these strengths
will allow you to improve your overall intuitive abilities. Nothing special is required,
only that you pay attention and realize that your intuitive senses are a natural part of
your being, the same as your physical senses are.   19
As you are exploring your intuitive senses, you might want to make sure to touch
objects and see if you get impressions. You may suddenly know information about
what happened to or around the object. For instance, who the object used to belong
to and additional information about the owner.

As you gain confidence in how you receive intuitive messages, you will be able to
access them on much deeper levels. It is easy to ask questions, remain still, and then
record what these senses are communicating to you. Even if the answers you receive
fail to make sense, record them anyway. Upon reflection, you may realize some
definite trends in the language your intuition uses.

This next step is more challenging. It requires that you have faith that the messages
your intuition offers are correct. It is important that you respond to these messages
accordingly. The more you believe what your intuition communicates to you and
base your decisions around them, the stronger and more prevalent they will become.

When you work to improve your intuition, Reiki sessions gain considerable value.
Additionally, you will feel a deepening in your connection to True Source. This
connection will further enhance every aspect of your life and your service to others.   20
Intuition Building Exercises
By Justine Melton

Recently I have universally been asked the same question over and over again. “How
can I build my intuition?” And then it is usually followed by, “Can you teach me?” I
have been asked this by so many people and by so many different types both in and
out of the Reiki world that I decided it would be the perfect thing to share with all of
you here. If you have not yet had a Reiki class you can leave the Reiki out. Once you
have had level one start adding the Reiki symbols in and you will start to see how far
it can help take you.

Everyone is born having a very high sense of intuition. Sadly, many times adults
will tell children that whatever they have to say is all in their head, a dream, or that
they just have a very active imagination.

When in all actuality the

young children are just more
in touch with the spiritual
world. The veil between
worlds is thinner for children
because they are innocent and
haven’t been taught to have a
limiting belief system. When
children are around the age of
2 or 3 and start speaking more
and more really start to listen to what they have to say. What are they talking about?
Do they see things you don’t? Do they ever comment that a friend or relative that has
passed has said hi to you? Do they ever comment about their past life?

Take a chance and ask who they were in their last life. If they don’t respond do not
pressure them for an answer. Let it be. If they do respond be prepared to accept
whatever they have to say. There are so many verified stories like this if you start to
research the subject. It is amazingly interesting and really makes you start to wonder
why we were ever told it is all in our head to begin with.   21
So, just how can you build your intuition? There are so many different ways. Your
intuition is already there inside you.
You just need to tap in, trust yourself
and build your intuition back to being
something that you use all day. Take a
look at the list of exercises below and
take some time trying out each one.

Really allow yourself the time to see

what speaks the most to you. Once you
have discovered which one works best for you go with it, have some fun, and allow
it to help you build back your intuition.

Intuition Building Exercises

1. Educate Yourself

Ok, so this may not seem like a basic exercise but it is preparing you to be able to
naturally communicate with the Universe again. The Universe has so many basic
symbols it uses to guide us on a daily basis. Start looking up things that you notice
on a daily basis. Are you seeing 11:11 a lot? 22 maybe? Perhaps 44 or 777? Or maybe
even my favorite 27! Look it up! They all carry a message and once you have
educated yourself in what all the numbers mean you will be able to immediately
know what message the Universe is trying to get to you. How cool is that? You see
1111 and know immediately
that the Universe has just told
you not to worry that you are
on the right path! It is so cool
and exciting. Also, look up
things like animal symbolism,
rock and crystal meanings, etc.

Basically anything that you

start seeing a lot out of nowhere is generally a message. You can find a lot of
information on these things right here at Reiki Rays. Educate yourself and pay
attention.   22
2. The Reading Minds Game

This is a great thing to do with a friend (or stranger) to help build confidence and
have some fun. Decide on a subject matter with someone that you are going to
practice building your intuition with. For this example, we will pretend that you
have chosen the subject of animals. Make a power symbol over yourself and one over
your partner. Ask your partner to think of one animal in their head. Let yourself
relax for a few minutes and then say out loud what animal comes to mind for you.
Notice how much better you get with more and more practice. The more you
practice, the more comfortable you are, and the more you trust your 1 gut feeling.

3. The Card Experiment

This is a fun one to do with a partner or by your-self. If you would like to do this
exercise on your own begin by picking up a stack of playing cards and then making a
Reiki Power Symbol over it. Next, shuffle them and pick one card out. Make sure it is
upside down so that you can’t see it. Once you feel like you know what the card is
turn it over and see if you are right. If you don’t get it right at first don’t get
discouraged. Your body needs to learn how to relax and go with your gut. The more
you do this the better you will get. If you are doing it with a partner go through the
same process except ask them to pick a card. Then tell them without looking at the
card which card it is that they have selected. It is not magic just plain intuition.

4. Sending Messages

This is one of my favorite ones to do and really helped me gain confidence in the
beginning. If you have not learned Reiki yet again, you can just leave the Reiki part
out. If you have get ready to use the distance symbol! First, picture whoever it is in
your mind that you would like to send a message to. Picture them sitting in a chair in
front of you. Make one large distance symbol in front of you. Next, make a Sei He Ki
over your 3 eye and pretend that you are doing it over the other person’s 3 eye that
you wish to send a message to. Then say, “I am sending (add the person’s name
here) this message.” Then state in full the message you’d like to send. Make it as
short and simple as possible. It can even just be my favorite short one to send in the
beginning which is, “hi, this is (add your name). I miss you. Call me!” After you send
the message make a grounding symbol over yourself and give thanks.   23
5. Writing

Have you ever tried Automatic Writing before? This may seem a little funny at first
but it is so great at helping you realize just how powerful your intuition is. Even I
was skeptical if it really worked before I tried it. Now it is one of my favorite ways to
effortlessly get messages for myself and others. To give this a try get out a journal or
a piece of paper. Make one large power symbol over yourself and over your piece of
paper. Allow yourself to relax for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your
breath. Once you are completely relaxed place your pen on your paper and ask what
you need to know for your highest
good (for you or for someone else).
When just starting I recommend
practicing on yourself for awhile
until you become more comfortable
and confident in the process. Start
writing! Really, that is it! Start
writing down whatever words
come to mind and keep going until
you feel you are done.

If one of these exercises calls out to you right away and you feel like one is not for
you that is perfectly fine. Go with whatever your gut tells you. I tried all of them
when I was starting to rebuild my intuition and then started using those that I felt
worked best for me. Once your intuition is built back up you will be amazed at how
easy it is for the Universe to communicate with you.   24
Reiki, Self Doubt and the Practice of
By Becky Hernandez

Self-doubt is a design of the ego. This is not something our spirits implemented. It is
a very human, and mind based trait. It has some benefits but applied to the intuition
it has no place.

As many sensitive people are, especially Reiki practitioners, one of the biggest
practice is to trust not only that Reiki goes where it needs to go, but that what you
feel, hear or see is through your intuition is accurate. With my students and many
other people I have encountered, I find the hardest thing for practitioners to do is to
trust their intuition. The biggest thing we practice is trusting the intuitive side of
Reiki. Yes, Reiki always goes where it needs to, so you can always count on that, but
to help your client even further, is to allow the guidance of Reiki to take you to
certain areas of the body, chakras, and energy that need the most help.

This practice of the intuition also helps you to communicate with your client on how
they can continue their work, or to help them to release any other blocks of the mind,
body, spirit. We all are capable of intuitive knowing, but the hardest part is to trust
the feelings and senses you are receiving.

People that come to have a session, are wanting this release, this change and to
receive. Whether they even know it or not, they have come for help, and I believe its   25
part of your job to help in the best way you can. Practicing and allowing the
intuition to come through is a beautiful and powerful part of Reiki.

Again, the hardest part is trusting what is already yours. This is not something you
have to fight for, or “learn”. It is something that is already in you that you are
allowing to blossom, by trusting. The practice is trusting.

Here are some ways to practice:

• Start by closing your eyes,

then visualizing a curtain (possibly
black) in front of you, and your eyes,
opening from the front to the side.
This is an intention to open yourself
up to the clearer dimension of
intuition, and moving aside the mind.
• You can also take a deep inhale, and exhale a cleansing white light through an
energetic or visualized tunnel. Exhale this breath into the channel of
communication. This also helps clear the channel of connection to your client.
• Practice while working with someone, you don’t have to tell them anything if
you don’t feel right about that, this is for you and the client will receive more
help as well, without them even knowing. When you feel guided to go to a
certain area on the client or you hear or feel certain messages, practice trusting
what you hear, by allowing it. If you are doubting or hearing the ego come in,
just practice pushing that aside.
• You can also practice allowing the flow of intuition through writing.
Automatic writing helps you to allow what you feel, see and hear but with a
small distraction to the mind or pen and paper. Writing it out, eyes closed, and
setting the intention to allow it to flow through you.
• Practice through distance healing. This is a very powerful source Reiki
practitioners have to connect to the energetic body and ethereal realms, to
connect to the person’s higher self, angelic guides or angels. It is also a great
place, with no pressure to see what you may see, feel or hear. You can use
distance on yourself to practice as much as you want, or prior to a client coming
to see you.   26
These are energetic tricks to move yourself (and the ego) aside, to allow for more
clarity of sight and intuition. There are many other ways to practice this, these are
just some options. Whether you resonate with these or other methods, I highly
recommend you do practice. This not only helps the people you are working with
but you as well. The more you pay attention to your intuition, the more you are
guided to the highest good for yourself, others and the highest good for all.

I can’t stress enough that this is a part of all of us, and very strong with Reiki healers
as the channel has already widened in your attunement. The hardest part is trusting.
The practice is trusting.

Let me know how it goes! Namaste!   27
Tarot, Intuition and Your Reiki
By Jason Grace

Intuition is one of the tools that we utilize as Reiki practitioners. The Tarot is a way
to get more information. It’s an age old tool to access the deeper areas of knowledge
and is perfect for this. You just need to know how to access the information. I will be
presenting two of the layouts that I sometimes use before a session to get a much
deeper understanding of my clients energy system and karmic influences.

The first spread that I will do is the

Energetic Body spread. This is a layout
consisting of four cards. You lay them
out in a straight line from left to right.

1. The first card represents

your physical body. This card can
tell you how a physical problem
can be manifesting, such as
underlying issues and causes.

2. The second card represents your emotional body. This one tells you about the
emotional state, such as conditions that are foundations for emotional blockages.

3. The third card represents your mental body. It gives us information about our
mental space, like blind spots we may have about ourselves or erroneous
concepts that are blocking our growth.

4. The final card represents the spiritual or astral body. This informs us of the
health and well being on a spiritual level. It can reveal karmic influences that are
affecting us right now.

Follow your intuition, contemplate each card and how it unveils what was hidden.
Ask your guides how this understanding can influence and deepen the flow of Reiki.   28
The second spread is the Chakra spread.
This layout has seven cards in it. You
arrange them in a vertical line rising away
from you. This reading can give you a lot of
different information just by comparing the
different cards to each other. It can give you
ideas of where blockages of energy exist in
the system and where it may be channeling to create an imbalance. Listen to your
intuition, listen to your Guides.

1. So, the first card relates to the Root chakra. Its color is red and is related to
survival and the physical.
2. The second card represents the Sacral chakra, which is orange and relates to
passion and reproduction.
3. The third card will illuminate the Solar Plexus chakra which is yellow in color.
This card tells us a lot about a persons interactions with their fellow beings in
this world.
4. The fourth card is for the Heart chakra and is green. The Heart chakra can reveal
a lot about past hurts and future hopefulness. A good indicator of relation of
spirit and body, it is often tied up in knots.
5. The fifth card relates to your Throat chakra, which is the color blue. This is a
good indicator of someones actions in the world and how they express
themselves to reality.
6. The sixth card is the Third Eye chakra, which is indigo in color. This card can
represent blockages to spiritual insight or the revelations to come.
7. The seventh card is the Crown chakra which is iridescent white. This is our
connection to spirit and can reveal a lot about our connection to the universe and
how we feel about our place in it.

Both these readings can provide a foundation to developing ones Reiki insight and
intuition. They can guide us to what hand placements are best, especially if we are
short on time. It can also help determine what symbols are useful for the clients well
being. The cards can also provide a deeper understanding of what the client is telling
you. They can point to guides that you may want to work with. It also helps us   29
deepen our trust in our awakening abilities. The Tarot is a useful tool in that in
provides a different view like a microscope or a telescope.

I hope this article is useful to all beings in their journey through this world.   30
Hearing Your Angels Through Nutrition – 6
Foods and Drinks that Block Your Intuition
By Jaclyn Webb

I’m doing everything I can to live a spiritually based life right now. I meditate daily,
pray, say my affirmations, count my blessings, and have finally settled into a career
that’s on track with my life purpose. Through experience, I’ve found that in order for
me to live a spiritually based life, I MUST be able to hear my angels, aka my
intuition. When I don’t have my intuition guiding me throughout the day, my
decisions are made from my head, not my heart. I start living like I used to – from
my head and not my heart. And everything in my life seems to get off track and get a
little messy. I find it harder to connect with my friends and family, because I’m
connecting from ego, not my higher self.

My goal is to be living out of my heart, as much as possible. This is when I’m

aligned with the universe, and things start to work in my favor. I feel like I’m living
my higher purpose. Because of this, I want to do anything I can to hear my intuition!
What I’ve found on this journey, is that you can’t ignore the effects of nutrition for
hearing your angels. Whenever I eat some of these common foods, my clairaudience
goes away. I feel disconnected from others. It’s like my radio frequency to my angels
changes, and I CAN’T. GET. THROUGH. TO. THEM!

When I’m giving a Reiki session, I am guided by my intuition. My guides tell me

areas to treat, as well as transmit important messages during the healing. My
sessions are most powerful and healing when I’m clearly connected to my intuition.

Here are common foods and drinks that block your intuition

1. Coffee (or any type of caffeine) – Yes, this is not what I wanted to hear either. I
wanted to be in denial. However, the countless times I’ve experimented with caffeine
and tried to truly connect with my intuition, it was extremely difficult. Even if
cutting down on caffeine isn’t a step you choose to make right now, the awareness
here will help you in the long run.   31
2. Kombucha – Even the small amounts of caffeine found in kombucha is enough to
cloud your intuition. I’m a self-reformed kombucha addict, so I share the true love
many of you have with kombucha. However, this is one to keep in mind, as the small
amounts of caffeine found in kombucha will energetically affect you. Same goes for
decaf coffee.

3. Processed Foods and Artificial Colors – So, I once ate a 5 calorie jello. Yes, times
were desperate. Afterwards, I tried to do an intuitive reading with my sister and I
couldn’t hear anything from my guides! Artificial colors and processed foods throw
your body off balance. The more your body is energetically aligned, the more you
can hear your angels.

4. Cheese (or dairy foods) – Yes, another unfortunate one! Dairy has a chemical
mechanism in it that is similar to an opioid, which blocks your pain receptors. So it is
essentially dulling your senses. When you dull your senses, you can’t as easily key
into the senses necessary to hear your angels.

5. Sugar – Particularly the sugar found in baked goods, candy, and processed foods;
but not so much the natural sugars found in fruit. Sugar overexcites your brain. It
gives you a “high”. The “high” takes you away from the necessary state you need to
be in to hear your angels, which is being “grounded” and in touch with your body.   32
6. Food Allergies and Sensitivities – This category applies to anything that you have
trouble digesting, or creates an immune response in the body. If your nervous
system is on overdrive from something you ate and cannot properly digest, you are
out of balance. Your energy is going towards reestablishing balance in the body from
the food offender, not hearing your angels. Your senses are in overdrive, not
balanced, which is the state where you can best hear your angles.

In summary, anything that “numbs” you or alters your state of mind, is going to
affect your intuition. It’s important to be balanced and grounded to key into your
intuition. This is why water and natural foods, such as organic fruits, vegetables, and
proteins are going to be your best bet for living a full life from your heart!   33
About the Authors

Angie Webster is a Reiki Master Teacher and author.

Angie’s primary focus is animal Reiki, which she adores.
She also teaches classes and workshops about Reiki and
spiritual growth. She works often with nature healing
and Earth healing, hoping to better understand our
connection with Mother Earth. Angie is the author
of Infinite Reiki, Infinite Healing: How Energy Medicine Healed my Life and
What It Can do for Yours. Reiki and a healthy lifestyle contributed to her healing
after a 20-year struggle with neurological and chronic pain issues. She comes out
the other side with a new perspective on life and now seeks to empower others,
guiding them back to their own innate healing abilities.

You can follow her at:,,

Alejandro Sánchez Martínez is an Engineer,

Hypnotherapist, Reiki master and freelance writer. As a
Reiki master he teaches and practices Reiki on daily basis
because he loves helping others, especially when he can
teach them how to help themselves. Alejandro likes
talking to others about spiritual things. Because of his
Reiki practice he has been able to have visions of other
realms, and angelic entities who usually help him and guide him during his
practice. As a hypnotherapist he discovered he loves helping others live their
lives the way they want to live them, and by using Reiki he has discovered he can
help them achieve that on a much deeper way.

You can find more of his works on Facebook

at and on
Twitter   34

Sue Wang is a Reiki Master who hones the gift of

intuition and energy healing through Reiki. She is also a
psychological astrologer and writer. Sue thrives on
helping healers and others to live their essence, relax,
rebalance as they embark on the Hero’s Journey of life.
Her memoir on healing from a chronic illness and
bereavement via the mind, body, and spirit will be
published late 2015. Sue teaches Reiki, gives distant and in-person treatments,
astrological readings from Boulder area, Colorado.

Visit her at and

Services: In person and Distant Reiki healing, with Energy Readings. In person
and Distant Reiki attunement and re-attunement. Astrological readings,
combining with Reiki treatment, energy reading.

Amanda J White is a Reiki Master, Intuitive and Freelance

Writer. As a member practitioner of the Reiki Academy
London, she is qualified in both Usui Shiki Rhoyo and Usui
Reiki Rhoyo. Inspired to aid others in their healing and
spiritual endeavours after her own journey to wellness,
Amanda made healing her full time career. Interested in all
things spiritual and creative, Amanda spends her free time
immersed in nature, a book or painting. Working from her base in Surrey UK,
she is also able to provide distance healing for those unable to see her in person.
You can connect with Amanda through her website or
through Facebook   35
In passionate pursuit of timeless living, Tracy Morrow is
an NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Meditation
Teacher, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Trainer and
Writer. Tireless in her commitment to service, she is
currently invested in helping create better lives by
opening minds and resources in order to improve
wellness and recovery for families living with behavioral
health challenges. You can find more about Tracy at

Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an

Intuitive Counselor. Reiki came into her life and changed
it in amazing ways. It is her passion now to bring Reiki
to others and help them to heal in a holistic way. Justine
is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient,
Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these
gifts with Reiki if asked to give extra messages during a
session for the client’s highest good. You can follow Justine on

Becky Hernandez is a Usui, Tibetan and Holy Fire Reiki
Master and Reiki Master teacher. As well as an Intuitive
Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Guide, Certified Yoga teacher,
Writer and life long seeker. In love with teaching and
sharing her gifts, she teaches classes and workshops on
Reiki, Meditation, Chakras, Crystals, Intuition and Angelic
guides. You can contact her via her
website or on Facebook
at The Misfit Yogi – Becky Hernandez.   36

Jason Grace is owner of The New Hampshire Meditation

and Spiritual Center. He is a Western Vajrayana
Buddhist Ngakpa who has been practicing for over 25
years. His focus is on ancient practices that can be
applied to any tradition. These practices are to reconnect
us with our true selves, nature, nirvana and to relax into
our natural state of being. He also does energetic work
using several different lineages of techniques like elemental recovery, Reiki,
sacred sound and crystals, just to name a few. The karmic vision of his tarot
readings is truly unique in its scope and application. His main goal is promotion
of peace, healing and harmony through practice and development of our
spiritual qualities. Reach Jason at, by email
at and on

Jaclyn Webb is a past life regression hypnotherapist and

Reiki practitioner from Santa Monica, CA. She spends her
time studying energy healing, nutrition, and spirituality.
Her life purpose and passion is healing; her goal is to
empower others to heal their own lives, through the wisdom
she’s gained on her journey. Jaclyn spent the majority of her
life with chronic health issues. She found that getting back
into nature, practicing energy healing modalities such as
past life regression and Reiki, using intuitive nutrition, making healthy lifestyle
changes, and healing traumatic childhood experiences with gestalt therapy was
what got her well. In her newfound wellness, she loves beach walks with her
sister, traveling, reading a good book, and spending time with her family. Jaclyn
looks forward to sharing her spiritual gifts with the world! Find her
at:   37

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