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Althought you can survive for weeks without food, you might be
come hungry within hours of your last meal. Hunger is your bod
ys wuay of telling you that needs food. Food provides your bod
y with the energy and nutrients it needs to survive.

Every activity you do, such as riding bike or even sleeping, r
equires energy. Your digestive system processes and releases e
nergy that is used for cellular processes and all activities t
hat you do.
The amount of energyin food is theasured in calorie. A calorie
is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of
1kg of water by 1C. Each food is different. One grape cantain
s 2C, but a slice of pizza contains 220C. All foods give your
body energy to use.

Food is made of nutrients-substances that provide energy and m
aterials for cell development growth, and repair. The types an
d amounts of nutrients a person needs depend on age, gender, a
nd activity level. Next youll read about the six gropus of nut
irents and their roles in maintaining your health.

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