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Dackery Williams

Ms. Cunningham

English Literature

27 August 2018

Hero Origin Narrative

My freshman year I’m barely starting art class and I feel like it would be a good

experience for me even though I had a little experience with drawing. I felt like my art wasn’t

good but every chance I would get I would try and practice with my dad who did murals and

tattoos and just drawing, he taught me a lot of things about drawing and art in general like where

it came from. He also taught me the tricks of drawing certain objects when I did not feel

confidence in my drawings until my mom gave me that confidence by telling my drawings were

good but needed work and she told me to never settle for less if you can potentially get better in

your ability and I felt like that motivated me to try harder. I felt like my brother was considered a

figure in my life because he reminded me of a younger version of me because he also drew but

he wasn’t determined to draw as much as I did but the passion for it was still there.

As the weeks passed by, my teacher Mr. Rieger announces to the class that there will be a

self-portrait assignment and the top 10 self portraits will be displayed in the hallway outside of

the class. I wanted to actually try to make my drawing in to the top 10 self portraits so I kept

practicing and learning new things like how to shade in and the different types of shading like

hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling. My teacher taught me how to draw eyes and mouths

better, he showed me what videos I should watch to work on drawing facial features and I would
work alone in my room trying to figure out to draw them step by step. When it was finally

monday I started my self portrait drawing, we had the rest of the week to work on this project

and when it was the final day I got really nervous. Before I knew it announcements for the top 10

best self portraits of the class and Mr.Rieger started to announce names for the top 10 and when

it was number nine he then all I hear is my name “Dackery Williams” I was excited to see my

art being displayed, I felt like I actually achieved something in life, I’d show my friends and

family and they were happy for me.

In conclusion, I feel like I learned something and that is to always try to push yourself to

your highest potential. Without my mom, dad and brother I wouldn’t have been able to achieve

this goal, and I wouldn’t have been determined enough to get better at drawing without them.

This event is important to me because drawing helps me get through things like my moods or

even just help me relax and It gives me life because this it one of the things that I enjoy doing it

gives me a passion. This also helped me get closer to my family by forming a connection with

them because we all had something in common and that was drawing and and just art in general,

this is something that can bring us together as a family. This event shaped me because to me this

was my real first achievement in life and this changed my perspective on reaching goals in a

sense that motivation and determination are the main points on being able to achieve a specific


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