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Alexza Johnson


Blog #4

The Homemade skin care products was so fun to make. I learned how to make so many
products in such a small time frame. I picked this topic for my senior capstone because having a
lot of acne and not know what to do about it sucks. I know how it feels especially when you
try so many products at drug stores or many different popular skincare brands and you still see
nothing has changed. Sometimes it can also be the fact that you can’t afford spending so much
money on so many skin care products. I also wanted to prove that homemade stuff is healthier
than these skin care brands that we claim that so amazing but,in reality we are using harmful
products that is causing a lot of health issues. All of the skin care products and body care
products are all designed with chemicals that are bad for or health. These are the main reasons
why it inspired me to want to turn this into a senior project.That also made me want to influence
others to give homemade products a chance because it works just as good as the chemical that
we use but it works better!!!

In the beginning, the obstacles that I faced was getting more than one person to want to try
my products. I notice that people act kinda uncertainty about trying homemade ingredients. A
lot of people don’t believe in organic stuff or anything that involves with homemade ingredients
because, people don’t believe that it works. Since, I knew what I had to dealing with I started to
talk about it alot more to my peers and telling them “ that it’s been working out for my skin.”
Eventually I started to get people wanting to try it too. I also got a couple of people giving me
ideas of what I could make and some people told me maybe I should actually sell my own
products. I also had problems with getting all the ingredients that I needed. I tried to work with
the things I did have at home. During, the whole entire process of figure out what I should do
and, having the right ingredients. I learned a lot about the products that I wanted to make. I
made sure I did a lot of research before I decided to make anything. I also had a very hard
time getting others to be in my videos so I can get their feedback on camera.That was the main
obstacle that I had a huge issue with which, is why I got my bestfriend and,my mother to try it on
camera so I can get a feedback on video.

I learned so much from doing this project and the topic that I choice.Now I can say
that homemade products works better and it way healthier. The fact that it actually works just
makes me feel like I accomplished of proving others wrong about homemade products.I also
learned and notice that when I stopped using the homemade products and, went back to the
non-homemade products I started to break out again.Which gave me a sign that the stuff that I
was making was actually working and it was fading away my acne a lot faster.I wish I was able
to get containers to put my homemade stuff in because,I would've gotten more people to try my
product for a couple of days. Sadly I didn’t have money to be able to get containers for people to
take home.I wanted to the solve problem with the whole container thing but, I wasn’t able to
because I didn’t have money to get the containers.If I was able to continue with this project I will
save up and get some containers and, make some of my products and have others try it and
maybe even selling them.I am probably going to continue making skin care products in the
future and posting about them and, even post on youtube about it.Surprising I am super good
at this type of stuff.If I was able to give advice to the senior for next year I'll recommend them to
pick a topic they have a passion about and use it for their capstone like I did.

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