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Malone Refrigeration/John Malone and the Invention of Liquid-Based Engines

John Malone and the Invention

of Liquid-based Engines
I t is hard to imagine using a liq-
uid instead of a gas in a heat en-
gine, but John Malone did—per-
versatile 50-horsepower water en-
gine and began an extensive pro-
gram of experimentation with it.
infest them, and knowledge for
knowledge’s sake is better than
their parasitical life.” After Mal-
haps partly because he was not Malone claimed that his second en- one’s death in 1959, his son Ray
prejudiced by a proper scientific gine was very efficient. In 1931 he wrote, “Now as patent rights have
education. Malone was born in wrote, “Trials by three different in- long expired I can see no advantage
England in 1880. His formal edu- dependent engineers gave 27% in- in publishing any of the informa-
cation ended in his eighteenth year, dicated efficiency. Thus, after al- tion which he accumulated while
when (probably in part to avoid lowing for furnace and mechanical developing his liquid engine.”
some trouble with the police) he losses in a commercial engine, We can only guess why Mal-
joined the merchant marine. He re- 20% overall efficiency between the one’s promising work came to an
mained at sea for nearly all of the heat in the coal and the shaft end. The worldwide economic de-
next fourteen years; during that horsepower can be expected.” The pression of the 1930s must have
time he was wounded seventeen efficiencies of the steam engines made venture capital scarce. Some
times in Arab and Latin-American that powered ships at the time were may have dismissed the idea of liq-
wars. between 9 and 12 percent and those uid working fluids because it con-
Leaving the merchant marine, of locomotives were between 5 and tradicted conventional wisdom.
Malone founded the Sentinel In- 7 percent, much lower than the ef- Large coal-fired steam turbines
strument Company and, later, the ficiency of Malone’s engine. with 20 percent efficiency were in
Fox Instrument Company. He Curiously, the “27% indicated the ascendancy for applications
began experimenting with liquids efficiency” quoted above is the above 10,000 horsepower. The in-
as engine working fluids in the only quantitative experimental ternal-combustion engine (includ-
1920s. As part of that project, he datum in any of Malone’s publica- ing what we know today as the
measured the compressibilities and tions and patent disclosures. In a diesel engine) was already more
thermal-expansion coefficients of 1939 letter to Selwyn Anderson, advanced than Malone’s engine,
many liquids, including hydrocar- Malone wrote about his measure- and its incomparable power-to-
bons, mercury, carbon dioxide, and ments, “I refused to publish this in- weight ratio made it seem the only
sulfur dioxide. In 1925 he com- formation because it cost me a lot practical choice for airplanes and
pleted his first liquid-based engine, to learn it and I may yet obtain automobiles. By the time the Great
shown on the title page of “Malone some reward if it is not known. Depression and then World War II
Refrigeration. It burned coal, used Also because to my amazement I had ended, the steam engine was
high-pressure liquid water as work- found my enemies were alleged disappearing, internal-combustion
ing medium, and produced 50 centers of learning. Universities engines and turbines were becom-
horsepower. Malone referred to and the like.” Later in the same ing ubiquitous, and Malone’s work
that first engine as crude and cum- letter his bitterness is more evident: had been forgotten. It took another
bersome, but claimed that with per- “A study of liquids as mediums in independent thinker, the late John
severance it would have eventually thermodynamics will teach an engi- Wheatley, to see the promise in
produced 500 horsepower. neer more about the art of thermo- Malone’s work fifty years later and
Instead, in 1927 Malone com- dynamics than all the universities resume the study of liquid-based
pleted a much smaller and more on earth, or the memory men who engines.

1993 Number 21 Los Alamos Science 117

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