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Answer Sheet

TK 4033 Proses Hulu Migas

Ujian Tengah Semester I / 2021 - 2022
120 minutes – Open Book

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TK 4033 Proses Hulu Migas
Ujian Tengah Semester I / 2021 - 2022
120 minutes – Open Book

Each question has the same value, do 5 out of the following 6 questions! SO ABET criteria (1,2) are written on each
1. Surface facilities and Reservoir Characteristics (1,2)
a. Draw the schematics of surface facilities of an volatile-oil field (from well bottom to stock tank and gas plant).
b. Write down the functions of surface facilities of an oil field (6 functions).
c. Draw the schematics of phase envelope of retrograde gas and wet gas including the line showing the production
path from reservoir to separator. Explain the main difference between the two types of reservoir fluids.
d. Explain what is meant by pseudo-steady-state flow in an oil reservoir. Draw the pressure profile schematics of
the flow.
2. Well Completion and Unconventional HC (1,2)
a. Explain how you design completion for sandy formation
b. What is perforation and what is the risk of perforation operation with respect to the sand-face.
c. Explain why in CBM well you cannot get CBM gas right away when the well is put into production (after
drilling is completed and completion components are installed).
3. IPR and TPR (1,2)
Find the flow rate that can be obtained from a well where its IPR and TPR are represented by the following
equations. Note: P in psia, Q in barrel/day
IPR P = -0.0032Q2+0.2178Q+391.8 TPR P=0.0018Q2-0.2411Q+260.3
4. Separator (1,2)
a. Briefly explain the types of separators for oil and gas upstream processing
b. Explain (in tabulated form) advantages and disadvantages for types of separators in oil and gas upstream
c. Give a brief explanation the methods of designing and sizing each type of separators
d. Please explain why fluid phase equilibria very crucial in designing separators
5. Gas Sweetening (1,2)
a. List 5 types of process commonly used in gas sweetening to remove H2S and CO2 in natural gas.
b. Explain adequately one of the main reasons why in gas sweetening using amine must be done before/ahead of
dehydration process.
c. Determine gas sweetening process unit that is appropriate to treat 1 MMSCFD natural gas at 110 oF, 700 psig
with H2S content 100 ppm, CO2 content 1 %. Note: use gas sweetening technology selection diagram given in
the class material.
6. Gas Dehydration (1,2)
a. List the types of dehydration system used in upstream oil and gas operations.
b. Explain under what condition glycol system is used in dehydration.
c. Determine the dimension of glycol contactor (contactor diameter dan number of tray) and the glycol circulation
rate for the following operating condition:
- Gas rate: 12 MMscfd
- Gas specific gravity: 0.75
- Operating pressure: 900 psig
- Maximum contactor working pressure: 1,400 psig
- Gas inlet temperature: 100 oF
- Water content in gas at outlet: 6 lbH2O/MMscf
- Design criteria: GWR = 3 gal TEG/lbm H2O with 99.5% TEG

If the glycol reboiler energy is the gas resulted from dehydration operation, determine the percentage of the gas that
is used for the reboiler! Heating value of the gas 1000 Btu/scf. Note: for calcuation use the graphs given in the class

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TK 4033 Proses Hulu Migas
Ujian Tengah Semester I / 2021 - 2022
120 minutes – Open Book

Saya mengerjakan ujian ini secara mandiri dan menjaga nilai-nilai kejujuran. Saya bersedia menanggung segala
konsekuensinya jika saya terbukti melanggar nilai-nilai kejujuran!.
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TK 4033 Proses Hulu Migas
Ujian Tengah Semester I / 2021 - 2022
120 minutes – Open Book

Setiap pertanyaan memiliki nilai sama, kerjakan 5 dari 6 soal berikut! Kriteria SO ABET tertulis pada setiap pertanyaan
1. Surface facilities dan Karakteristik Reservoir (1,2)
a. Gambarkan skematik rangkaian surface facilities suatu sistem produksi lapangan minyak jenis volatile oil (dari
dasar sumur hingga ke stock tank dan gas plant).
b. Tuliskan uraian singkat fungsi surface facilities suatu sistem produksi lapangan migas (minimal 5 fungsi).
c. Gambarkan phase envelope retrograde gas dan wet gas berikut lintasan produksi dari dalam reservoir hingga
separator. Jelaskan hal utama yang membedakan keduanya.
2. Well Completion dan Unconventional HC (1,2)
a. Jelaskan bagaimana Anda merancang completion for sandy formation
b. Apa yang dimaksud dengan perforasi dan apa risiko operasi perforasi sehubungan dengan sand-face.
c. Jelaskan kenapa di sumur CBM anda tidak bisa langsung mendapatkan gas CBM saat sumur mulai berproduksi
(setelah pengeboran selesai dan completion components terpasang).
3. IPR dan TPR (1,2)
Tentukan laju alir suatu sumur di mana IPR dan TPR-nya diwakili oleh persamaan berikut. P (psia), Q (barel/hari).
IPR P = -0.0032Q2+0.2178Q+391.8 TPR P=0.0018Q2-0.2411Q+260.3
4. Separator (1,2)
a. jelaskan secara singkat jenis² separator dalam upstream,
b. berikan penjelasan kelebihan dan kekurangan masing² seaparator dlm bentuk tabulasi
c. berikan penjelasan singkat utk design and sizing masing² separator
d. Berikan penjelasan singkat bahwa topik Phase Equilbria sangat krusial dalam perancangan Separator
5. Gas Sweetening (1,2)
a. Sebutkan (lima) jenis proses yang umum digunakan pada gas sweetening untuk menghilangkan
kandungan H2S dan CO2 pada gas alam.
b. Jelaskan secara memadai salah satu alasan utama gas sweetening yang menggunakan amine dilakukan
terlebih dahulu sebelum proses dehidrasi
c. Tentukan unit proses gas sweetening yang sesuai untuk pengolahan gas alam dengan laju alir gas 1
MMSCFD pada kondisi operasi temperatur 110 oF, tekanan 700 psig, dan komposisi H2S = 100 ppm,
CO2 = 1 %. Catatan: diagram pemilihan teknologi gas sweetening di bahan kuliah!
6. Gas Dehydration (1,2)
a. Sebutkan sistem jenis-jenis dehidrasi yang digunakan di industri migas hulu.
b. Jelaskan pada kondisi yang bagaimana dehidrasi dilakukan menggunakan sistem glikol.
c. Tentukan ukuran glycol contactor (diameter contactor dan jumlah tray) dan laju sirkulasi glikol untuk kondisi
operasi sebagai berikut:
- Laju alir gas: 12 MMscfd
- Specific gravity gas: 0.75
- Tekanan operasi: 900 psig
- Tekanan kerja maksimum contactor: 1,400 psig
- Temperatur gas inlet: 100 oF
- Kandungan air gas di outlet: 6 lbH2O/MMscf
- Kriteria rancangan: GWR = 3 gal TEG/lbm H2O with 99.5% TEG

Jika sumber energi untuk reboiler glikol adalah gas hasil dehidrasi, tentukan berapa persen dari gas tersebut yang
digunakan untuk reboiler. Heating value gas 1000 Btu/scf. Catatan: Untuk penghitungan gunakan grafik pada bahan

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