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Good morning, friends. I’d like to introduce myself.

my name is andika, you can call me

dika. I live with my parents at south maja street, majalengka. I was graduated from SMPN 1
Maja. I was born in Bandung, West Java.
My favourite subject in school is English, It is quite easy and pleasant to study it. I want
to be an English teacher someday. That's why I really want to improve my English, so I can speak
and write English fluently. And I love teaching too. I always help my sisters to do their English
I think that's all enough. Nice to meet you all.
1. All of these statements are true, except…
a. Dika live in Majalengka
b. Dika is still studying in Junior high school
c. Dika wants to be an English teacher
d. –
e. –

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