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Soal Mid Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kurikulum 2013

A. Change the verbs/words in the brakects into the right form of simple present!
Mustofa’s facts.
Let me introduce my self, I (be) AM Mustofa, I have a

happy family. I have a wife and a son my wife Trumiasin,

she (be) IS a housewife. She (keep) KEEPS the house and — (take care) TAKES
CARE of our son Shidai (be) IS the only child in our family he (be) IS two years old.
He (not attend) HAS NOT ATTENDED school get. I really (Love) LOVES my wife
and my son. They (be) ARE really important in my life.

Well, I want to tell you about me, my self. I (teach) TEACH English at MTS Walisongo
Tulis and SMP 8 Batang. 1 _ (go) GO to School with my my motorcycle. After teaching
at school, I usually play with Shidan. He (Cast) CASTS me to play around. He _ (call)
CALL me "Bapak" and his mother "IBU".

At about 4 p.m. I must go to Batang and Pekalongan to teach at the English course
Guidance for SMA students. I (enjoy) ENJOY teaching both in formal schools and
informal ones. Before teaching, I (prepare) PREPARE the materials by printing them
with my printers, then I (copy) COPY and (share) SHARE them to my students. They
(be) ARE happy when I teach them. The always (wait for me. I think they (like) LIKE
my teaching the style and method one of my students named Anisa (be) IS very
enthusiastic and she (no want) DOESN'T WANT to miss the class. she's the most active
Students and she (be) IS very smart.

B. Answer the questions based on the text above!

1 What is the writer?
2. Where does he teach?
3. What subject does he teach?
4. How does he go to school?
5. How many children does he have?
6. Does his wife work?
7. What does she do?
8. When does the writer play with his son, Shidqi?
9. Does he teach at informal school?
10 Does he teach for university students at the course?
11. How does he prepare the materials to teach?
12 Do the students dislike the writer’s teaching?
13 Who is Anisa?
14 Is she clever?
15. Do you think that the writer have busy activities? Why do you say so?

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns!

1. Rudi likes playing volleyball. ______ always plays it in the afternoon.
2. Shinta has cat. She loves ______ very much.
3. Sandi and Najwa are classmates. ________ usually do homework together.
4. Mother and I like eating sea food. _______ have the same favourite food.

Mid/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/MAK
5. _________ country is Indonesia. We really love it.
6. I have a laptop. It is ______ laptop.
7. Some people are gathering at the front gate. The host doesn’t know ________
8. You have a beautiful bird. ________ bird is expensive.
9. Father goes to his office by a car. The car is ________
10. We need the confirmation soon. Please contact ________ if you are ready.

D. Make congratulations with your own sentences based on the following incomplete
1. Situation:
Doni has just received a present of a new bycicle from his father for he got the first
rank in his class. Tina,his close friend congratulates him.
Doni: Alhamdulillah, this year I get rank one again, Tini.
Tini: ___________________________________________________________

2. Situation:
Rani will take part in the English speech competition in Semarang next month. She
meets with his uncle and they have a conversation. She tells to him. His uncle hopes
she will win it.
Rani: Uncle Jon, Next month, I am going to participate in the English speech
competition in semarang.
Jono: ___________________________________________________________

E. Make a congratulations card based on the situation below:

Your uncle and aunt has just moved to their new house. The house is large and

Source: Buku Kelas X Kurikulum 2013

E. Make a short dialogue about complimenting other people with your own sentences!

Mid/UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/MAK

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