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By Samantha Charyyz De guzman Arciga

Passed to Ms. Angela Dizon
Passed on March 15 2019

Hazel’s Point of View

Why? Why does it have to be me? A day or two ago I was the most respected person on
Oakwood High. Students love me and the faculty fears me. I was basically a princess! I always got what I
wanted with a snap of a finger. Now I’m stuck to a chair, barely able to move a muscle because of ropes
that are tied around my wrists. I have to find a way to get out of here, maybe I could find something to
work with. I look around only to find a lamp shade and a large broken door. That’s it— that’s literally it.
Then again, it is a dark room. My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the creaking large door.
Standing there was someone holding a sharp knife. I attempted to look at my kidnapper’s face but I saw
nothing but their eyes staring blankly at me. I tried to scream for help but I can’t. I’m just so tired It’s like
I haven’t eaten for days to no end. I look up to see them heading towards me. I cried knowing that my
life will end in seconds. They raise the sharp knife and I waited.

I waited for the sharp knife to hit my head but I didn’t feel anything. What? That doesn’t make
any snse. Everything around me is spinning. Suddenly I woke up on my king sized bed next to my cat
naed Scribbles . I sighed, good thing it was dream! That nightmare felt so real. It’s like a--- My thoughts
were interrupted by my annoying alarm. Great, it’s Monday. No extra sleep for me I guess. “Wake up it’s
time to get up!” I groaned, my mom always does this. It’s so annoying! “Stand up and go!” I grudgingly
stood up and started to get ready.

After finishing I walk up to our car and sat on the front seat. After a boring ride of my mom
trying to be “hip with the kids” as hat you clall it. I walked out of my car and headed towards the
entrance of our school. I walked in and see my friends in our usual hangout spot. “Hey Charlotte and
Ashley!”, I called their name. They turned around and signaled me to come closer. I attempted to jog
over there but I bumped into someone. “Hey watch where you’re going!” I snapped at the girl. I heard
the girl whisper a faint sorry and hurriedly went to her locker. I scoffed, why can’t people just look for
once in their life! Everyoone is so stupid these days. She glanced back for a few seconds and continued
to run. Her eyes were dull. She looked like she faked a personality or something. Ugh I shouldn’t get
distracted; I am the student council president after all. Yes, you heard that right. I am the student
council president. Because of my popularity, it is not difficult for me to win the election

Aside from my beautiful features, I am also quite intelligent. I am not being cocky or narcissistic,
it is simply the truth. If you say otherwise, you are wrong. Anyways, I have to look intimidating and
approachable to be a good example and a great leader to my fellow students. Everything done by the
student body must be done neatly and perfectly. After all, failure is not acceptable especially when I am

I walked up to my best friends and greeted them. My friends are Charlotte and Ashley. Charlotte
was first to answer. It’s expected, between Charlotte and Ashley, Charlotte was always the nicer one.
She always gives everyone a second chance even if they don’t deserve it. Ashley on the other hand uses
her talents only to use it with brute force. To my surprise, it is effective. She only fights other guys
because they have a slight disadvantage. She wins all the time. It makes sense because she is our MVP

After a little chatting with a few acquaintances of mine from the other class, we headed straight
to our classroom. We were one of the few who were early. I looked over my usual seat to find someone
sitting on it. I walked up to them to ask for them to leave my seat and sit somewhere else. To my
surprise, it was the same girl who I bumped into this morning. I thought she’s in a different grade.
Maybe youngerI and the peculiar girl made eye contact. Her eyes, her eyes look so familiar. It reminds
me of my nightmare. Now that I think about it, she does have the same body structure as the kidnapper
in my dream. The height, the width, etc. Everything was identical. It’s scary. That dream felt so real. It’s
like it’s a sign something bad would happen to me. It’s like it’s telling me that someone is after me and
maybe my family’s fortune! I must find a way to sabotage her plans. Maybe using my social status will
help. Looking at her, she doesn’t seem to have any close friends except for the girl she is talking to. I will
not let her take my perfect life away from me! Everything that I’ve worked for will not be taken away by
some girl with anxiety who think they can kill me.

I’ll have to be extra smart of my schemes because I’ve heard she’s at the top of her class last
school year. She may be smart but she isn’t clever either. Her flaws are quite near to the average.
People tend to be shattered through emotional encounters like confessing to your crush and get
rejected or simply by teasing, mocking or insulting. I’ve heard that she is shy and is diagnosed with
anxiety so with this information, I can easily ruin her life. Through my social status it will be extremely
easy to destroy her and her life
May’s Point of View

A few days have passed since I bumped into the student council president and ever since then,
she would watch me like a hawk. I tried to talk to her because I thought maybe she wants to be friends
but I guess not. Was she really that mad about? She didn’t even get a scratch. Yes, a few papers and
books fell but that’s literally it. I said sorry even if she was the one who wasn’t looking.

She started to insult me when I try to talk to her. She even started to hurt me to the point where
I get bruises every single day. I hid most of them but the ones on my face since we have a policy about
accessories and stuff.

I asked everyone about it but all of them just either change the topic or ignore me completely.
Well, I’ll have to stop thinking about it for now since its dismissal. Maybe I can relax and watch a few
movies or series. Suddenly, I get a text from my best friend “Hey May, tomorrow after the end of class,
go behind the school at exactly 4:10 pm, It’s urgent.” ”Why is something wrong?” I replied, anxiously
waiting for a text. Faith doesn’t joke around these kinds of things so of course I would be nervous! “Just
do it”. I really hope something bad didn’t happen. Faith is my childhood friend, we’ve been friends since
we were four to five years old.

It’s dismissal time. I went to the exact spot Faith wanted to meet. She’s really taking a while. I
hope nothing bad came up.”Ättack!” I look behind me to see a mob of people caring balloons filled with
paint. I tried to run away but they caught up to me. “What’s the matter? You’re not going to cry, are
you?” a sea of people bawled in laughter like they were in a stand-up comedy club. “Why are you doing
this?”, Tears built up into my eye, I can’t do anything. I’m helpless, I can’t do anything to save myself
from the hurt and humiliation. I look behind the crowd to see Faith next to Hazel, our student council
president. She was smirking. Did she do this? What did I even do to her? The class laughs while throwing
more red paint. Do they lack sympathy or empathy? What is wrong with everyone! I ran away, luckily I
lost them in the park. I sneaked my way to my house to not make my mother or father get angry.
Whenever they are, things go south.

I went to the bathroom the clean myself off. Thankfully they didn’t realize that the paint wasn’t
water proof. I put on my night attire and layed on my bed. Tears slid off my cheek and into the ground.
Why does she hate me so much anyway?

Hazel’s Point of View

Everything is according to plan. May has a miserable life! Now she has no No one is on her side,
not even her best friend Faith. Whenever she enters the school. she gets mocked and insulted. It’s really
enjoyable to watch especially when she cries and nobody helps her. My only problem is her friends from
the other class. Whenever it’s break or lunch time I can’t do anything. So I’ll have to wait a few weeks
later and do my plan on dismissal. Then, it is time for my plan to finish May will get what she deserves.

May’s Point Of view

Rin and Ann really helped me out a lot these past few weeks. They always protected me from
my classmates and other schoolmates. It’s too bad I’m on a different class. I asked my homeroom
teacher if I could change classes but he said it is not possible. That’s too bad. I wanted to hang out with
them more often.

Time skip to the end of the day and we’re walking to school together. Rin said it would be safer
if I will walk with them. We were talking about a few lessons that I learned in my class to see which class
is falling behind. When suddenly, I felt eyes staring at me from a far distance. “May, are you alright?”
asked Ann. Ï’m fine, I just feel like someone’s watching me again” “Maybe it’s your imagination?” ”I
guess” I say with worry “You’re going to be okay” I smiled. “Alright, my house is this way. I’ll be going”
“Want us to walk with you?” “I can take care of myself”.

After a few goodbyes, we part our ways. I was walking in the narrow sidewalk when suddenly, a
hand covered my mouth. I fought back but to no avail. I lost. The stranger made me fall asleep.

I woke up in a dark room tied to chair with the only light source being a small light bulb there is
also a table with only one thing on it. A knife. The only entrance being a large big door. A figure walked
inside the room wearing gloves. They seem to be female. “Hello May” A familiar voice yet distorted
voice whispered into my ear. “Who are you?” I asked, my voice filled with worry. “Do not worry, you’ll
fugure that out” “Why did you kidnap me?” “STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!” Her voice echoed; she’s
furious. “What did I even do?” “Oh stop playing your mind games. You plan to kill me. Didn’t you?” “wh-
what?” I was confused, did she think I was someone else? She scoffed, “What are you talking about” She
stood up off her chair and revealed herself to me. “Hazel?” “Don’t act dumb!” she smashed the wall.
Why is she mad at me? She then took the knife pointing towards me. She raised the sharp object and
said these last words. “Goodbye, May”. That was the only thing I heard before I blacked out.

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